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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53055016 No.53055016 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking of opening russia-themed cybercafes 2000s style in SoCal, maybe serve some spicy asian food there as well.
Literally free money, what am I missing?

>> No.53055025

> what am I missing?
your meds

wtf is this business idea even, schizo

>> No.53055027

fuck off, we are full

>> No.53055038

sounds based, add some tall booths for people who want privacy, it'll become an instant hang out spot

>> No.53055043

I'm here and it's literally empty lmao

>> No.53055076

Why would Americans go to cybercafes? We all have our own GoyBooks we don't need to rent computer time, you can just hang out in a Starbucks or other hipster cafe and use their wifi while pretending to work. Or join one of those coworking spaces.

Cybercafes are profitable in the third world because people don't have their own computers and need a place to rent time on one and play vidya or whatever. People aren't going to do that here. If you think your spicy Asian food is so good just open a normal restaurant and advertise free wifi.

>> No.53055099

$300k is not enough money to do anything in SoCal.

>> No.53055104

there will be functional furniture (sit-stand desk, aeron chairs) for ppl coming with their laptops
most of the spots would be with no computer

and it's gonna be dark in there
it's similar to coworking but not rly

>> No.53055116

it buys 1 year of runway for this type of business (I did Los Angeles calculations)

>> No.53055142

How is that business model even profitable?
I would understand in the early 2000's, where you could play decent specs with a good connection. But anyone in current times who is dedicated enough o travel to a dark seedy room, and sit on a dirty chair, to have access to high power gaming PC's, would surely be dedicated enough to own their own home Setup.
Who's your clientele?

>> No.53055156

i dunno. I think lonely ppl.
our gen might be having a crisis of loneliness, so going somewhere to use slightly powerful tech and maybe have a chance of socializing might be neat

>> No.53055200

only way this shit turns profit is when you start pushing crack cocaine out of your so called cyber cafe

>> No.53055371

Yeah but you need free entry for gals and charge boys. That's the only way your project works.

>> No.53055694

Yeh it would be super cool if you could make it a comfy hang out. Provide free gigabit wifi. Host hack events etc.
Id come.
Good luck.

>> No.53055703

Isn’t Russian cancelled in leftist states?

>> No.53055740

basically a gamble, you either strike gold or fail miserably

>> No.53055797

i mean i just lose 150k, it will probably be clear halfway into the year if this is tractable

>> No.53055816

Nobody wants to go anywhere unless they get their dick sucked

>> No.53055895

well you can meet someone who eventually might be willing to
beats sitting at home in that department

>> No.53055917

I work in a cyber cafe AMA
tldr most money comes from printing shit and copy machine stuff

>> No.53055981

mind leaving ur discord?

what is the revenue looking like, b4 taxes and expenses? is it in the us?

>> No.53055988

Bingo. I’m 24, I’ve gone to the single LAN cafe in my city to hang out with people while gaming. I try to take friends there sometimes because it feels like it would be a fun mix between in person hanging out and digital hanging out. I think I would interact with the LAN cafe in my area more if it had more events that let me meet people, like if it had teams you could join through the cafe and tournaments. Really ideally a LAN cafe I would go to is one that communicates well to me what social events are going on and can assure me I will show up and have a good time and meet new people. I went to a third party tournament one time they hosted for Dota and it was fun as fuck. I also like that they stock drinks and snacks and let me eat at the PC.
Anyway yes, I can confirm if you can make it work there’s definitely business to be had catering more towards zoomer socialization. I don’t know if it’s enough business since most zoomers I know are poor as fuck, but there is business. It’s how board game stores function, thriving off MTG communities and board game nights, there’s no reason gaming shouldn’t have a similar social setting available.

>> No.53056111

Sounds like a great plan unironically. Make sure to arrange social events/tournaments and marketing. Do unique shit like retro tournaments for games like quake or cs1.6 occasionally. Maybe get some billiard and ping-pong tables as well. Capitalize on zoomer nostalgia fetishism. In my 2nd world city, there's only a handful of cybercafes left but they are full of customers every night.

>> No.53056165

Ill be honest, I don't see a pcbang working anymore unless its exclusively made for koreans/chinese to come and play league, literally unrionically anything else would not even make money, and even then you won't be making that much unless its in a REALLY busy location

>> No.53056182

Zoomers are manchildren that never grow up. What OP is suggesting is just an extension of the BARCADE meme. If they spend all their money on funko pops then they won't mind spending their money on this.

>> No.53056298

>Russia themed

So a poor depressing dingy basement where you can get gay raped. An interesting theme.

>> No.53056831


>> No.53056838

Cool cybercafes can't exist in America. Policing homeless niggers would ruin it.

>> No.53056844
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>Open Russian cafe
>Ukraine cafe nextdoor overpowers you
Bad idea OP.