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53070807 No.53070807 [Reply] [Original]

once i have SEX my real life will begin!

>> No.53070833

it literally did for me

lost it in september (27yo) with a 8/10 and since then I had sex with 2 other different women, got my driving license, got my english certificate and early next year I'll join the army while keep investing

>> No.53070837

It didn't with me. Got laid at 27 this year and it changed nothing, sex was a total scam and it didn't feel better than fapping

>> No.53070847

it wasn’t due to sex but a change of attitude you moron
9 incels out of 10 would just kill themselves over the realization that losing virginity did not solve shit

>> No.53070858 [DELETED] 


>> No.53070860

s.o.y boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.53070865

>life begins
>throw it away by joining the army
Come on, man. You were so close.

>> No.53070868

It didn't solve shit

>> No.53070877

well I mean a psyche can’t be so trivial
it’s some kind of psyop between virgins to believe that sex-havers are all happy and stable

>> No.53070885

Are we being raided again?

>> No.53070890

how do i change my attitude?

>> No.53071007

Really? my 1st time was awful, I couldn't get hard but the girl gave me another chance and then it was awesome
Well, you are mostly right that I tried to change as much as possible this year, considering I was a depressed NEET for 5 years straight
But it did give me an incredible boost of confidence and now I can approach girls at nightclubs or in dating apps
I barely got any other choice. I didn't go to college. Also, I can always leave if things turn too bad (european) but I want to learn how to be as disciplined as possible, while gaining some money and meeting new people
In the end, my long term goal is to live from my investments
I stopped playing video games after 23 years of doing it daily
I quit porn
I started doing exercise x6 times per week
I started going out as much as possible even when I wanted to stay home

Books that really helped me:
Meditations from Marcus Aurelius
Some of Albert Camus to realize how absurd the world is
12th rules for life from Jordan B Peterson
Atomic Habits

Good luck, it's not an easy journey

>> No.53071018

>my english certificate

your what

>> No.53071034

you are supposed to quote that.

>> No.53071051

>everyone is born in an english speaking country

>> No.53071055

it's somewhat of a scam, once i have access to relatively regular sex, i tend to lose interest quite quick
had sex again after 2 years of not having it and got reminded again that while it is nice, it's not that amazing as it is made to be

>> No.53071065

I have sex atleast 2x a week every week and it's just a regular part of life that I don't even really think about anymore. It's with different women through out the year too. Really mind boggling that there are some of you fuckers out there whose entire life revolves around you not getting it when it's such a fucking inconsequential thing for most of us. I'm starting to hate you fucking faggots. I don't know why. I think it's because you whine like women and act like niggers.

>> No.53071129

Stfu. The only sex I have and ever had is once a month with a prostitute that is counting the time to the second so she can make me leave. Woman just hate me by default because I am short and ugly, you dont know what it's like to be like this. You are fucking priveleged and you don't even realise it.

>> No.53071292
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Your effort is top but most anons wont listen. Trust me, i tried. They messed up in live to much to admit it is their fault. I fucking salut everyone though who made it by his own actions, never gave up on himself, admits that he has to learn to master live and most importantly: Has sex)

>> No.53071327

1. stop being short
2. stop being ugly
3. be white
4. stop buying prostitutes

there you go

>> No.53071334

im from a non english speaking country

>> No.53071361

Eh I am 23 yo about to literally go out this night, went to an afterhours club event just a couple days ago

Literally kissless, textless virgin.
I spend my teenage years and early adulthood in crippling, self defeating misery. I am honestly surprised that I didn’t rope at 19yo, because I literally died back then. I sadistically dissociated myself into having "bolted“ on social skills that allow me to work a charity related promotion job
I now I am a mental cell, but watching the Dr. K‘s YouTube therapy sessions and realizing how seemingly useless they appear to be (given that he should be more effective understanding the growing up on the internet generation) I can only imagine how bad actual therapy is. There is no remorse
Just dissociating into day after day

>> No.53071428
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