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5303659 No.5303659 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys, I made the thread yesterday about being the father/husband with $50k credit debt and wife, that's the breadwinner, spending all our money and defaulting on our mortgage payment for two months straight.

I found a way out that will pay off the credit debt without getting assraped by interest payments. I started researching personal loans to see what kind of rates I could get, and it wasn't good. My credit union wouldn't even offer a loan in excess of 20k, and even then it was going to have an APR over 20% due to my shitty credit score. I was thinking of just doing a few small loans over time, but it's still going to cost a ton. Then I thought, well shit, I am a student after all, why don't I just get a private student loan for 50k? It will have a much lower APR and it will almost be guaranteed to be approved. I don't actually need it for school, as I have the GI Bill, so I am in essence getting long term personal loan at a rate of 10% APR. It would be double the cost of the loan if actually took 180 months to pay it off, but I plan of having it paid off in two years. I go to Sallie Mae, use my wife as a co-signer and I am approved for a $50k fixed interest loan with minimum payments of $490 a month (We will be putting $900 into it at a minimum until I am working, then it'll be $2000+). Its shifting all the debt to one single payment, getting rid of over $1000 in interest payments a month. The cards will be paid off which will greatly improve our credit and I can cash out the rewards points and put it towards the loan.

It's not exactly jewing the jew, a debt is still a debt, but it hurts a lot less and it saves us thousands in the long run. The cards will be locked up and never used, and tight budgeting will be put into effect. I am gonna make it, were all gonna make it.

>> No.5303775
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You browsing biz in this bullrun and have 50k debt?
You arnt worth living anon. I suggest vasectomy and fast.

>> No.5303814

I am talking about real finances here kid, not your imaginary, power grab video game money. Show me what you've bought IRL during this bull run. Let's see the lambo, let's see the escorts.

>> No.5303940
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I'll screencap this and call you out when i retire at 30 next year. No desire to own status symbols my man.
Let your wife search some actual healthy dna to breed into the mix

>> No.5303990

Great job, anon. The next step I would recommend is to start tracking you and your wife's spending. Start cutting back on purchases. See how many "no spend" days you can manage in a row.

>> No.5304038

I don't get why anons get so crazy for korean or japanese women. Vietnamese girls are clearly the patrician choice.

>> No.5304078

listen man. I work with a guy who let his wife run him into bankruptcy. He now works 70 hour weeks to pay off his debt , so he works a ton and is still broke.

Its time to man the fuck up and tell your wife to stop spending all the fucking money. Her habits are fucking your life up. If she refuses then you file for divorce. Period. You have one life time here, if you spend it strapped down with debt and stressed out, then your a fuck up. Be a man, get her in line.

>> No.5304331

I told her she has to fucking stop or we are losing everything, it isn't just going to go away. She said she knows, she didn't want to think about it since she works so much and just wanted to live without restrictions. I understand where she is coming from, but that isn't how it works unfortunately. We agreed to a budget and the cards will not be used. Money for the bills gets put into one account and it doesn't get touched Except for bills. Any excess spending is done with anything left over that isn't put into savings. It won't be much for a good year, but when the dust has settled a bit and I finish school, things will be a little less tight. Once this student loan is paid off, then we will save, invest and have money for luxuries.

I am going to look at her account every once in awhile and make sure she is adhering. I'll get on her about it even if it causes a rift and she gets mad. She knows it's wrong so it's not a big deal.

>> No.5304386

OP you are making a terrible mistake. You have signed for non-dischargable loans in order to pay for worthless shit your wife already bought.
You haven't addressed her spending habits, so she will just max those cards again. And once she can't spend anymore, she will find a way to make it your fault.
Her spending is going to destroy your marriage, and now you just enabled her for $50k more. You need to put your foot down and make a budget, and get rid of that $50k loan. It will be with you forever. They will take that shit out of your social security when you are old and dying.

>> No.5304412

Yeah man, next year, you're almost there!r

>> No.5304549


I'm sorry, anon. My wife had the same issue. She was making more than me when I was starting my freelancing gigs. Like way more. Still I had to bail her out with money each time she fucked up. Asked her to save up for 3 years and we get a home. She had 350 in her bank when we got the house.

Each time I would sit her down, tell her we can't go on like this. She would blow up at me. This went on for 5 years.

We are now separated. Best decision of my life. Just a cautionary tale. Take what u can out of it.

>> No.5304714

Nope, cards are getting locked up. I would close them, but it looks better on the credit report to have them open with no or a minimal balance. Once our credit is repaired, then I'll close all but the one with the best APR.

She agreed to this, the threat of losing our home, car, everything she worked for was motivation enough to knock it off. I will look at her account here and there, if she goes off again then I will tell her it's me or her spending.

>> No.5305062

similar situation here. girlfriend never even had a savings until she met me. she's making ok money but she gets destroyed by her parents depending on her and her siblings to take care of them. if she didn't live rent free with me she'd literally have 0 dollars to her name at the end of every month. it's so frustrating to watch her spend money on frivolous things as well. what do i even do with a girl like this?

>> No.5305289

You guys are such cucks lol

>> No.5305575

>wife gets grumpy she can't recklessly buy makeup, clothes, purses and jewelry
>blows all the mortgage money on that shit as a big "fuck you for keeping me down white male."
>get behind 4 months of mortgage payments, cars about to be repossessed
>get angry with her, yell and get her really scared, she fake cries and claims she has a problem, you need to help her
>starts spending more time with "the girls"
>those credit cards you didn't close start getting charges from hotel rooms and bars
>look in gun locker, those cards are gone
>confront wife, she breaks down and admits she has been fucking men of different races; Hispanic, black, middle eastern, Asian, all as a big fuck you for restricting her spending
>you move out and live on your friends couch, file for divorce.
>female judge sides with her, gives her the house, car and custody of the kids despite proof of her infidelity, states "it's time for you to understand how privileged you've been, your disgusting reign of patriarchy is over."
>she loses the house and car after her new boyfriend Tyrone doesn't actually have any money and runs away with half of the furniture in the house.
>kids are living with grandparents because the judge put a restraining order on you for no good reason
>former wife is last seen on BLACKED.com getting reamed and sucking on Elsa's tits.

>> No.5305605

Look anon, right now, you’re fucked. You have to get her in check asap, but not by yelling at her or demanding things from her like a whiny bitch. LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
Right now you’re both in an big fucking ocean of shit, with you being the boat, she’s connecties to your boat with a long ass rope. Don’t yell at her, don’t get mad, lead by example. Row your fucking boat, nothing will happen at first, but as you move further the rope will fighten and eventually she will be pulled forward by you.

Take control of all finances, even though it’s not your money. Tell her calmly that you will get the both of you out of this shit, don’t argue just do it. She might get mad but she’ll follow eventually.

Good luck anon

>> No.5305789

How much for that Asian?

>> No.5305796
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shit I'm never getting married

>> No.5306040

Hahaha, this. I don't get how people can marry someone who is so different from themselves.

OP called her "a good christian girl" yesterday. I'd only be able to be with someone with extremely similar interests (not, not anime and vidya) and who thought like me.

How do all these couples with almost nothing in common get through their pointless lives?

>> No.5306251

>How do all these couples with almost nothing in common get through their pointless lives?
Fear of being alone

>> No.5306427

your issue is worthy of discussion
but stop being a filthy bitter nocoiner as in >5303814

>> No.5306479

Opposites attract. You get bored quick when you're with someone who had all the same interests and is just like you. You're both A type personalities and you'll constantly fight eachother for power. You're both betas and nothing will ever get done, you'll both keep saying "Well you can choose. Well whatever you want I don't care." You both like video games? Great, you're going to sit there and play two player games all the time, or just sit next to eachother or in different rooms and play your own games all day? Have you met girls that unironically love video games and anime that aren't doing it for twitch money? They are hambeasts or don't exist. Those super kawaii cosplayers at yer anime conventions? Attention whores looking for your beta bux and Instagram views. They probably don't know shit about the character they're cosplaying as, some shady jew with a modeling business told them to wear it and pose for pics and he will give them shekels, after they sucked him off to get in that is.

Face it, women don't have guy hobbies, we are different beasts. Those that pretend to like guy stuff are doing it for male attention, they would rather be watching hallmark movies and gossiping about their coworkers.

>> No.5306641

I had this problem when my wife and I moved out at 21. I solved the problem by putting her in charge of paying all the bills. The $6 coffee expenditures came to a grinding halt.

>> No.5306698

baka sometimes i get tired of schooling kids on 4chan but hey, your parents and the schooling system where you live made you the degenerate arrongant fucks you are, so its up to someone to give you a hint before its too late.

>I'd only be able to be with someone with extremely similar interests (not, not anime and vidya) and who thought like me.

There is no fun in living with a fucking eco chamber. You'd be bored in no time. The thing about marriage or relationships is to find someone who has similar passions/interests as you (travelling, videogames, knitting... whatever) and with whom you can HAVE FUN, but that also challenges you and makes you adopt different perspectives and points of view.

Now get out of mom's computer and go outside and play Jimmy. The world is much more interesting and complex that what you make it seem in your own retarded mind.