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53030595 No.53030595 [Reply] [Original]

I think becoming a team leader would be a natural progression for me but I'm deathly afraid of the possibility of being disrespected by my subordinates. How do I get over it?

>> No.53032416

if a subordinates gets uppity, you shoot them in the shinbones. the best way to exert dominance is through fear.

>> No.53032437

I never had that feeling when I was a manager. Learn to delegate effectively but also be there for your team when necessary.

>> No.53032496

As a guy who was in a leading position at military in the age of 19, i have to say that like with everything else, being a leader sounds way more magical than it actually is. You're still you, your subordinates are still them, it doesn't matter at all if your subordibates respect or don't respect you as long as they do what you tell them to. And if they don't, you punish them. You're making a much bigger deal about being a leader than it actually is.

>> No.53032626


As sarge here says, if you want to be a good leader, you take some time to set direction, and if you want your team to love you, you take shit detail at least as often as the team members do.

Basically, do put yourself in their shoes. Want someone to work OT? Put yourself in the OT rotation. No? Automate that shit.

Want a team to crawl across open ground under grazing and plunging fire? If it's really the bad decision, you are it.

Also, sarge here is fucking delusional too, in the sense that most leaders are fucking shit, but what matters is that you are *slightly* better than your subordinates.

>t. delaying writing CTO cover letter