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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53026039 No.53026039 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys think that the second half of the 2021 bubble was created by them?

>> No.53026088

The opposite. Users deposit crypto, they sell it for stablecoins, then short it and hope to buy back lower. We should go to $200k if they don't interfere. Fuck FTX.

>> No.53026141

It's possible. Sbf longed btc and was making a killing until btc lost support then sbf wasted a fuckton of money on his bahamas mansion, marketing and political donations thinking btc could only keep going higher mainly because of his ponzi scheme. Then sbf began shorting and leveraging against bitcoin, made a killing but knew it was all over probably after the whole luna crash, funnelled whatever he had left into alameda and hoped nobody would catch on, playing dumb with his "shorry guise, i fucked up" spiel

>> No.53026155

makes more sense than the stimulus check theory

>> No.53026184

doesn't matter

you can't sue them for the money they stole from you because they lost it all and they're never going to make it back

>> No.53026226

Yes. But it was the 2nd sbf market manipulation. First one was 2019 as the crab bottom market had months to go but that faggot moved the price up

>> No.53026240

They're the reason the bullrun stopped, and it was absolutely coordinated

>> No.53026278

Yeah, they did this but added many layers to this strategy. Because why wouldn’t you inflate prices at the same time when your selling for stables and deflate when your buying with stables? The platform was big enough to manipulate the market.

I think they manipulated the entire 2021 run desu.

>> No.53026295

>I think they manipulated the entire 2021 run desu.
I think they were. The dog tokens were so fucking inorganic. They caught this board by surprise and even when shilling was rampant, many anons here were very put off by it at first. I find it strange how we can have an army of people with their fingers on the pulse of crypto markets and we all missed the build up of the dog tokens.

>> No.53026297

yes opening all their shorts

>> No.53026302
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>> No.53026305

FTX killed the bullrun.

BTC would have been 200k+ if SBF wasn't shorting it and selling people paper coins.

>> No.53026307

I just hope enough investigation is done and the info is leaked/released to get a picture of exactly what was done and where. Not only for anons sake(so we can properly gauge if our strategies worked) but for normies sake too. If it can be shown that the markets should have ripped even harder, they might throw caution to the wind and kick this shit into gear for us.

>> No.53026316
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mother fucker sold almost half a year of mining in paper btc.

>> No.53026330
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I need to reach 2 BTC before it's too late...

>> No.53026341

Yep, Shiba was totally inorganic. I remember someone started opening shiba threads in january/february 2021 on /biz/ and literally told they were going to heavily pump shiba and make normies fomo. I thought it was just some schizo rambling but in hindsight it probably was some insider flexing.

>> No.53026411

Yup, I remember that thread, it's what got me to buy originally. Fucking had 60bil Shiba and I sold shortly before the giga pump. If I'm not mistaken 1 person held through the massive dump and made a serious killing. Wonder who that ended up being. I'm pretty sure sam is hiding a fuckton of money.

>> No.53026421
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Found it. Unreal.


>> No.53026486

could that really be Sam? kek

>> No.53026663

Anyone have a piece of writing that were sure came from Sam? 4chan absolutely can figure out if it's the same style of writing. Honestly I wonder if someone should forward that to investigators in a tip.

>> No.53027158

No. BTC was going to fall 80% no matter what. It's just the nature of all speculative markets.

Every single time, the fall will liquidate all the big baller margin niggas, i.e. FTX.

>> No.53027272

Fuck FTX to hell. I fucking slurped some low cap alts like ORE, RIN, ICON so I can leverage my loss in the FTX debacle