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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 383 KB, 1706x1137, brave-browser1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53038935 No.53038935 [Reply] [Original]

WTF man? You guys convinced me to DL this 17 days. I noticed 10 days ago I'd stopped earning any BAT at all, even though I'd only gotten 0.25 up to that point. So I verified on Gemini, and right after I went up to 0.275 BAT. Since then I have earned nothing until today when it went up to 0.300 BAT. You guys told me you were earning anywhere from 8-30 BAT a month, and I am online 12+ hours a day, on the fucking browser. I tried restarting my PC and clearing my history. No change. What is wrong with this shit?

I also noticed if I tried to tip someone, it says they aren't a member or whatever, and it will try again over 30 days or something. It says nothing about messaging that person and encouraging them to open a BAT wallet. What kind of bullshit is that? How is this thing supposed to grow if no one knows about it, not even people users I trying to give free money to? I'm so glad I didn't actually buy some of this shit like I was going to. It sounded so good, until I started looking deeper and discovered it basically does nothing it promised to. I thought this thing was legit, but I guess it's yet another scan. And even though I didn't spend anything, I still feel like a fool for believing it.

>> No.53038973

Just turn the ads off retard. BAT was a scam that Brave ran to steal money and now they’re selling what’s left in the UGP wallet and ditching it entirely

>> No.53039014

hang yourself retard, im buying more BAT

>> No.53039067

Good luck. It’s going to .08 by the first week of 2023. It’s been over for over a year.

>> No.53039158

the price doesnt matter to me, ill buy more BAT regardless.

>> No.53039166

Worst looking chart I've ever seen.
BAT is literally dying. It's going to 0.

>> No.53039198

Why? Wtf are you trying to accomplish? You can’t take ownership of the company if you buy up all their tokens. If we could I would shitcan 90% of the staff

>> No.53039265

Brave is a good browser but BAT is a meme. The company is transitioning to normal search engine ads and doesn't really need to keep supporting it

>> No.53039935

Coordinated fags using the very same, particular phrasing thread after thread

>> No.53040078

Uninstalled Brave because of these faggots.
Imagine being emotionally invested in a browser that's not even that good.

>> No.53040095

You actually have to click on the ads OP. Just turning them on isn't enough.
That being said, I don't give a shot about the token itself, I just use brave because I like the browser. I never bothered with bat token itself.

>> No.53040951

You uninstalled a browser because anonymous people on internet said negative things that could be fact checked first-hand as a user? Are you a woman?

>> No.53041028

>Are you a woman?
Projection, you are the one crying about fud in these threads constantly kek.
>Token literally not needed
>Everything brave implements has been done by Opera before in a better way.
>>>/g/ was right, Brave are the most obnoxious users.
I will enjoy seeing this token die.

>> No.53041080

I'm still earning a couple BAT a month, but the most important thing about Brave is no ads on Youtube at all ever.

>> No.53041347

im buying more BAT again

>> No.53041358

kill yorself

>> No.53041371


>> No.53041580


>> No.53041587

but i do make 20-30+ BAT a month

>> No.53041599

The BAT token is shit. Deal it with Chud.

>> No.53041974

The browser is fine. BAT itself is shit.
>here you go sirs, browser that protects your privacy and you get free token per month just for using!
>um sirs... can we please get your social security information in exchange for 25 cents per month?

>> No.53042003

What other info did browser collect in exchange for bat? I remember fags on g warning people against using this browser and to not chase bat. Not sure who was correct

>> No.53042104
File: 6 KB, 250x200, 1665389061598360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brave = chrome with added complications
>kyc your internet history

i used brave back in what, 2018/2019? never had so many crashes with a browser! am sticking to librewolf, hardened firefox and ungoogled chromium. cheers

>> No.53042130

Hello, it's a scam
Noticed it for me too

>> No.53042152

It's worthless anyway. You can't even withdraw and sell without giving all of your personal information to one of only two possible exchanges it lets you withdraw to. The one I tried wanted me to send a fucking wire transfer to verify my bank account AFTER I gave all my KYC info, driver's license, etc. Fuck that.

>> No.53042237

You fucking serious? I’ve heard of people having to take pictures of themselves AND a fucking photo of their id to use exchanges like binance. I can’t imagine how stupid that must be for a browser funny money

>> No.53042323
File: 685 KB, 750x1000, 167141388618781711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mid 2021 they introduced a feature called Brave Playlist on for the iOS version of the browser, an actually useful feature which lets you download media files (YT videos for example) to listen/watch later. They also said that the android and desktop versions will get it later, fall 2021, i believe they said.
It is now almost 2023 and there's still no Brave Playlist on android and desktop. What are the devs actually doing?
Is there another browser that has such a feature? If yes, i migrate immediately and delete brave browser.

>> No.53042459

BAT is finally dead for good. Thanks Brendan and Luke.

>> No.53043534

This isn't true XD

>> No.53043679

I love how Luke responded to the community by saying.
>this is all addressed In the weekly chats
And Brenden has been covid posting all day yesterday. Didn't even respond to Bart or reddit

>> No.53044141

>Broken English
Yea there is a reason it asks for what country you're in and surprise surprise some eyeballs are worth more.

>> No.53044157

why the fuck would anyone use this pos browser when firefox exists

>> No.53046066


>> No.53046088
File: 216 KB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_20221228-104555_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the famous @Becky16992814

>> No.53047611

Holy shit, 16 motherfucking cents.
It keeps getting worse for BAT.

>> No.53047645

Enjoying your three hundred "targeted helper outer push notifications" a day?

>> No.53047846
File: 59 KB, 1057x512, BAT_USD -UNI -DEXTools.io_2022-12-28_14-50-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would have guessed, a glorified farm coin turned out to be a piece of shit. What a surprise. This has never happened before.

Glad you were smart enough to look into it before using this piece of shit Chromium bloatware and even worse, buying BAT in the first place.

>> No.53047869

Brave is dumping the remainder of the token on the open market and moving along without it in 2023. They’ve made that abundantly clear.

>> No.53049314


>> No.53049345


no coin with such an insuferable faggots that baghold is worth it, this IS financial advice

>> No.53049615

just bought more BAT HA!

>> No.53049638

You cant stop me esl nigger

>> No.53049796

100% you wont post your buying orders no one that is as underwater as you has the money to buy more, nigger

>> No.53049819

Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap Brendan please!!!! No more dumping. Please I’m begging you ser. Please stop no ,no more pleaaaaaaaaaase AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.53049855

the free crypto aspect of Brave is dumb and only attracts pajeets. I let it just collect in the uphold wallet for like 6 months then convert it to something else. The whole tipping system is never going to catch on.

>> No.53049990

>The whole tipping system is never going to catch on.
I told them they need to get publishers and content creators to accept BAT for things they’d normally charge USD for. Exclusive songs, ebooks, nudes, tutorials, etc. and get advertisers to accept BAT for the products and services they sell online on Brave.

>> No.53050012

What do I get? Crickets

>> No.53050036

why would anyone want to do that? It just adds extra steps and makes things more complicated.

>> No.53050442

Because they’d get more buyers then they currently have. I’m talking smaller creators and publishers who would appreciate the crypto. Not some spoiled faggot who sells thousands of books already or some major label rapper. There’s whole subcultures of ideas, music and art that is high in talent and low in funds

>> No.53051078

Just look at the Pennie’s Spotify pays artists for streams. So many talented musicians are into crypto, are poor, don’t get paid any money for their work unless they play at venues. That’s nice if you get a gig every weekend. You might get enough money to make it to the next weekend, but what about all the time and energy you put into your music during the week? And where do their fans who stream their music for free get money to pay and tip them directly and show them their appreciation? From watching ads online. We need a rapper to claim he got rich in BAT tips from his fans.

>> No.53051215

It says in the ToS directly to NOT DO THIS. In fact, I've never even seen an ad, I don't know how I have the BAT I do.

I had this with adblock plus on Chrome.

I've actually had far less problems than with chrome

I agree with you anon. This would be perfect for that and many other things. They have an infrastructure built to tip fucking random posters on Twitter... Why is that a good idea? Are updoots not the currency there? Couldn't that effort have been put to something more useful?

Serious question; are the devs into drugs or hookers? Must be one or the other. Shouldn't be that hard to show a willing user 10 ads for a fraction of a penny.

>> No.53051732

They need to bring back referrals so rappers and other bottom up artists can shill Brave and tell their fans to tip them BAT. Brave needs an entertainment director more than a marketing director. Doesn’t thots hang with a lot of rappers?

>> No.53052092

Well, if they'd actually put forth an effort to get systems in place, I'd have no problem marketing for them. And most marketing now days is intertwined with entertainment.

It would be easy to make some TikToks where it shows the entire process of a fan using Brave, getting BAT for ads, then tipping their favorite TikTokker, then showing the TikTokker take the BAT... and I guess trade it on Gemini and buy something with it? Or withdraw it in cash. Because it doesn't seem there's anything else you can do with it right now.

Regardless, a video like that with snappy editing and some music and maybe a little jig, could be 30 seconds long max, get the point across, and be great advertising if you had the right TikTokkers on board. I don't understand why they aren't doing simple things like that but instead their making more NFTs, WTF? I just discovered this a couple weeks ago and even I can see the problem here, as I watch the price plummet.

>> No.53052199

you sound poor and brown

>> No.53052271

>I don't understand why they aren't doing simple things like that but instead their making more NFTs
Because we need to do big ghetto nigger shit to build hype instead of just being a more boutique browser aimed at high IQ suburban white skateboard kids. Brave has no culture other than “Trump browser” and they refuse to embrace it. They should be looking at software, media, clothing, music etc. that started off niche and grew to become mainstream for inspiration, because that’s exactly where they are right now. We’re in hell right now batbros and we need to start clawing our way out.

>> No.53052296

the terms you use are nonsense

>> No.53052371

just think about the frens you made along the way

>> No.53052376
File: 222 KB, 960x917, 4D72A858-F629-4EF5-8D15-7A95E4A5F3BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea but you’re still a faggot troll who doesn’t own 1/10 the BAT I do so you’re gay ass opinion means nothing to me. You are the OG gay Brave user

>> No.53052487


>> No.53052631

He has a very basic understanding of the English language

>> No.53052652

I can't believe that even Brave and BAT turned out to be no different from the rest of this shitty market. This whole industry is not worth 'investing' at all. It's only good for short-term gambling.

Crypto has failed its litmus test.

>> No.53052756

There are plenty of coins with a viable use case and new technology out there. BAT isn't one of them, it doesn't do anything.

>> No.53052825

RSI below 30 on USD pair, first time since 2018. We might unironically see BAT going below ICO price of $0.03. Top fucking kek. FUDers were right. BAT is a scam and Brendan is a faggot scammer too.

>> No.53053618

below 1k sats now
yup, it's trending to 0

>> No.53053709

cool, just bought 33k BAT.

>> No.53054001

>nobody wanted to troll the calls because they respected these clowns
look where it got you

>> No.53054877

who fucking sold I'm gonna blow my brains out

>> No.53055231

>who fucking sold I'm gonna blow my brains out
The founders are dumping. They hate BAT. Buy PRE

>> No.53055255

Love me some cheapies. Simple as.

>> No.53055829
File: 847 KB, 1242x1664, 8F67ECC0-6BE5-4D64-89B9-9438E7BAA472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like your gonna make it

>> No.53055834
File: 290 KB, 1242x1735, 12647147-BD24-4DA2-968B-018680DD10E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53055842
File: 656 KB, 1242x1738, D63D5AD9-54B7-4AE8-AFEC-2FBE4E0F8FBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53055845

How do I pay out my bats? I'm linked to that Gemini website. I want to use my 10 USD worth of bat to buy goyslop.

>> No.53055860

I did all that and can't find an option to withdraw it

>> No.53055893

>alternative browser idea
>need funding
>crypto coin tip bullshit idea to give excuse for ico
>obviously garbage concept that will never take off but who cares cuz ico
>dump for untold millions on speculators
>cuck holders as long as possible for the final profits
>pretend nothing happened
That's brave/BAT in summary. The tipping and ad revenue bullshit was literally just an excuse to make it seem like something other than a cash grab. But it was literally just a cash grab like almost every crypto back then.

>> No.53055900
File: 342 KB, 1240x563, FCAFB10A-1482-4F61-935C-8EE9C914D7DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT cant lose

>> No.53056924

15cts idk guys I will buy more
the upside seems too big to sell it

>> No.53057046

all memes aside (ALL MEMES ASIDE)
i still don't understand why anyone bought this alt after a couple of whales swallowed the entire ICO in minutes
i understand many of you are newfags, but this information is onchain
you never, never, never, jump on a moving train
you never buy coins with ridiculous concentration
you never become exit liquidity for faggot whales
this is crypto 101

>> No.53057270

Bye, you wont be missed.
Everyone else can sell too be it the people who every waking second shit on BAT to the pajeet moonbois mad that they haven’t received their 1 BAT on their Microsoft support computer

>> No.53057367
File: 136 KB, 2400x1350, apu_apustaja_kym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bye, you wont be missed.
Yeah so I'm back a bravechad. All the other browsers sucked more.

>> No.53057442

imagine being this much of a schizo bagholder

>> No.53057592

I bought BAT for the memes. I stayed for the thots and now I’m piss poor. BAT was nothing more than a cash grab.

>> No.53057667


>> No.53058887

They’re doing everything to prove me right. The burden of proof is on you

>> No.53060306

We were going to hold Brave hostage and party on the thot yacht. What went wrong?

>> No.53060506

>They’re doing everything to prove me right
Ah, so you can show us the Brave-owned wallet addresses to prove your point right? RIGHT??

>> No.53060876

If you aren’t buying right now you are retarded

-t. insider

>> No.53061295

I’m very upset but I still bought. I got no choice. I need to avg down

>> No.53061624

I put $45k into this shittoken because of the thots. I’m not even a coomer but the webms are so damn good. I’ll never make it now

>> No.53061674

Where tf is thotposter anyway? We need the morale boost ASAP!

>> No.53062296

I don't know or care about some hole posting other holes. I just bought more BAT.

>> No.53062361

You have to wait until 2026. That's when the globohomo internet 3.0 goes live.

>> No.53062648

Has the team responded to anything this last week? Fud has been pretty devastating.

>> No.53062720
File: 406 KB, 1920x1080, 1617417634753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my sources (Rothschild family, the Bogdanoff twins, Punished Jeffrey Epstein, the Clinton alien tribe, etc.) are pointing me in directions that foretell BAT going to $40. It's basically already been realized in all timelines except for the one we're currently communicating in.

If you're in this thread posting with me, and you own BAT, I guarantee you that BAT is somehow connected to your meaning in your own life. That means you just need to keep holding it until at least $40 and the meaning of your life will suddenly become much more clear. You don't have to thank me now, but think of my post when we hit $40, and then take a long break to consider your life's meaning.

>> No.53062786 [DELETED] 

Seriously, if you don’t buy BAT now, you might as well darken your skin a be a dirty poor nigger for the rest of your life. This is fudded everyday for a reason

-t. insider

>> No.53062874
File: 90 KB, 1080x545, Screenshot_20221229_134334_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate bat so much but things like this keep me from selling

>> No.53063340

Brandon is so incredibly based. Imagine loading 600 tabs of cheesy pizza drawings and your browser keeps crashing and the creator of Javascript talks you through getting it to work.

>> No.53063360

holy based. Ironically this is also why the price of BAT is not going up

>> No.53063560

Can I get a link. That's too unbelievable.

>> No.53063605
File: 1.75 MB, 1440x508, 1665025526285.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53063722

You know what, let him dump BAT. If farming bagholders for money helps him buy more rope, I'm all for it.

>> No.53063784

To Brendan BAT bagholders are the oligos stupid

>> No.53063821

fucking based

>> No.53063967

Gracias hombre
Muy basado y rojopilled

>> No.53064233

I want BAT to go up so I can be an oligarch too...

>> No.53064332

>not enjoying some fine fuck meat while engaging in BAT thread bants

>> No.53064348

Extremely based

>> No.53065409

>tfw lost 25k BAT to Gemini earn
I want to see this coin go to 0

>> No.53065515

I’d be pissed too if I lost 25k BAT for 1% APY on Gemini. You must be brown.

>> No.53065895


>> No.53066692

Tough talk for a man who scared of regulations that do not even exist.

>> No.53066756
File: 201 KB, 400x233, bat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT is here to stay shills. SUCK IT

>> No.53067356

Bought another 6,000 because of the FUD. 176k Batties and counting