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53025903 No.53025903 [Reply] [Original]

What did your family say about crypto over the dinner table?

>> No.53025913

my mum, dad and friends in there 60s are buying now.

>> No.53025917

yeah my 97 year old grandpa just bought chainlink and started talking about 'altcoin season', pretty crazy

>> No.53025931

Bitcoin is a big scam and how anyone who bought is an idiot.
I didn't have the heart to tell them I made over $400k this year selling and shorting stuff I bought in 2020 and 2021.

>> No.53026054
File: 61 KB, 867x838, EEE18E2F-DCB6-4C7E-8156-F3CBB6EBF9D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Christmas dinner with my entire extended family
Not really into talking about crypto or any of my investments though.
By complete mistake, I happen to have overheard my two uncles talking about crypto and then the word Matic popped up

Being a major Polygon Matic supporter, I joined the conversation and showed them my wallet containing $20,000 worth of Matic tokens.

The entire room irrupted!! Everyone started giving me high fives and congratulating me on my “wise purchase”
My aunt was flabbergasted yet somewhat even envious i might add?
Nonetheless, everyone started cheering and clapping. They even brought out their finest bottle of champagne and made me give out a toast to eternal financial freedom!

At this point, it still felt extremely surreal and I really thought this was some kind of prank. However, I quickly realized that it wasn’t

One of our neighbors heard the commotion going in and decided to come over to check up. He he heard that I bought Matic, he became almost hysteric!
He then called for his daughter and offer me to sleep with her.
His daughter and I made coitus at his home and the party didnt end till 5 in the morning

It was some night!

>> No.53026072

Every normie I know is too scared/apathetic about bitcoin because they don't want to own sats. It's made me convinced that bitcoin will never succeed because normies are too retarded and will never get over this mental hurdle.

>> No.53026078

is this real?

>> No.53026081
File: 511 KB, 1200x2208, 33AE2BE5-A0AB-4E6A-A843-EE57E344C7B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it was 100% real
picrel is me after i finished coitus with my neighbor’s daughter

>> No.53026099

it just needs to get to 20-30 again and hold for like a month, then everyone and their mother will bandwagon hoping for another 2021.
thats when you sell

>> No.53026120


>> No.53026125
File: 66 KB, 866x1024, 36a6d987-2ed3-49e2-ba2b-f010d812908d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW! thats amazing!!
i wish i had the courage to do the same :'(
>pic not related

>> No.53026132

Normie sentiment check is not a valid indicator any more.

>> No.53026194


That's a man's leg.

>> No.53026293

this is incredible. I loved this. dare I say we can't stop winning bros?

>> No.53026348

my little cousin just had his first rugpull, he was sad :( gotta love that little degenerate

>> No.53026374

Yeah, peak boomer TV misinformation during dinner
They all basically said that bitcoin CEO was arrested after running away with the real money. They all knew it was a Ponzi.
Then they talked about inflation, they said it was because of Putin and his horrible war.
It's all so tiresome

>> No.53026381
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I didn't visit family for Christmas nor did I pick up the phone when they called.

>> No.53026427

My dad says he's still holding doge coin. I didn't even know he had some to begin with. I don't even know what it does and I don't talk to him about crypto. I think he heard about it on twitter or wherever old people go to hear things from celebrities like Elon Musk.

>> No.53026557

Based. I loaded some low priced assets like SAUCE, RIN, RAIL because they have real life applications and growth potential. What did they buy?

>> No.53027014

They claim that the blockchain is too complicated to interact with, but I told them about identity management projects that will make it easier to use even for normies..

>> No.53027074


>> No.53027474

my uncle asked me how my bitcoin is doing, noone else asked anything. noone cares anymore and the ones who know i invest think i got fucked. they're not wrong.

>> No.53028028

It's crazy how bullshit this sounds but normies who were skeptical about crypto are now buying the bottom and love to support anyone who is doing the same.
Christmas also adds to it as well
Shout out to that neighbro

>> No.53028382

They are quite comfy to know that transactions can be shielded on the blockchain and take remove unsolicited stalking onchain

>> No.53028443

me and my dad mostly talked about crypto in the context of ftx imploding and how deep the rabbit hole of sbf's fraud goes and how many things it touched
i showed him my 'portfolio' and explained how dirt-boring it really is, and how i'm (legitimately) looking to get more PM's than BTC this year
all in all a pretty wholesome interaction. also he gave me some silver coins for christmas which was nice

>> No.53029992


>> No.53030536

im not even into crypto but they think its just a big scam, especially after the SBF stuff

>> No.53032159

My 100 yrs old grandpa is also very bullish about web3,NFTs and metaverse.

>> No.53032274

Scared about bitcoin? yes but the altcoins such as MATIC, ETH,ALBT ORE, LINK and the likes have more usefulness than BTC. Maybe its not fear but wisdom.

>> No.53034043


Nobody brings up crypto except me, when I talk about my job. It's usually a very short conversation. Everyone in my family seems to currently be or was a star athlete, so I'll give them a pass on staying away from the incel topic of Buttcoin.

>> No.53034070

>Then they talked about inflation, they said it was because of Putin and his horrible war.
Ye, don't hear much and don't talk politics ever, but this 'muh Putin' thing is getting out of hand.

>> No.53034417

Alts are gravely undervalued but seem to always do better than BTC. 2022 had me hodling more alts especially in the identity management and Defi niche.

>> No.53034703

He has seen the future. Web3 is here to stay and NFTs are getting more utility and adoption.

>> No.53034800

My 4 year old niece made 12 mil this year shorting ftx token

>> No.53034908

Haha all the unironic shills itt replying to shitposts. Fucking losers

>> No.53034913

Definitely he will feel thrilled when he discovers that he can explore fun, productive, and things geared toward enhancing his well-being during a car ride thanks to the rideVR tech, which will be synced with his car's navigational info.

>> No.53035664

Keeping your wallet balance safe from nosy family members is safe. I use Railway wallet and balance shielding feature comes with the wallet.

>> No.53035676

They joked about FTX

>> No.53035802

Hope you had ENS and Ore network on the list

>> No.53035876

>What did they buy?
Privacy alts ZEC,MINA,SCRT and RAIL.

>> No.53036708

He must be having it easy accessing and managing his identities on-chain.

>> No.53036728

Ditto. My grandfather and grandmother loaded up FTM. They said "You fucking zoomer cuck. We don't give a shit that it's the tranner coin, it's gongoup, faggot" and moonwalked out of the room.

>> No.53036853

Cool my 108year old bubbe just bought chainlink and literally said 'stake or die, bro' to me and my brother Chaim

>> No.53036880

>savings account (KEKKUS MAXIMUS)
>it's a ponzi scheme (correct)
>lol 401k (kek)
>retirement (kek)
>stocks (kek)
They may have laughed when what I had plummeted to 10% of its value, but they don't realize what that actually means for the money they have now.

>> No.53038055

grandma flipped me off and said 'hey nigger, I have AVAX'

>> No.53038099

All my discord friends are saying crypto is done so that's something