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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5302564 No.5302564 [Reply] [Original]

Word of advice: if a coin is being heavily shilled on here, as in multiple threads with cheesy sales lines like "do you hate being rich??" Then 50 posts in the thread of the guy giving live updates of the coins progress, it's a scam and they're dumping bags on you. I have never once seen a coin actually moon when being shilled this hard, it is always a pump and dump. Just think about it, what does someone get from advertising and hyping some random shitcoin on here with that much enthusiasm? They're making you think it's actually a hot commodity so they can fuck you over. Nobody is that nice here. If someone has good advice, they'll mention it in a post and leave it at that, they won't put effort into shilling it.

Do not trust pajeets, do not trust hype artists, do not trust /biz/ 99% of the time.

>> No.5302595

What did you get burned on?

>> No.5302605

yes nice blog from you but have heard about link? mainnet ja riches in next year

partnership shit allahabad bank

>> No.5302650

OST. Some dude hyped it hard as fuck last night and posted convincing whitepapers and news. I look this morning and it's down 700 sats.

>> No.5303263


Dude, it's been out for a fucking day and you're this upset? Who knows what the fuck is gonna happen to it. It's not even down that much compared to it's past. Did you even look at this?: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/simple-token/

Fuck you OP, I'm going all in.

>> No.5303334

Found the guy from the thread last night. Do they pay you to shill or are you a used cars salesman-tier faggot?

>> No.5303423

This is an elaborate trick to META-shill OST,


>> No.5303447
File: 230 KB, 220x318, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol u mad OP? Thanks for dumping your free money into my scam coin! Now my family doesn't have to eat rice from those UN food drops!

>> No.5303451

Kekd at the picture. Saved

>> No.5303496


I made 7x on Verge being shilled on here, same for Ripple's XRP a while back when I saw a post about it being decentralized, made 5x and still holding.

I guess it depends which posts you pick and do your own research afterwards. If you pick ChainLink you deserve to get drained poor.

>> No.5303504

Almost all coins dump when they hit binance for a day or so. I bought at 1962 and its 1980ish now, looks like a floor to me. Noone elses fault if you bought at like 2400 or something the second it hit

>> No.5303506


>> No.5303544

A-are Wabi and Tron scams, /biz/?

>> No.5303581


What the fuck? Did you buy it last night? If you got in a week ago, you should be sitting pretty right now.

>> No.5303601

Not quite. It's after you see 5-10 posts on /biz/ and 2-3 posts on Reddit that you need to worry about it being a bag dumping.

>> No.5303638

A bunch of hours ago because I had problems with my transfers yesterday, I know it's my fault

>> No.5303671

Let me break it down. I´ve found this great site called stake (Here's a link to it https://stake.com/?code=2018BONUS).). It has a free faucet (100 sat per min) and many games such as ''BlackJack'' and rouolette! If anybody is need some help you can just message me on it (My name is KalleBoi). Good luck! Btw, I've never deposited but i have reached 380k sats in an evening from the faucet.

>> No.5303679

You have weak hands like a soyboy

If you trying to gain wealth you should be willing to lose what you have

>> No.5303696

Tron, maybe. But the speculative updates coming this week mean that if you buy in now, you should make gains.

>> No.5303706

Wabi is a scam for sure. Tron might be OK.

>> No.5303724

PM me on stake (https://stake.com/?code=2018BONUS)) if you make an account and need some help.

>> No.5303913

Yeah I'll email you a pic of my flaccid dick. The fuck out of here.

>> No.5304001
File: 39 KB, 964x420, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fucking graph is this

>> No.5304225

Thanks, anons. Was considering Wabi for a while but their threads are way too sketch with way too many shills

>> No.5304732


Take it from OP, he knows how to pick a top tier coin! Kek! Already sold all my tron. Thanks for the gains faggots

>> No.5304958

It's fun to watch retarded people lose money.