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53022293 No.53022293 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else in the same position?

I’m 28, I’ve decided if I haven’t made it from crypto by say age of 32 I’m going to kill myself.

I’d rather an hero than go back to the wage cage. I worked a 9-5 in commercial real estate valuations and once I made 6 figures last bull run decided to quit my job and NEET (frugally)… any more time waging and I genuinely think I would have an hero’d there and then.

Got $100,000 in crypto now, so this is it, all or nothing for me, I either make it off this shit in the next few years and it’s my ticket to eternal freedom/neetdom or I rope. Simple as that.

>> No.53022304

Wtf you should have roped by now if I haven’t made it off crypto but 25 I have a gun by my bedside. Logan’s run should be real fucking old fuck

>> No.53022326


I understand how you feel entirely. The thought of having decades ahead, waking up by alarm every day to go wage is unbearable, would have loved to by 25 obviously but this is just how it is for me

>> No.53022349

that's a great plan until suddenly you're 33

>> No.53022385

Me, but still thinking about killing myself.
I made enough money to buy a house last bullrun but that was the only good choice I made. I had millions in a bsc shitcoin and should have sold the top but I didnt. I have inmense feelings of regret but I'm well off now living from rent money and studying something (at 30) that makes me feel alive. In 3 years or so I hope I find a job that doesnt feel like a cage.
btw with $100k you can have a nice life in Mexico

>> No.53023540

Same exact boat. I will die on this boat. I either make it “next cycle” or die poor.

>> No.53023609
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I'm 38, will be 39 in March. Realized I've been waging for exactly 2 decades. 20 fucking years. Went all in on XRP awhile back before all the schizo posts. 150k xrp holder. Will rope if they lose the case, i just can't do it all anymore.

>> No.53023741
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>college educated
>no employment opportunities
>can't even get entry-level positions because over qualified
>can't get positions I'm qualified for because no work experience
>Sold all my boomer rocks
>living with parents
>working for a couple of hundred bucks a weekend
>Only have 600 bucks left in shitcoins

Either I make it or I live long enough to watch the whole system crash in on itself. Either one is preferable.

>> No.53023756
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>Is anyone else in the same position
>he thought 100% dca was a meme

>> No.53023764
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here's a different pic since you faggots keep thinking I'm a larp

>> No.53023785

Also apparently thread is about killing yourself rather than literally putting the fucking spoon down paypig

>> No.53023786

I tried sleeping in a WMA camp once and almost got molested by coyotes. I'm not even that big of a faggot either, I'm /k/ and /out/ pilled and by the second time it happened I gave up on that being a viable money-saving option. How do you do it anon?

>> No.53023806

was the area a designated camp area? If yes thats your first mess up. Niggercattle leave food everywhere at pre marked camp sites. The trick is to find areas with no trash and deer poop. The poop shows the deer use that path frequently which implies they don't encounter people that area often

>> No.53023886

Pretty similar position but I'm already 32 and I actually work in a field that I enjoy. With more money I could put more effort on my own projects. Touched seven figures last run..

>> No.53023907

I admire the maximalism, but let's be realistic. BTC top this coming cycle will be low 6-figs. Meaning your $100k will be worth probably between $1m and $2m. If you cash out $1m you can probably NEET frugally for the rest of your days until you get bankrupted and/or killed by health issues in old age. But if you're willing to wait another 5 years, why not hold out for the top of the following cycle (6 years) and ensure you're at like $3m.

>> No.53023921

Sorry, top of the following cycle is more likely 7 years, not 6. But same point

>> No.53025158

btc and crypto is not going up unless power becomes cheaper. when do you see that happening?

>> No.53025389
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>waged maybe one year in total my whole life
>i fucking hate it
>20k to my name
>500€/month neetbux of which I'm giving 300 to gf for groceries

I want to die. I should probably leave my gf instead of draggin her into misery

>> No.53025419

>btc and crypto is not going up unless power becomes cheaper

>> No.53025569

what are you upset about? btc, the whole crypto system relies on mining ie other people burning juice thru cards to keep the system up. with power being expensive everywhere there's less incentive to mine

>> No.53025584

Lol sounds like you're trolling but just in case you aren't, go ahead and tell me why you think more mining = higher price

>> No.53025636

i think you're upset

>> No.53025678

Tolling, got it.

God I hate this place after reddit got here

>> No.53025808

>i got asked a question
>must be a troll op
i hope your bag can hold down your anger

>> No.53025869


Why do you presume you're too good for the "wage cage"? Take it all away and it's just you and nature. You'd have to constantly hunt, forage, and maintain your shelter. It wouldn't be 9-5 in a climate controlled building 5 days a week. It would be a 24/7 struggle for survival.

The reality is that humanity as a race, especially in developed countries, has things on average better than ever before in recorded history. Abundant and varied food, guaranteed basic education, comfortable living conditions, and more information and entertainment than you could possibly consume in your lifetime at bargain basement rates. All you have to do is show up on time and earn your keep, but you can't be bothered. Our ancestors would kill you and carve out your heart to have a chance to work in the "wage cage" you bitch about.

In the modern world, money is freedom - freedom from drudgery, freedom to do and have what you want when you want it. You should pursue wealth as any self-respecting human pursues success. But perhaps your should have the maturity and perspective to realize you're complaining about a lack of money when money itself did not even exist all that long ago, complaints you communicate with technology that would have you crucified as a witch not long after that. Human civilization has steadily but surely fought and clawed and scraped together some small semblance of emancipation from the bowels of an uncaring universe so you could peacefully enjoy your "wage cage" but you are so spoiled, so fat and ignorant, so coddled by modern conveniences that you do not realize what you see as a restrictive cage is a gold-gilded velvet-lined palace, the foundations of which are constructed from the bones of your forefathers. You have grown soft sleeping on clouds and picking your way through designer buffets for every sensation and you are so useless and atrophied you can't pick up the rope and drag the cart a single inch forward.

I fart in your general direction.

>> No.53026179

all in on ETH, BTC and BIT
i still have some faith in BIT and a little in ETH
but BTC is gonzo. you cant get rich off of that shit

>> No.53026182

lol imagine thinking alts will make it and BTC wont
fuck you ETH and especially your BIT

>> No.53026185
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If I haven't made it by thirty I'm going to start robbing banks and shooting cops.

>> No.53026191

lol you do know BTC is centralized as fuck right? a couple people own more than 50% of the entire supply and that number is only going up

the supply distribution with ETH is nowhere near as bad and with BIT it’s actually one of the best

>> No.53026654
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bunch of self absorbed mongoloids

>> No.53027054

All or nothing is a stupid attitude.
When you adopt this attitude, you end up going all in out of total desperation. You will get called, and you will lose.
If you exhibit self control and patience, you will be able to live a good life, accumulate, and find a time when going all in is favorable. That's when you go all in, and that's when you come out on top.
Don't go all in just because you're prepared to give up. Go all in because you've realized you won.

>> No.53027085

This guy psyop again? Just work dude.

>> No.53028685

Dont go all in anon, it's best you diversify your portfolio into projects with real life application like asset management, privacy, data projects.

>> No.53028693

Because the 5 years from 28 to 33 are much more important than 75-80

>> No.53028706
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