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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53027455 No.53027455 [Reply] [Original]

I work as an intern for the securities and exchange commission and when I went back to work today I heard there will be an extensive audit of Tether within the first two weeks of January.

I had told a friend of mine and he mentioned I should give you the news here. They’re basically guaranteed to fail the audit based on past performance. The SEC suspects that the collateral they’re holding is non-existent at this point and the reasoning is based on a prior audit that Tether had supposedly failed already? The SEC isn’t so much concerned whether they have the collateral (as it’s suspected 100% that they don’t) so much as if they can go after exchanges that still work with US banks to offload crypto and get it into liquid USD. The process has already started moving on this and the end result is pretty much guaranteed as crypto already looks pretty bad at this point and no sane member of congress will do anything to try and stop the SEC on this action.

Don’t say I didn’t try to help you guys. I admittedly made some good money off of crypto and if this forum is really ground zero for a lot of these projects then just want to say thanks and pay you back somehow. Thanks.

>> No.53027465

china, here. We are going to banned bitcoin again.

[a lot of texts]

>> No.53027497

@OYDguDpO What does that mean? Did China not already ban bitcoin?

>> No.53027650
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>> No.53027678

Why so late? Why wait until January?

>> No.53027681

It's Christmas :)

>> No.53027708

>load ze tether fud again

>> No.53027718

Tether is produced by a Chinese Hong Kong company is it not, then fuck the SEC?

>> No.53027719

>within the first two weeks of January.
2 more weeks

>> No.53027722

Bitfinex BTFO’d

>> No.53027744

Hope this reply works lol. It’s a new administrative year so new cases are being pushed. I’m pretty certain there is a parallel investigation going on into Bitfinex again as well. I honestly think they will use Tether as a point to regulate all stablecoins and ban their use on exchanges. The SEC wants the exchanges to work the same way as a stock brokerage where they can account for all USD flowing in and out and have it better tied in with federal tax code. This would also affect cash settlement times and open crypto to day trading regulations.

>> No.53027768

Ok how do I reply directly to something.

Someone mentioned China, it doesn’t matter if they’re based outside the US the SEC can easily prevent exchanges from even operating in the US if they don’t agree to the changes. Regulators have zero issues with forcing exchanges to comply with this because there are essentially zero ties between crypto and the rest of the financial system beyond what they suspect is widespread insolvency and fraud.

I will try and check back and reply more tomorrow

>> No.53027776

Do you realize sharing this information can easily be used to generate profits, it constitutes insider trading which is a federal crime and your IP is being tracked?

>> No.53027791

Thanks. Everyone else I'm hearing from is saying the same thing so I don't think you are lying.

>Ok how do I reply directly to something
Click on the numbers after "No."

This anon is right, our post are tied to our IP Addresses and ran through on NSA servers.
Nobody will care enough to take legal action tho

>> No.53027869

Lol wow thanks

Yeah I’m not making any trades and this will be announced eventually anyways. It’s not technically confidential information if I know about it.

>> No.53027907

Go away glowie

>> No.53027916

You click the post number . Welcome newfag insider

>> No.53027934

You absolutely did read those words you lying niggerjew, or else you wouldn't be posting such a salty-ass meme.

>> No.53027957

I remember seeing a video from that coffee guy explaining how this coin was going to crash eventually. Have any idea of that video?

>> No.53028008
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i actually hope tether gets banned in the US. this would actually benefit both coinbase and USDC. i don't do stablecoins but i do own COIN stock, so i hope this is true. coinbase did warn everybody to swap tether for USDC about a month ago and i know they've got insider info from blackrock, so this may actually be legit. based af

>> No.53028095

This is a badly written LARP 0/10

>> No.53028916

>ive been here for a long time but i dont know how to quote someone

>> No.53029143

this post is of extreme low quality. i reject it with disgust. you're going to get reported for this.

>> No.53029317

> when I went back to work today
The 26th was a federal holiday, so this is a larp

>> No.53029419


Well of course it is. Everything on Biz is larp fraudlies.

>> No.53029593
File: 6 KB, 250x200, 1666609331604980s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan is lifting the ban on foreign issued stablecoins; USDC and USDT.

>Yieldfarming are gonna keeping reaping the high interest from stables via SpoolFi until SEC give up

>Stablecoins existence is going to be a barrier to the adoption of CBDCs.

Thanks schizo for the premature update.

>> No.53029617

my dad works for nintendo and he says you're a faggot.

>> No.53029676

tl; dr

>> No.53029739

>Hope this reply works lol
>"oops sorry guys I'm so completely new to your message board, tee-hee"
Was gonna give you 1/10 larp, revised it to 2/10 for minor effort

>> No.53030533

Thx fren just trying to keep you guys entertained

>> No.53032122

the rest of the world doesn't care so much about your burger shit

>> No.53032152

/biz/ is a dead forum not an investor board you fucking kike

>> No.53033939

But this is where I learnt to invest my stablecoins through Spool protocol and equally how to stake alts on binance.