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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53022316 No.53022316 [Reply] [Original]

Please check previous threads for inspiration.
Ask any questions and hopefully an anon can help.
Be polite but tough love is welcome.
Tripfag if you are frequent or want to, or don't it's up to you.

In this thread, I'm going to compile the best income streams ordered by investment required, including both online and offline options

Little to no Investment($100-$1k), very hands on
>Direct Response Copywriting
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing
>Affiliate Marketing
>Media Buying
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook (comprehensive guide: https://kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/))
>Product Arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buy bot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

If you have any comprehensive guides. Post them and we'll add them here.

Feel free to add more and share your knowledge, experience, advice with others, but I think that's a lot of value that you won't find in most threads here.

Previous thread:

[ ] https://discord.gg<slash>4usKUGn

Biz Dropbox

>> No.53022350

>Be polite
Fuck off faggot
Nice thread though

>> No.53022361

Thank you faggot

>> No.53022638

Anyone have insight into inventing a product and monetizing it? I imagine the ideal way to go about it would be to secure a patent then try to sell/license it to a manufacturer already operating in that industry.

How do I do that? Would I need to get sales on my own beforehand to prove viability or just go in and sell the idea?

>> No.53023283

Seconding this question. I have a patent, but need to find investors to commercialize it.

>> No.53023343
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>would be to secure a patent
Patents are set up to protect the big boys. If you go get a patent and a big company wants your idea they will just copy it and fuck you in court if you try to sue them with your chump change. Plus China doesn't give a single fuck about your patent.

>> No.53023653

Unironically good advice, unless you’re an already established brand coming out with a good product that needs protecting, some big nose lawyers will just come in and steal your patent, all done legally and funded by Soros of course

>> No.53023725

>Thinking writing is a form of entrepreneurship that you're just going to break into
>Equate it to dropshipping and vending machines
>Slumlording with only 10k
>Arbitrage bot and daytrading as entrepreneurship
>A bunch of other stuff

You have the right spirit unlike a lot of people here, but you have no idea what entry level entrepreneurship even is.

>> No.53023728

Redpill me on batting cages? I see you can get good ones for under £1k (bong anon here) so what are the other costs and what are the procedures in setting them up?

>> No.53023861

fucking finally, we need more of these threads, bless you for posting anon

>> No.53023888

what would be entry level?

>> No.53024325


>> No.53024373


>> No.53024605

>coming into one of the 4 threads on biz not made by a pajeet to scam money
>attempts to derail with baseless criticism without providing any advice

Tell me you have a big nose and glow in the dark without telling me

>> No.53024662
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Can someone please direct me to the vending YouTube channel mentioned here?

Sounds dangerously based.

>> No.53024682

>Little to no Investment($100-$1k), very hands on
>Direct Response Copywriting
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing
>Affiliate Marketing
>Media Buying
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook
>Product Arbitrage
You do realize like 90% of that work is about to automated away by AI right?

>> No.53024705

Then you better hurry up and scale as fast as you can to make your profit and get out before we reach full technocratic authoritarian humanity enslavement

>> No.53024738

Or fuck it and I just go stock shelves at target.
Instead of wasting my time selling penis enlargement pills to Alex Jones fans through Facebook ads.

>> No.53024791
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Nothing wrong with that, somebody’s gotta flip the burgers

>> No.53024824


>> No.53025966
