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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53066140 No.53066140 [Reply] [Original]

>The Pod is 100 Grand and filled with black mold

>> No.53066163

why haven't riots started yet? how do people put up with this?

>> No.53066168

Looks like a teardown. How much are other houses in the neighborhood?

>> No.53066173

This is a good deal. You fuckers don’t understand pain.


>> No.53066186

>10 bd, 3ba

lol wtf

>> No.53066191

5 bunk beds in the ball

>> No.53066195
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Not crazy expensive

>> No.53066222

How much do you think it would cost to repair everything?

>> No.53066232

>$170k just for land

>> No.53066244
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100 billion dollars?

Imagine having to explaining to the Mexican day laborers on how to format wood into a dome

>> No.53066284

>i'll give you $90k for it take it or leave it

>> No.53066491
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>central ac, electric

>> No.53066596
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>10 bed
>3 bath
>5000 sqft

That's one of the best deals Ive ever seen tf?

>> No.53066611


>> No.53066633

someone watches sam hyde's livestreams

>> No.53066635 [DELETED] 
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>i vill NOT live in ze pod
>i vill NOT eat ze bags
>i vill NOT werk for fghee
>i vill NOT die alone
>i VILL make it

>> No.53068316

>Next to Mister Ed's Elephant Museum & Candy Emporium.
Worth every penny.

>> No.53068359

I'd imagine no architect would sign off on this so its probably incredibly poorly ventilated and has mold in every crevice

>> No.53068382


Jesus Christ...

>> No.53068409

True, I just saw a shitty vacnt lot in the town I grew up in for $335,000.

>> No.53068605
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Boomers were a mistake

>> No.53068740
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>Damp ceiling
What's the point getting this when you've got this shit to deal with. The only method I know of would require pressure injecting the concrete with silicone like you do with blue bricks to prevent rising damp, but I don't know if it can be applied to a concrete shape like this. The repairs to this look like it's going to cost a fortune, so you're probably better off building one yourself.

>> No.53068778

>buy it
>tear it all down
>take a shit in the middle of the pile of rubble
>take a picture and send it to the former owner to let them know what their pile of junk was actually worth
>hire a local contractor and have them throw together a woodframe planhome for 150k
>sell it for half a million using all the tricks in the book to get wet sluts to agree to the zestimate so they can fuck their man and finally have some kids

>> No.53068800

>10bd 3ba

>> No.53069025


>> No.53069485

sell this shit to a star wars fanatic

>> No.53069509

I think women is honestly the answer.

>> No.53069523

the pod != a dome-shaped house

>> No.53069773

Wonder how many future /biz/ posts will just be stolen content from Nick Rochefort's hit home reviews show on Sam Hyde's Perfect Clips Livestreams (tm)

>> No.53069804
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>> No.53069820

I think we can all agree that real estate reviews is a pretty original and funny concept for a show, and it's incredible niche and seems like quite the money maker

that's why they're mde and you should be a supreme beast

>> No.53069864

>I haven't started the revolution
>It's clearly someone elses fault >:(

>> No.53069870

Whoever wrote the description writes like a nigger.

>> No.53069878

>Everyone is priced out of buying a house and buying decent groceries
Zoomers do nothing
>Random nigger dies in Minnesotas
Zoomers go apeshit

>> No.53069884


>> No.53069901

Lol only because rioting over niggers is authorized by the state

>> No.53069905

Foid post

>> No.53069937

we all saw nick talk about that, retard

>> No.53069946

The French unheaded all their politicians and their economic inequality at the time was lower than it currently is in the US.

>> No.53069952

Why do you think it's for sale? The original buyer bought it thinking it would be a cool fixer-upper when rates were low and money was free.

>> No.53069976

How’s your HRT goin?

>> No.53069979

>surrender monkeys chimping hundreds of years ago would go the same way today
The French unheaded all their politicians and their economic inequality at the time was lower than it currently is in Russia and China.

>> No.53069996
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Not really

>> No.53069998

The worst parts of socialism with respects to economics in Canada. Fuck me we've been destroyed.
'Free Healthcare', 'Free food', 'Free housing', 'Free money'...
We're about to find out this shit was not free.
T. fellow leaf, 26 yrs

>> No.53070031
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The irony is this guy probably spent years lecturing people on how it doesn't need any insulation because it's mathematically impossible for it to get cold with it being a hemisphere.

>> No.53070032

tedmax, might as well start squatting on government land, you could probably get away with it for years

>> No.53070122
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I don't understand coasties, basically just move where it's cheap, even east coast is ridiculously expensive imo

also all of those places are liberal

yes illinois is liberal but this is a 60 percent trump county, expect to find deals like this in the rust belt, west virg, kentucky, etc

if you can make 200k you can literally retire, and just coast on boom bust cycles

>> No.53070167

>I don't understand coasties
Having grown up near the coast, I have a very deep seated hatred of seagulls. Luckily I now live far enough away a barely ever hear them.

When they start nesting on roofs, the amount of noise they make is fucking ridiculous. It's from about 3-4am round to 11pm or later. Continuous screeching over summer. Because they're raising more of the sky shitbulls in the nests on the roofs.

>> No.53070177

>what is an air rifle or slingshot or just owning a cat

>> No.53070195

I'm sure coastie towns allow you to shoot an air rifle out of your window with no consequence

get a load of this guy

>> No.53070205
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>or just owning a cat

>> No.53070214

>what is an air rifle
You're not allowed to shoot them in the UK because they're technically "migratory gulls". They're also technically no longer "sea" gulls. How eerily similar to other UK policies.

Same applies to Canadian honkers though. Imagine how much meat you got get off a flock of the fuckers. Just pick them up by the neck and cyclone spin them into a wall when they come at you for bread. They have 0 hit points and terrible take off times.

>> No.53070236

they have to shutdown the internet so this could ever happen again

>> No.53070245

My condolences, here's hoping you guys manage to get a lot more based and make it through the next decade alright. I'm sure you've seen the signs already but you're due for an economic hellstorm that is not going to be pretty and is just starting to really hit the public zeitgeist. Also, birdbgone.com has what you need and is entirely legal - I've had to deal with the flying rats myself and when the first three methods failed or got me a warning I went to that as the final solution.

>> No.53070269

>Let's talk about people wasting my time
>I'm tired of the tire kickers
>No time wasters, please
He's selling a shitty one of a kind property that's falling apart and asking way too much for it. He's in no position to be complaining.

>> No.53070272
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geodesic domes are cool in theory but they almost always make shity houses. every surface is a roof and water never gets properly flashed off. theres a few examples of ones in florida that are done right, but they cost twice as much to build as this entire listing.

this one is a great example, stucco finish, roof is geodesic for better aerodynamics during hurricanes, but with vertical side walls and properly flashed roofs so you dont end up with a moldy shitbox

>> No.53070298

They come all the way from Italy

>> No.53070306

how are people literally not tearing their hair out in anger at every waking moment in the uk

it's subtle jabs like "migratory gulls", that are so on the nose

>> No.53070322
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Thanks fren. I live in the countryside now so it's mainly just based crows that peck the moss of roofs and out of gutters. They don't seem to like it being there.

I was waiting for picrel to appear. Predictably, now the place is nicely fucked up, all of a sudden it's not so cool anymore. I like that. Because it's inevitable what it not being so cool anymore will encourage.

>> No.53070363

>so you dont end up with a moldy shitbox
I have a suspicion his is so mouldy with plaster falling off because he's basically built it from plywood and then gone straight onto it with the plasterboard / plaster, so there's no insulation and water vapour is just condensing into all the surfaces.

>how are people literally not tearing their hair out in anger at every waking moment in the uk
It is a joke yeah. Personally, I moved 23 miles away from the nearest city (nuke / chimpout zone) and bought'd a fixer upper. Diamond in the rough for sure. So... I'm planning to just ride out the storm here in comfy town. I would actually be surprised if there aren't some majorly woke riots on the way. But those will be happening in the cities, one in particular. I really must be clear, not my problem.

>> No.53070386

I've noticed the way the government uses language in the uk is literally meant to piss you off

in the usa they will lie and obfuscate to try to draw your attention away but the uk government just blatantly states that migrants are a protected class, even bringing that language into birds and what you can do to them, it's actually incredible

>> No.53070405

David Cameron dropped the ball and cleared everything up for tin foil hat gas lighters when he specifically used the phrase
>state overseen multiculturalism has failed
The first part of that is particularly important for any doubters.

>> No.53070475

There is no such thing as rising damp you twat. Just open a window and fix any cold bridges. Problem solved

>> No.53070485

>These cheeky fuckers
I wonder if the three problems have a through line to them which New Statesman is ignoring.

>> No.53070502

Fugggg I know where this is. My friends and I saw a dogman or a Bigfoot in the woods near there.

>> No.53071133

>only brickhouse is over 1,5 mill in the middle of nowhere.
lmao us. not like I can afford the 600k homes here where I live on 30k yearly wages and over 800 in rent.

>> No.53071139

that wholde dome is leaky

>> No.53071332

I liked Nicks streams too OP

Seems like PGL and 4chan biz has a pretty massive overlap of populations

>> No.53071784
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Watching the episode right now


>> No.53071837
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>> No.53072022

have fun burning in the summer and freezing in the winter, in those metal death traps. no insulation, no stabilisation, if you cut off a wall. it might look stylish and cheep, but you need ALOT of work, to turn rusty, moldy containers into something good. you need to know somebody who can weld or you will have a bad time.

>> No.53072038

seagulls will eat your cat, before the cat ever catches a seagull. those bastards are on the same tier as hawks and eagles.

>> No.53072061
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lol I was watching it last night. nick's analysis stayed on point all the way through despite getting sloshed

>> No.53072093


ye that's what I'm up to this morning too

>> No.53072185

When was Britain cool?

>> No.53072283

>paint it to look like the arena in mad max
>tell people you live in the thunderdome
Worth every penny.

>> No.53072845
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Built in 1997 and uses an oil furnace. What the fuck?


>Just pick them up by the neck and cyclone spin them into a wall when they come at you for bread.
White men respect animals.

>> No.53074054

what are you a cult leader? 10 bedrooms that are gaurunteed pajeet level shacks

>> No.53074110

just fine for my 18 year old brides. Respect my religion ( just as valid as your christcuck jew thing) you bigot

>> No.53074121

not an argument

>> No.53074148

are you stupid enough to think that was organic? it was just another Arab Spring

>> No.53074185
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>> No.53074184

There has never been a revolution without the population starving to death. The grocery store supply chain is the more important part of keeping normalcy in the country.

>> No.53074332
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>> No.53074360

approximately 100% of those dome houses are owned by weird jews

>> No.53074363

Oh, it's simple.
The illusion of freedom, dilution of responsibility and monopolization of media.
You see, there is general "consensus" (even if most people think it's bullshit, they don't realize most people think it's bullshit) that no one is at fault for current economical situation and that current leaders are chosen by majority.
In totalitarian/authoritarian system there is generally one guy to blame and rally against, but in democracy you get these parliaments with all these confusing party systems and so on where politicians play the blame game to misdirect citizens.
You could help greatly by blocking outsiders and corporation from buying houses. It won't happen because there are bribes, but also it would greatly reduce costs of loans and thus tax revenue and profits for buddies in corpo world.
Ok, you could start a revolution, right? Not really. Media are bought, the social ones are monitored and subverted. There is generally an optics about anti-govenment types being nazis or whatever bogeyman you want, hell you could use "opposite" media website to spin two different narratives that still benefit the "elite":
Curb illegal immigration? NAZIS
Both things would benefit the general populace, but not the corporations

Eh, right. Why?
How do you even start an actual protest without getting simply arrested because you're a just an one guy? People are angry, but not angry enough, it's the frog boiling situation. They don't even notice.
Closest case were Yellow Vests in France, but media simply sat silent and police smashed people's faces in. Elections could be faked, but if media are under control of elites, then people won't be directed to do anything. They don't realize the entire system is geared against them.

>> No.53074406

cuz its a ton of land

>> No.53074446

>Take the Tatooine pill

>> No.53074482

What are you a faggot who sleeps and shits and eats in the same room and vlogs about it on youtube?

>> No.53074549

It's not a good deal, you're just used to seeing even worse deals.

>> No.53074593

I mean, look at this shit:
It was filmed in 2017.
One would guess that after such blatant bullshittting he would get his ass kicked out, right?
Nope, maybe even some people supported him because he "was going against" conservatives or whatever.
Even if he gets voted out, he already cashed out a lot from his occupancy. His place will take another psychopathic hyena because "democracy" promotes lying to the common man and protects the person who lies from guillotine.

>> No.53075426

Yeah, and the landed gentry have spent the last 200 years psyoping the peasantry so that never happens again

>> No.53075500

>just live in a shack in a dilapidated hellhole!
Why move when I can shoot myself in the head right where I am?

>> No.53075522

Suppressors are legal on air rifles, no noise, no complaints

>> No.53075709

>dilapidated hellhole!
but enough about coastal cities. we're talking about rural low crime homogenous communities. you aren't liberal or brown are you? then there shouldn't be a problem

>> No.53075733

>a ton of rooms you will never use
>a retarded amount of space that you will have to heat and cool
>even if you could fix it, the retarded structure will surely lead to very inconvenient maintenance
It's not a good deal, it's fucking retarded. I hate all of these retard giga behemoth homes that get built. We need to bring back the 2br, 1000-1200 sq ft home.

>> No.53077200

population density makes that impossible in coastie towns unless, you have a mansion and like 5 acres right on the coast so no one could find out, of course that costs millions

>> No.53077904

Would be worth it if you had another 100k to throw at building materials and a few solid ladders and tools.