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53031280 No.53031280 [Reply] [Original]

China just bent the knee due to the protests and will stop with the COVID bullshit. Would it be a good idea to long China now?

>> No.53031376

I have fought and won against gators far larger than that. Basically free money if you're not a retard or a pussy.

>> No.53031392

China can't actually produce anything of value, no art, no heavy machinery, no non-paper mache buildings. About all they can make cheap plastic trinkets that need to be shipped by container ships with heavy fuel oil that pollutes more than every automobile on earth.

>> No.53031397

That gator is tiny, the real danger is it disappearing into the weeds. You could just step on it.

>> No.53031406

If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Spotemgottem, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

>> No.53031414

Mutt cope

>> No.53031415

The CCP didn't bend the knee to the protesters. It is intentionally punishing the protesters by unleashing the virus in one massive plague with no preparation. I have friends in China. EVERYONE is sick. This is what they said "It's like a parent telling a child to turn down the volume on the TV because it is too loud and the child smashes the tv on the ground and says "THERE! That's what you wanted, now you have it!"

China is in a terrible mess right now. The people are super-pissed at the government and the economy is in shambles. I honestly wish it wasn't so for several reasons, but it is.

>> No.53031417

I wouldn't mind fighting his skull for that money but I ain't fighting his ghost body Jackie Chan style in the woods.

>> No.53031422

I'm not as worried about the gator as I'm about the actual stack of cash.
How the fuck are you supposed to pull out the wad of cash without it tearing up to shreds from gator's teeth?

>> No.53031429

>sent via TSMC mobile device

>> No.53031467
File: 93 KB, 500x562, 0C6DAFBF-DDBD-4BBC-92CB-48EAA400ADBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American website
>American internet
>American servers
>American language

>> No.53031471

CCP agents detected, Taiwan isn't a part of China and your status as 2nd in power is cemented by stealing technology from the West and destroying the environment.

>> No.53031560

The gator doesn’t have a body, it’s a prop

>> No.53031623

>that size
I would grab a smol flat boi by the tail and do a wesker power swing for even one of those bills.
They're not endangered anymore, and that's a stack of at least 50 bills, so $5K. That's enough to stab a dinosaur for.
A lizard small enough for bills to fill his mouth is worth killing, skinning, cooking, and eating.

>> No.53031970


I want the lockdowns back. They were fun.

>> No.53032015
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The market seems to have switched to long China, but I don't see any reason to

>> No.53032029

that’s an easy gator.
t. florida man

>> No.53032060

>China can't actually produce anything of value, no art, no heavy machinery, no non-paper mache buildings

errm, it builds the fastest trains in the world. and space stations.

>> No.53032066

>Taiwan isn't a part of China
holy fucking muttoid cope

>> No.53032073

>0 days left
wtf did china collapse?

>> No.53032113

>The market seems to have switched to long China, but I don't see any reason to

China is the future. the American empire is dying.

>> No.53032207
File: 337 KB, 582x574, 1666465631897883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, the evil empire is here to stay

>> No.53032256

Hahahahah Taiwan is literally an chinese city, not even the taiwanese see it otherwise
The only people that think this way are jews and mutts
Because americans destroyed my country (germany)

>> No.53032283

>His country tried to kill (((god chosen tribe)))
Nope, your country basically destroyed itself

>> No.53032303

The CCP DID bend the knee because they are not a democrazy
In "authoritarian" states there are people actually taking responsibily and are constantly beding to the will of the people. While in western democrazy that is seen as populist while leaders never take responsibility which leads to our tyrannies

>> No.53032308

We've really arrived in hell haven't we?

>> No.53032319

That is the most defetist post i have ever seen .

>> No.53032342
File: 19 KB, 640x480, 5A1D2E47-B75E-4411-A9D7-D1C933D8BB2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny that chink protests actually did something.
When canadians did it trudeau doubled down and the media sang praise for him

>> No.53032359

>noooo a country who went from farming pigs to building technology in 45 years is the worst

>> No.53032371

Risk my life? Nigga, that thing might bite my arm but that's about it, you are a complete retard if you let one (1) crocodile or whatever that is kill you.

>> No.53032372

Nah that gator earned that money fair and square, stealing it is nigger behavior

>> No.53032384

stick or rock > gator

>> No.53032431

see >>53032303

>> No.53032520

trade it for a rotisserie chicken.

>> No.53032595

China reopening will be the black swan everyone has been waiting for

>> No.53032617

So easy to take that money honestly

>> No.53032780

China reopening was *ALWAYS* going to happen, unless you think China keeping itself a giant prison with lockdowns ad inifintum, because that's the only alternative to reopening. This isn't a black swan, what is it with crypto idiots using (very simple, honestly) terms they don't understand

>> No.53033382

A jamaican gator, I guess

>> No.53033413

It's never smart to invest in Chinese companies, but instead in foreign companies that rely on Chinese labour.

>> No.53033453

ive beaten the shit out of larger here in florida. just get a metal bat or something long and heavy

>> No.53033700

Easiest fucking bet of your life. Literally just lay.a boot on his fucking face and pull it out. Their muscles are good for snapping down but suck ass at pulling up.

>> No.53034678
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