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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53023493 No.53023493 [Reply] [Original]

Insurance is a scam

>> No.53023499


>> No.53023511

I just purposefully crash my car once a year so I won't waste my insurance money

>> No.53023552

>was speeding in rain with my 2020 dodge challenger
>guy did one of those “I can’t really see but I’ll take a chance and turn onto the road”
>was too fast to slow down in time
>rear ended him but “made an effort to move out of way” and was decided not at fault
>poor guy looked like he was homeless in his 5k shitbox that got absolutely destroyed while my front taillight was out

>insurance paid 23k for repairs (airbags went off)

I’m in the green for a couple more years

>> No.53023781
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keep talking about it. they hate it when you talk about it.

>> No.53023802

Insurance should be illegal

>> No.53023804

Of course it is. The scary thing about it is there are certain types of insurance (car insurance) that are mandatory by law. It's literally a mandatory ponzi scheme you can't get out of.

>> No.53023807

Yes, but if something actually does happen, you profit. Big time. Happened to me. Ever since I shut up about insurances, but by all means, carry on, just wanted to throw it in.

>> No.53023811
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is rape good for you?

>> No.53023816

just compute the amount of money you spent for the last 10 years and how much value you extracted from it.
are forms of insurance are the biggest scam ever, starting with social security

>> No.53023833
File: 97 KB, 1200x675, 5E5D47C1-DC54-49CC-83F4-7CB93A2B2C7D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out yesterday that my mom pays $16,000 a year in health/dental insurance. I need to get my own job just so she can take me off it (and I can pretend to be covered)

>> No.53023902

and it's mandatory kek

>> No.53023922

I made this thread on /pol/ in 2016 and got a 30 day ban

>> No.53023936
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>Pay tens to hundreds of dollars monthly to the insurance company, so that after spending an additional several hundred to thousand dollars on medical costs, they will step in and cover any additional costs
>...for the rest of that year.
>...as long as the procedures are covered by your insurance.
>...and as long as your insurers deem the procedures medically necessary, which they can deny for practically any reason
How the fuck is this shit allowed bros?

>> No.53024071


>> No.53024123

Most states offer a waiver to carry insurance if you prove you are high net worth. My state is something like $2million net and you can drive except from insurance mandate.

>> No.53024157

>legally forced to pay for it anyway

>only people who haven't made it get fucked
What a great society.

>> No.53024173

Hijacking this thread, I turn 26 next year which means that in the US I'll no longer be covered under my parents health insurance. Should I spend the $80 a month on a healthcare plan from my employer, even though I'm young and healthy? Even if I had a health problem, isn't medical debt treated differently and pretty much doesn't matter?

>> No.53024177

>How the fuck is this shit allowed bros?
the value proposition of insurance companies is equivalent to the problem with industrial society: loss of personal agency. as a citizen/insurance paypig, you cant pick your battles, BUT no one bigger can pick on you. you let a complex legal network settle your disputes in exchange for payment every month. it makes everyone feel like cucks with no way to fend for themselves, but unless social complexity decreases, this new model of complex networks settling personal matters will only get more elaborate

>> No.53024204
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Scamming is my insurance

>> No.53024234

Whatt if I insure myself against scams?

>> No.53024235

It's a legal ponzi. Warren Buffet understands, tis' why he is a billionaire

>> No.53024453
File: 37 KB, 780x438, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current car is a lease. I dont even have a business
Leases are required to have "full coverage" car insurance

I fucked up. Can't wait to finish my lease and actually own car

>> No.53024700
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i like this thread. i'm gonna spice it up a bit pepe, stand BACK

>> No.53024706


Not when you need it.

>> No.53024733

It depends. Sometimes you are the one scamming the insurance provider, so it really hinges on the situation and/or contract.

>> No.53024741

It is not an economical purchase but a psychological one. It puts your mind at ease.

>> No.53024780

Fuck off faggot

When you “need” it the fucking insurance company does every possible thing to NOT pay you

>> No.53024883

Consider an HSA

>> No.53024949
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>> No.53025001

>speeds like a dumb nigger in the rain
>totals his car and another
>at fault because he’s a dumb gorilla nigger
>only paid for liability
>insurance lost money covering his at fault liability
>chimps out at insurance company for not replacing his hellcat because he’s a dumb baboon nigger that didn’t get full coverage
> insurance is a scam waaaah

>> No.53025130

Communist lives don't matter

>> No.53025157

>What a great society.
yet here you are, maybe move back to India Ranjeet

>> No.53025362
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i hate both the ones who make it a necessity, the ones who provide it, and the ones who necessitate it.

>> No.53025377

>value of insurance is correlate with industrial society's loss of personal agency

yeah, sure i agree but the whole point of insurance came from when boats were crossing the atlantic and the shipping companies would pay gold bullion at small premium to the insurer in case the boat sank. same nowadays with home insurance.

insurance is for a low risk, high loss scenarios.

insurance is NOT for health care or even for renters.

there SHOULD be protections baked in, the political parties have tricked you into thinking that paying 5% more per annum in taxes for a national health system (ie NHS) would be COMMUNISM.

in the end, everybody would be happier, less stressed, less middlemen shiteaters for a basic, acceptable level of health care. This will not cover everything, you could go in to get your heart or diabetes checked but not an elective surgery. some small private wierd insurance would exist.

i agree with your point though, thing is that
> but unless social complexity decreases

is never gonna happen. society and social relations will get more complex and fucked if anything.

>> No.53025529

Not being able to cash out when you don't want to use it anymore is the real scam.
>then how will they make money?!
They shouldn't. Insurance should be a service that is a necessary evil. The money wasn't theirs to begin with.

>> No.53025602


is american capitalism at least partly to blame for how things are now?

>> No.53025670
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>everybody would be happier, less stressed, less middlemen shiteaters for a basic, acceptable level of health care.
stable dispersion of give and take. substantial growth. you just need to trim and style up a bit and i'll be on your side. bullshit or not.

>> No.53025730

Driving isn't a right.

>> No.53026063

If you mean the government, then sure.

>> No.53027192

The only competition to 'insurance' is 'no insurance'.
If you're worried about someone with no insurance hitting you, get insurance you fucking midwit retard asshole.
Mandatory insurance laws should get the creator of such a law drawn and quartered.

>> No.53027233

It really depends if you need that extra money per check. IIRC you can renew it next year in early spring

I'll add to this. I'm mid 30s and decided not to take the employers insurance in exchange for more shekel checks. How fucked am I? I feel like its smart cuz I'm pretty healthy but I've seen horror stories

>> No.53027255

Based, go to hell /pol/tard

>> No.53027304


yeah thats pretty retarded, at the very minimum you should get a cheapo catastrophic plan

>> No.53027393

>car insurance is ~100 a month for the past 10 years and never used it once adding up to more than the value of my car if I totaled it and it was my fault
>health insurance is mandatory in California and costs 350 a month for me the past 10 years
>implying I wouldn't just take the treatment and not pay just like the illegals here
>oh wait the illegals get amazing insurance for free while I pay 350 a month for insurance that does not cover anything until my medical bills surpass 15k

>> No.53027421

Insurance companies keep a team of lawyers to prey on the uninsured. The only reason you need insurance is cause the other guy might have it

>> No.53027428

used to do insurance claims for homes hail/wind damage pipe bursts cat claims, every time i looked at prior claims people try to claim every single fucking year to try and get a free roof so you wanna know why that shit is sky high its because niggers want a new roof every year for pea sized hail, and 1 missing wind shingle then they get some contractor jag off to rip 100 shingles off their roof to call it wind damage and the insurance company pays that too becuase all they care about is a good customer survey FUCK YOU ALLSTATE I HOPE YOUR COMPANY GOES BANKRUPT FAGGOT KIKES

>> No.53027436

also if u gonna fuck your roof up make sure its a random damage pattern with a hammer dont hit in the same place its obvious also insurance companies are crooked as fuck would only pay for 2 sides of a home when aluminum siding was involved aka chicago becuase it was so expensive but im pretty sure same homes would be claimed over and over and policies switched to other family members to get anotehr claim paid

>> No.53029520

especially in blackjack

>> No.53029529

>crash car
>insurance gives you money for new one

uhhh idk abt this one anon. I mean i get this argument, but it doesnt work.

>> No.53032158

>was speeding in rain with my 2020 dodge challenger
Stopped reading. Kill yourself. I cannot wait for AOC to ban those pieces of shit.