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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.12 MB, 574x578, 1672360482914335.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53067083 No.53067083 [Reply] [Original]

Let's start with the obvious. This guy is dysgenic as fuck. I challenge you to watch a single video of this orcish freak without automatically wondering what bizarre genetic accident led him to be so fucking ugly. Seriously, look up Pierre Robins sequence, this guy has it. He is the embodiment of the Amerimutt meme, he looks like someone asked an AI to create a living example of the dangers of uncontrolled racemixing and fetal alcohol syndrome. The funniest thing about this guy is that he acts like some kind of perfect specimen of humanity, while unironically sporting the receding chin, bald pate, goofy squeaking voice and cartoon ears of a bastard child born of incest.

That's not even the funniest thing though, because besides looking like a melted waxwork figure from an exhibition on the degenerate art of Weimar Germany, he is also just a fucking faggot. If there's a war on masculinity, this guy is the result, the crowning fucking achievement of that war. He preens constantly, everything he does is about his image, whether people are thinking about him, how many people are paying attention to him. He is effectively a male version of Kim Kardashian. Seriously, watch his videos and look for anything resembling actual masculinity, not the cheap, tawdry drag-queen masculinity that he sells. Where are his children? Where is his wife? Where is his homestead? Where are the things he has created with his hands? Where are the lands he has tamed? His videos show how he actually spends his time, shopping, dancing in tight shirts, plucking his eyebrows, getting massages and hanging out with other men. The only exception to these are the videos where he sticks a phallic symbol in his mouth and lisps angrily about how men aren't butch enough nowadays and how brotherly love is the greatest thing on earth. Pop a wig and a dress on the fag and he'd fit right in at your local library.

>> No.53067097

this isn't business or finance anon

>> No.53067105

literally who

>> No.53067120

who the fuck is this and how is this relevant to making money?

>> No.53067126

fuck off with your off topic threads faggots. no one gives a fuck

>> No.53067140

Transexuals are not women

>> No.53067222

Who is this cute woman?

>> No.53067290

is that webm really him? holy fuck that is hilarious.

>> No.53067303
File: 395 KB, 475x288, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Tate

>> No.53067383

kek this

>> No.53067393

I read like 3/4 of your post and i think that you can not be a mentally healthy person. Also pic related is not Tate.

>> No.53067447

based and 100% factual insight
mutt fraud guru for mutt mongoloids