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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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530261 No.530261 [Reply] [Original]

at what age did you make your first million?

>> No.530265

I haven't yet, but I'm only 24.

>> No.530266

hopefully in the next year or two. Depends on the real estate market.

so, 32.

>> No.530278

i'm 26 and if i added together all the money ive ever made it would be less than 100 000

what's the most painful way to circumcise myself so i can be more jewish, /biz/ ?

>tfw already cut
>it's a bad feel

>> No.530292

I'm a neet and I live in my parents' attic. I make $10 an hour.

>> No.530301


>> No.530305

I'm 18 and I'm starting to get serious about finance so hopefully by 25.

>> No.530462
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Net worth, approx:
t-4: 25 and $40k. End of wage slavery one year away.

t-2: 27 and $120k One year into business and turning a healthy profit already. Bought first rental property.

now: 29 and $235k Business humming, easing back on the hours and trying new projects. Three rental properties.

t+2: 31 and $400k+ Four or five rental properties. Another business if I come across something interesting, or perhaps keep building the main one.
t+4: 33 and $1M+ Six to ten rental properties. Full time manager. Perhaps sold the current main business and doing something entirely different.

Do what it takes to be self employed, kiddos.

>> No.530470
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>I'm a neet
>I make $10 an hour.

What do you think NEET stands for?

>> No.530526

so you just worked long enough to get a rental business going and then made that full time?

>> No.530545

You can technically be working as long as you aren't employed.

>> No.530558

breddy gud tho

How much you make now?

>> No.530563

What was your immediately successful small business? What do you do, kiddo?

>> No.530683
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Rentals are a side business, I saved my money and bought them.

>You can technically be working as long as you aren't employed.

You're hurting my brain

My main business that I created 3 years ago provides accounting-related services.

I neither have found a particularly innovative approach nor create atypically large wealth from it.. Less than $100k per year net for now.

>> No.530813 [DELETED] 

These are high fidelity doubles

>> No.530824

Toppomus kekkolus

>implying you will have enough time to take care of all the rentals AND businesses m8

>> No.530852



>> No.530927


What are your jobs? Are you daytraders?

>> No.531655


Hopefully 30.

>> No.531659


Nigger Extracting Every Taxdollar?

>> No.531864

>expecting there to be millionaires on fucking 4chan

>> No.531873

got fired from jab. gonna start up own business

>> No.531898

>site for people with too much time
>known for not having enough time