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53024019 No.53024019 [Reply] [Original]

I kinda miss the process of having to meet your guy somewhere like the arbys parking lot
>small talk
>seeing the stuff
>the drive home
now that recreational is legal where I live, its gotten quite boring

>> No.53024043
File: 11 KB, 277x182, 1620329828133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weed aint drugs, weed is base load

>> No.53024057

You miss the part where your dealer is two hours late because he's a junkie degenerate.

>> No.53024099

I may have been dumb buying weed at 18 but at least I had a beer in hand and a jule in my pocket.

>> No.53024111

I really couldnt disagree more. Theres considerably less stress in my life now that my states legal. Lotta junk and mid range stuff clogging up the legal market tho who the hell is growing this crap

>> No.53024171

>start reading about RCs
>oh some of these sound nice
>discover getting them in USA is like impossible
>realize that all the people on the forums im reading are europeans


>> No.53024206
File: 105 KB, 560x451, 1672002067126621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the days, I used to buy weed on silkroad. 1 bag of 5 grams used to cost 25 BTC. God damn I must have used thousands of BTC to buy drugs. Fuck you for reminding me

>> No.53025208

True. That's why cocaine is the new weed

>> No.53025505

Let’s not talk about those days anon it’s painful for a lot of us

>> No.53025722

can confirm. tenant was druggie weed dealer. always blocked driveway. couldnt tow him cause he was sleeping with the super. lazy ass trash still trying to livestream never had a job in his 28 years. loser piece of trash. sold shit weed and never had good hookups.

>> No.53025890

i miss some of that but not all, what i really miss is the transaction speed:
>hop in dealers car
>make exchange
>exit car if the coast is clear
with dispensaries it takes forever
>walk into store already knowing what i want
>all 3 faggots ahead of me in line want to chat and shop and examine like 20 different products before deciding on 2 things
>finally my turn to order
>ask sales rep for what i want
>"ohhh if you like this then you should also check this out"
>proceeds to show me shit on tablet
>"no thanks"
>finally get and pay for shit and leave

>> No.53026312

Meth is legal? Where do you live?

>> No.53026346


>> No.53026402

>whoa im a sleepy, outta it, numbed
Weed isn't even a drug, stimulants are the white man's drug

>> No.53026415

>gee, i wish i could still pretend the guy who sells me drugs is my friend

damn you are a useless waste of skin

>> No.53026418


>> No.53026448

>tfw never will buy an 8th out of a potato chip bag
>tfw never will smoke at dealers house whenever picking up
>tfw never being able to randomly meet strangers that turn into connections
>tfw never going to a house party and finding a new plug

>> No.53026502
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my sentiments precisely
imagine how fags feel though
previously participants in a covert demi-monde with attendant chills and thrills
nowadays they have to get married and buy wedding cakes

weed was absorbed and gentrified
like so much other stuff
the only things immune to this absorption, for better or worse, is extreme right wing thought crime and religious fundamentalism

>> No.53026541

Nah OP one of the main parts that I didn't like about weed was having to deal with scumbags I'd never otherwise even talk to so I could smoke.

I just got into medical growing after that point and saw how the same types of people now wanted to be my friend just because I grew.

>> No.53026558

You do drugs to fit in. I do drugs to cope. Fucking thrilled I don't have to wait for a nigger plug anymore. Cry more faggot

>> No.53026588

It's nice too when some nigger asks what I'm looking for and I say "something white" and they just look disturbed. Like "wuhh bruddah man?" "Didn't fuckin stutter did I?" The girls tell me "good answer" lmao I love the rec shops

>> No.53026636

>$10/gram for some mystery weed sprayed with god knows what pesticides sold by some degenerate that you have to drive out to meet up with
>$4-5 per gram for organic weed that is available at a shop down the street
not a very hard choice

>> No.53026662

I have never seen anyone develop well after fucking with rc. I've done plenty of fun and fulfilling drugs and avoided rc to the best of my capability. Wish I avoided the acid idk if was even real cuz it just sucked. Thizz honestly sucks. Know several faggots who took tons of acid which was not all real. They all regret it and get stuck in thought loop and holes. MDMA is beautiful if you can actually confirm the authenticity with test kits but I don't even truss that shit no more. I'm sorry you have regret not taking drugs that will seriously fuck up your life. Hope you get over it. Fuck rc

>> No.53026692

MDMA shouldn't be used more than like twice either. It's nice but fuckin risky and you will never feel as good again naturally. Not even close.

>> No.53027046

>that 30s of listening to the sales rep tell me some bullshit about the producer's farm and how they cultivate the flower while the payment is being processed
>yeah thats cool
>for sure dude let me know how that strain is next time you come in
>implying either of us will remember each other 15 min from now
such a tiresome experience every time

>> No.53027103

weed is a gateway drug that actually makes you lazy and effeminate. "Dude weed lmao" guys are fucking cringe.

Dont response to this post if youre going to seethe like a faggot over pure truth.

>> No.53027336

all the adventure is gone, everything is digital

>> No.53027341

I used to do 100mg edibles every day and smoke blunts all day it was slowly subtlely making me insane. Not like full blown schitzo or anything that anyone would classify as a problem but I could tell that I was highly paranoid and my beliefs were not meshing with reality as much. I felt like I was losing my grip just a tidbit. I quit and I feel solid and here on earth. I love cannabis but it's not for me

>> No.53027456

That's the case with every drug bruh

>> No.53027482

You helped the system become what it is today. Thank you anon.

>> No.53029133
File: 9 KB, 250x210, 1630228401358s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you smoke/vape CBD weed? I've tried almost all of "SensiWeeds" and some of "Aromakult" and yes... they're good but... I don't quite trust that they don't have any additives... do you have experiences with these or other brands?

>> No.53029179

>True. That's why cocaine is the new weed

cocaine is cool and grown up

>> No.53031112

i cant imagine being so weak that getting a bag of weed made me stressed. good luck with your weak life anon, hope you grow up.

>> No.53031166

Good choice anon.

>> No.53031229
File: 307 KB, 700x700, Puffy-700x700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like puffy brand. They sell pens and carts that are d9, 10, 11, and HHC.
their product is the best I've found so far and you get 2 grams for the same price as one where I am. recreational is still illegal where I live but these are legal

>> No.53031784


>> No.53032532

>had sex
>didn't wageslave for jews
>probably never paid taxes as well
sounds to me you were the loser faggot