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53051780 No.53051780 [Reply] [Original]

why can’t prices just stay the same forever

>> No.53051794

The government should make prices stay the same by force.
Idc if it's communism or what have you

>> No.53051798

Humans can't have nice things because of greed

>> No.53051830


>> No.53051874

Because then rich people would just be hoarding cash all the time and would rarely ever spend it on useless shit they don't need.
Inflation forces people to spend money and keep it circulating rather than just letting it melt idly away.

>> No.53051927

How else are the jews gonna get by? Not letting them pocket the printed money? That's antisemitic

>> No.53051965

That's never going to happen little retard.

>> No.53051975
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>> No.53051976

because the number of people changes.

>> No.53051979

Deflation Trap is a lie, rich people will only "hoard" until there's something worth to spend on, and actually hoarding like scrooge mcduck isn't even a real thing for actual billionaires, allmost all money billionaires have today is invested into something either theirs or others business, creating value and jobs. And even if they did actually hoard, since there's less money circulating, the remaining cash would increase in value in relation to every good in the market, so people's money would have more buying power, absolutely not anything negative, on the contrary.

>> No.53051980

>implying lower prices don’t create demand

>> No.53052029

>lock down whole economy
>demand shock cause nobody buys shit
>lockdowns disrupt supply lines
>unlock economy
>supply shock cause everybody now wants to buy shit
>energy demand and production crisis
>propagation of energy market shock ripples through all sectors
>all the while printing a shit ton of money and even handing it out for consumption

Text book inflation really. People saw it coming in April of 2020 already.
Unfortunately people at the FED/ECB are braindead.

Or worse, they arent...

>> No.53052052

Currency being hoarded due to deflationary mechanics would imply that you're paying a higher cost for goods. Like buying groceries with Bitcoin but the value never crashes. How do you get more Bitcoin if 90% of it is being hoarded? The rich then sell you Bitcoin at a higher and higher and higher cost, therefore the cost of groceries is increasing too.

>> No.53052081

>If I wait another month, that thing I like is going to be cheaper!

>> No.53052316

The government is the wealthy's cumrag. They only exist to serve them with endless money printing and highly inflated demand with mass migration

>> No.53052845

I knew they were responsible just not the details
So is this the reason? Are there periods of deflation too? Is there any tradfi equivalent of ”burning”, like somehow taking money out of circulation?

>> No.53052950

cool it off with the anti-semitism

exactly the opposite, rich people love inflation because they have enough money to hoard real estate, and the poorer inflation makes everyone around them the better off they are, just look how the rich cornered the housing markets so that 90% of young people will be forced to rent forever

inflation is a way to stop you from saving money and making you spend it on useless shit under the threat of it being worth less the next day, so that you never get your hands on a piece of land or a house (the only things that matter)

>> No.53052975
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Watch all 10 episodes of vid related.

>> No.53052992
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>jews take over the banks
>Immediately drag us into two world wars

>> No.53053008

>id: kum

>> No.53053042
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>> No.53053073
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>(((war on terrorism)))
>(((war on drugs)))
>(((war on this)))
>(((war on that)))
All wars are banker's wars aka all wars are jewish wars. Gotta print that fiat into oblivion to keep the fiat ponzi scheme going. The reason we live in a globohomo dystopian nightmare world is SOULEY due to the fact the jews create fiat currency out of thin air. With Gold and silver their tricks don't work.

>> No.53053710

>Is this the reason?
That's the only possible honest reason I know of. Its what gets taught in public universities. I think its BS though. Obviously, people are going to buy stuff they want and make investments they think will be profitable whether theres inflation or deflation. Pressuring everyone to consume and investment by promising to destroy the purchasing power of their currency if they don't is a terrible way to "stimulate" the economy. Its clearly just an excuse for enriching themselves and their cronies with newly printed currency.
>Tradfi equivalent of burning?
Yeah, when loans get paid back to banks, dollars get destroyed.

>> No.53053847

They aren’t. They know exactly what they’re doing.

>> No.53053865

its an invisible tax anon to rape you up the ass and fill the pockets of the 1% all the while deleting your purchasing power and dilution of the 31trillion dollar debt ITS A BIG CLUB AND YOU AINT IN IT

>> No.53053892

>rich people love inflation because they have enough money to hoard real estate
You're not wrong about this, but you just provided another example of SPENDING CASH instead of hoarding it. Just because you're buying assets that produce more value it doesn't mean you're not spending cash to combat inflation.

>> No.53053930

Dumbass if your Bitcoin is sold at a higher cost, it means groceries cost less Bitcoin. I.e the price goes down

>I will just not eat this month because the price will be cheaper!!!
>I will just stop buying circuit boards cus the price gets cheaper!!!
>goes bankrupt
Sorry nog but lower prices does mean increases demand. It’s basic economics rere

>> No.53054021

We don't. We create a new crypto model based on the Building and Loans banking model from 100 years ago. Crypto would be the backed with the value of the land and property. And the exchange itself would be protected from kikery because each bag holder has 1 vote.

>> No.53054032

>How do you get more Bitcoin if 90% of it is being hoarded?
Think for a moment how dumb it is to complain about an asset going up in price. That's your problem, not mine. I'm buying before you.

>> No.53054120

Why? Because businesses charge more for their products and services.
That is ultimate reason and simple reason, but the indirect causes for rapid inflation right now is because of the insane increase in money supply during the pandemic.
Pretty sure my country (UK) printed more money in two years than all of the money it has printed since 2008.
I always said to everybody I knew that massive inflation rates was going to come because of it down the line and they all got angry with me - 'would you rather people die?!!!' is what they would ask.
If you increase the money supply in an economy while the economic output remains constant - you are going to get inflation. If you do it when economic output plummets to its lowest levels in decades like it did during the pandemic, then it will be bad enough to lead to a recession.
I guarantee the vast majority of people regret shutting down everything now for something that was nowhere near as bad as we thought it was. Why the fuck couldn't they just keep over 60s and people with known health conditions restricted instead of the whole fucking population?
We just need another major recession unfortunately so prices go down. People are just going to keep spending the way they are if they don't have to panic about anything and businesses will therefore just keep jacking up prices because they can get away with it.
We can already see it happening where I live. The housing market is jacking up all of its prices because landlords know there is a crash coming as demand will plummet due to people not being able to afford housing soon. In some areas, house prices have fallen for the first time since the housing market crash which means demand is already beginning to fall rapidly. You have all these boomers trying to sell properties to a broke generation basically.

>> No.53054150

>Dumbass if your Bitcoin is sold at a higher cost, it means groceries cost less Bitcoin. I.e the price goes down
holy shit you're dumb. you're assuming you're swapping BTC for groceries at a variable rate that follows the real time markets. when you go grocery store shopping today does the price of every good constantly shift every 1 second to update based on the FOREX value of your currency? you are trading your BTC at a flat, established rate, while paying more for BTC than before. Therefore the cost of goods is higher.
Secondly, others (the wealthy) still have their BTC to swap because they're hoarding and you're scrounging for scraps, therefore you get less goods. There are still buyers for goods with deflationary currencies, it's just not you. And they spend less on shit they don't need, therefore less is circulating for the lower and middle class to collect.

>> No.53054176

>t. retard that bought 0.01 BTC at 60k
I've been here for years and guaranteed I bought at lower prices than you and took more profits than you.
It's not my fault you don't understand basic economics. What happens when you and 99% of commoners have no more BTC to trade for things you need, genius? Then you're back to buying the top lmao

>> No.53054214

Only midwits can believe in the deflation trap.

>> No.53054290

>muh instant price change
Prices do change in the short-run, and relatively quickly. Stores can update prices weekly, just as we saw with inflation.

If we're assuming btc as the medium of exchange, then you'll also be paid in btc meaning your salary(fixed) will be gaining in purchasing power.

>> No.53054378

So does inflation cause your purchasing power to increase?

>> No.53054412

Because fuck you

>> No.53054425

Do you mean to suggest that the currency that only the rich can print is better for commoners than the one that no one can print? Yes, people will earn less and less Bitcoin, but what they had previously saved will be worth more.

>> No.53054429

>it's da joos
go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.53056007

the answer is Jews

>> No.53056073

>t. living in hyperinflation
fuck keynesian jews