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53040335 No.53040335 [Reply] [Original]

You realize FTX came down on purpose because of a fucking goblins Jew's fetish, right? She wrote about this on her blog. She gets off to this shit.

>> No.53040375

Shes just coping at the fact that shes a shit trader who lost billions

>> No.53040385

>making guys think i'm attractive

>> No.53040401
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Tell me im beautiful anon.

>> No.53040444
File: 222 KB, 624x755, 1669093684822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was written years ago. She planned it... She literally stole billions and caused suicides because she has a fucked up attention fetish.

>> No.53042034


>> No.53042082

where did she live prior? sounds like a mexican free haven

>> No.53042116

there's a subset of high IQ men who only want to find a high IQ wife and don't care if she looks like a dog, infact some of them even consider it a plus if she's unattractive because the fact that she's able to achieve and dwell in those circles despite being ugly serves as more "proof" of her high IQ

these people are often ashkenazi jewish and often with backgrounds in maths/science

>> No.53042409

And this is why we have an autism epidemic. Previously, there were harsh darwinian conditions killing these mentally fucked up people in childhood. Now they manage to survive and multiply. They are selecting for themselves.

>> No.53042768
File: 35 KB, 582x582, 1667881097168297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can but i want expensive perks

>> No.53042848

None of these people are autistic. They're still psychopaths operating in reptile brain. Do you honestly think those people you spoke about from the past were any better? They were just like these FTX Alameda hooligans. Difference is they needed to have brute strength or brutes behind them and nowadays in modern societies that's not really a requirement anymore, at least for now, due to technological advancements. Caroline would be the equivalent of a dark ages lady who would murder or plot intrigues against others. And so many others of her type. I believe your thinking is erroneous on this respect.

>> No.53042962

amazing. she literally fulfilled all her dreams.

>> No.53043002

Damn that's me. I've been with a smoothbrain before, it's just not worth it. Current gf has a bit of a man face but I actually enjoy spending time with her

>> No.53043027

Ok homo

>> No.53043118

>bit of a man face

>> No.53043152

newton massachusetts

mexicans allowed only when landscaping

>> No.53043234
File: 22 KB, 223x349, AD74C38D-3ED6-43FC-98F8-9A0820CFD172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, the bay area is a wasteland for heterosexual men. Every stem “nerd” chick who came here became a gigastacy with 10+ orbiters

>> No.53043266

Companies like jane street are full of stigmatised geniuses with this mindset. This is exactly why they need power.

>> No.53043362
File: 20 KB, 320x294, 1647417310273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a solid 6/10

>> No.53043626

They fucked up and are cringe coping with the loss of their former identity.

>> No.53043876
File: 205 KB, 1170x1770, E1ADD3B1-3AD5-477A-9ECB-20B8D22A6E5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Caroline. I think you’re ugly. When I look at you the last thing that comes to mind is
>dark ages lady who would murder or plot intrigue against others
On the contrary, all I see is a small and pitiful woman doomed to live in SBF’s shadow. Imagine that: spending your life in an inferior position to yet another failed big-league scammer, then coping by pretending you’re some romantic medieval figure. I really do feel sorry for you. I hope you’re in therapy. I’m not a big believer in that sort of thing, but in extreme cases like yours, I’m not sure there are many alternatives.