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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53025696 No.53025696 [Reply] [Original]

>Dmitri Medvédev
>former Prime Minister of Russia
>current Chairman of the Security
>shilling gold and digital currencies
Ah, and something about the entire collapse of the western world and finance but thats irrelevant for us, ignore those points

>> No.53025731

>Fourth Reich
>Elon musk president of US after the American civil war
>Stock market deleted
What the fuck are they smoking in the Kremlin? This guy is not a nobody. Brain cancer perhaps?

>> No.53025740

That's an awful lot to happen in 12 months. I could see a decade, maybe, but not one year.

>> No.53025746

>former Prime Minister of Russia
>current Chairman of the Security
Shouldn't he know the Bretton Woods agreement has been gone since 1971 then?

>> No.53025753

I stopped reading when he mention the 4th Reich. Have you Vatniggers even looked at the average G*rm? Do these emasculated pod people look like the kind of guys who would turn juden into soaps and lampshades?

>> No.53025792

Or that Poland and Hungary are going to occupy the Ukraine.

>> No.53025797

I think 2023 will be tense but nowhere near that crazy. Probably something more like Cold War between US and China heating up, and people starting to question if globalism has failed.
No way Europe and US simultaneously erupt into chaos in the same year though.

>> No.53025804

Why is he larping?

>> No.53025805
File: 177 KB, 500x726, 1664684000209166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit did you just deny a kremlin narrative? Looks like nafo tranny shills still work during christmas.

>> No.53025807

I don't think people smoke brain cancer

>> No.53025818
File: 1.49 MB, 400x288, 352044B4-7005-4ABA-B867-E64D8A5E8BCA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like he read Alois Irlmaer and Siener van Rensburgs predictions. But he left out the part where Russia starts WW3 and gets annihilated.

>> No.53025824
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the union state of California and Texas

>> No.53025838

>former prime minister of russia who was hand picked and groomed by putin
>posts /pol/ tier schizo LARP

It's over

>> No.53025899

Jesus you Nafo shills are lazy little niglets.

>> No.53025914

That's actually the only realistic thing in that mess that could have happened. But Kiev front collapsed and Poland won't need a buffer zone between them and Russia.

>> No.53025996
File: 70 KB, 640x634, IMG_4300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn juden into soaps and lampshades?
the Third Riech didn't even do that, although if the 4th is trying to larp as natsoc they might reenact all the fake and gay Jewish lies

>> No.53026010

On mobile now, hence the ID change but I mean how're they going to occupy the Ukraine whilst simultaneously being incorporated into the 4th Reich?

>> No.53026060
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no-one does anything else nowadays
well, that or hes gone complete batshit
you never know with Ivan

>> No.53026248

I really really like this image

>> No.53026375

Sovereigns start using Bitcoin to settle trade

>> No.53026887

too optimistic

>> No.53026936

>Texas/Mexico union
El Em Ay Oh

>> No.53026940
File: 121 KB, 976x549, londan saddest picture ever taken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism doesn't necessarily have to be based
There's plenty of Fascist dystopia's in the modern day that are basically mirror copy carbon copies of Germanys Hitler but just 180

Literally look at this picture of Britain, and put a swastika where every rainbow should be and it's literally the same thing

>Love of state ideology
>Constant symbolic gestures everywhere
>Pressure to conform to the nations cause

Literally how is it different? Because it doesn't do the thing you like?

>> No.53026966

>transfer of all major stock markets from the US and Europe to Asia

what did he actually mean by this

>> No.53026997

>2 more weeks

Jesus christ how embarrassing for Russia. Its like an entire nation of q anon boomers.

>> No.53027080

>California secession

Califag here, based.
Cant wait to earn my medal minecraft pvp'ing unionist

>> No.53027108

This. We already live under a fascist system, I don't mean that in the "everything I don't like is fascism" way either.

>> No.53027128


they checked 2 of the boxes out of 12 or so. It’s practically the same because you don’t even remotely know what fascism is. It’s when people do bad ting oh noes

>> No.53027166

>ask yourself
>am i thinking about business and finance after reading this post???
>go back