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53024149 No.53024149 [Reply] [Original]

Why don‘t people book a cabin on a cruise ship instead of paying these ernormous rents for tiny flats in the cities? With work from home, all you need is access to the internet. You wouldn‘t even have to cook or pay for utilities.

>> No.53024183
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are you talking about stowawaying? that's a good way to become a dirty sailors cabin twink.
bitches don't know about the islets

>> No.53024218

have you ever been on a cruise? Accommodations are shit and you're surrounded by obnoxious, sociopathic boomers and thousands of fat negresses pretending to be rich "cuz they on a boat". You'd be better buying a reasonably sized one and doing this.

>> No.53024244

Even a cheap cruise is like $1k a week at least. I could see some people doing this though but I hate cruises even as a 10 year old kid I knew they were for white trash and poor degenerates

>> No.53024254

Don't cruises usually cost thousands for a week?

Plus they're horrible crimefests that aren't actually required to have enough proper lifeboats for the people on board.

>> No.53024266

No, never been on a cruise. But I assumed something like that.

I’m comparing the cost of renting +food/utilities against paying for a perpetual stay on a cruise ship.

>> No.53024703

Internet is probably shit
You won't be able to see your friends
You will be surrounded by loud families and couples
The accommodation sucks

But other than that, worth trying I guess

>> No.53024879

I think you could be onto something, but you'd need to make sure it had decent internet. You could probably strike a deal with them for multiple months. It could be kinda fun at ports taking time off to see a few places, plus you have cinemas and facilities onboard. It would be an experience, and you could videoblog it for fun, too.
I say give it a go. If it's shit you just don't do it again, and you have a cool story to tell people forever.

>> No.53025086

Who's gonna commit crimes in the middle of the ocean where there's no escape and a full list of all the people who could possibly be guilty?

>> No.53025122
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OP didnt google

>> No.53025124

You can even keep your weight down, that Norwalk virus will clean you out.

>> No.53025154


>> No.53026351

Why is that so common on cruises

>> No.53026612

They are sardine cans with shitloads of fat sweaties crammed into them, cleaned by Filipinos not paid enough to gaf. Railings everyone's grabbing at all day, shitty buffets every day where near nothings actually fresh, too small and too many cabins, too small medical facilities, nowhere to isolate groups of people, etc. If you get an outbreak of anything, you either throw the victims overboard or it will spread. Cruise ships are optimal self-enclosed bacterial breeding conditions, basically giant floating Petri dishes.

>> No.53026748

this plus sometimes those retarded boomer captains run the ships aground which can kill some of the people aboard