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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53033914 No.53033914 [Reply] [Original]

I lost $23k and they're only compensating up to $10k. That's not even counting the -97% I've suffered through holding 500k rubic. I'm not even sure if they're going to follow through with the compensation before running away. This coin has fucking ruined me.

>> No.53033967

cope, rubicuck

>> No.53033971

kek, that's all

>> No.53033973

None because I don't buy scammy shitcoins

>> No.53034052

RBC was hacked? why is it up 25% today?

>> No.53034146

0 since i never traded with this dex i trust only sushi 1inch and uniswap
But f its crazy they even compensate

>> No.53034245

It's all just fake FUD. Turn everything you have into USDC then approve it on Rubic you'll get an airdrop of rubic tokens 10x as much

>> No.53034306

kek what

>> No.53034485

>RBC was hacked? why is it up 25% today?
It was hacked, but that's not going to stop Rubic from rallying in the next bull run. Maybe even sooner than that. If I were you I would be buying a suicide stack just in case. Take advantage of the situation, it's cheap.

>> No.53034528

is there still hope?
I only have 16k, i will gonna make it?

>> No.53034571

>is there still hope?
There is always hope, my friend.

>> No.53034909

after the 2nd "incident" Im full stop on the RBC train. lost 14k to this coin and now for sure it will never bounce back. if you really think RBC is gonna go places after the last 3 months its had you are fucking crazy

>> No.53035214

You're a fucking retard for ever buying this shit

>> No.53035330

I am out 100k. I literally laugh in these threads now, but cry behind the mask.

If volume ever returns to defi then yeah Rubic will get adoption because it is a great product. Vlad expanded the project too quickly imo, they have way too many people on staff. He needs to reduce headcount to 3-7 devs. Focus on being a shitcoin casino and thats it. They don't need 25 people.

>> No.53036058

I sold after the second hack. Was ripping them apart in the Telegram but they accused me of "fudding" - problem is this project fuds itself.

>> No.53036154

Kek I use Jewbic sometimes to buy BNB with ETH but never with USDC. Luckily Jewbic can't take my ETH because it's not an ERC20 with spend permissions. That said I'm not touching this dumpster fire of a project again and I'll find a new and safer way to get my BNB.

>> No.53036159

has this ever happened before? Pretty based of them to do this, considering they don't have to.

>> No.53036175

>has this ever happened before? Pretty based of them to do this, considering they don't have to.
Well to be honest they don't have a choice. It's either they try to compensate or they declare the project dead and buried.

>> No.53036224

>Pretty based
Slavniggers stole their investors fund via dilution
I hope Jewlensky fires a missile at their HQ

>> No.53038830

well you see. they steal 100k of USDC. you tell em wtf I lost 5k on this crap. they give u 2k back and now since they were the original hackers they made 3k off you.

>> No.53038863

>he trusted russians because pol told him they're le heckin based


>> No.53038959

This is one of the best crypto projects out there with the burden of having one of the worst teams. It will moon.

>> No.53039012

no it wont, i never touched it and now, i never will

>> No.53039026
File: 1.34 MB, 2524x1298, 1613240841526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53039058

>not even counting the -97% I've suffered through holding 500k rubic.
kek, that's your fault.
Rubic takes its place with the best of the biz rugs, like ICP and LUNC.

>> No.53039150

ICP baggies are still unbelievably deluded though. At least the vast majority of rubic baggies have given up at this point.

>> No.53039202

I used rubic but thankfully had only 1 stealable token in my wallet which wasn't approved, since I nonstopped switched my trades around from losing bag to losing bag.

>> No.53039733

binance wen

>> No.53039810


>> No.53041038

Its genius
>steal from yourself and call it a "hack"
>Only reimburse a portion of the money stolen using the money you stole
>use the rest to pump your coin to bring in more suckers

I swear you guys are retards and if I ever made a coin that was successful I'd be getting "hacked" as often as I could without killing that coin

>> No.53041509

Sure, I understand the logic of it. Just not sure if it's ever happened before.
>steal money
>giving some back
I've never received mercy from a slav, and I would never expect it. If they had taken the money themselves, they would be long gone, not giving ANYTHING back.

>> No.53041563

This coin is so frustrating. It has a functional product that anyone can use right now and yet it's being ran like shit. At the very least, the devs are still actively updating and working on it. So there's that.

>> No.53041571

This might push them to be less retarded with security. I'm glad it's costing them money

>> No.53043260

The token doesn't do anything. It's just named after their website that makes api calls to real dexes.

What the fuck did you expect from a team who's previous work experience was fiverr web development, and putting out another token name after a service, but not used by that service, that creates tokens not needed with your name on them using find and replace on publicly available open source code that they didn't write?

>> No.53043342

i feel you fren. lost allot from the hack too. not sure what the lesson here is, but doubling safety precautions around wallets.