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53021858 No.53021858 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53021889

At least you are conscious of it, unlike most "people".

>> No.53021892

At least you're not offered euthanasia like in Canada

>> No.53021893


>> No.53021906

I know anon, I know

>> No.53021942

Try to live below your means and cut unnecessary expenses if you haven't already.

But I know wageslaving sucks

>> No.53021949


>> No.53021978
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>> No.53021998

>the government wants to kill me
>i still pay taxes
i guess yo can't be helped.

>> No.53021999

Blame the government and not the greedy corporations.

You do know that if your poor the government gives you $300+ monthly ebt money for anything in a store except hot items, but you have to fill out paperwork online, amazing how that filters out so many lazy prideful fucks

>> No.53022024
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Because they want to reach a "sustainable" level of population and they deem 8 billion people too many. Thanks for paying your taxes ;)

>> No.53022036

Because it's jewish

>> No.53022754


>> No.53022785
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enjoy your foodstamps goyim

>> No.53022793

>Blame the government and not the greedy corporations.
They work together hand in hand you silly little goy. Your EBT goes straight into the pockets of the fat cats you hate so much.

>> No.53022798

>tax slave not needed

>> No.53024274

They want to downsize the civilized world. Any production or service needs they have will be done by robots. AI is the Antichrist.

>> No.53025927

Don't tell me you got the covid "vaccine," anon. You didn't fall for that...right?

>> No.53025939

At least you aren't alone anon we are all enslaved together

>> No.53025959
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>> No.53025990
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It'll get a lot worse before it gets better

>> No.53026031

>pay tax on income
>pay sales tax

>pay tax on used items I sold on ebay that I already paid sales tax on
how does this make sense?

>> No.53026073

>Harassed out of College because some whore accuses me of being a "sexual predator", there is ample evidence that she's making shit up but School doesn't want to appear as going easy on Straight White Males so they turn a blind eye while the diversity gestapo harasses and slanders me
>Move home with the idea of just working hard for a year, saving up money, and being in a better position to go back to school/go into new career
>COVID hits, parents immediately throw me out of the house (no warning whatsoever). Spend four months homeless/living in a dilapidated shack without water or electricity while trying to get back on my feet
>Find a chill decent paying job as a bartender for Royal Canadian Legion, earn 25-30$ and hour and rent the bottom half of a house in a nice neighborhood. Work on the side in healthcare, can put away a couple hundred a month at least and live comfortably
>COVID restrictions force bar to close, can no longer afford rent, two more months homeless
>Finally buy a cheap houseboat, move aboard and at least I have a roof over my head and access to fresh water. For a year and a half I can't stand up straight in my own home, but at least it's something
>Save up several thousands of dollars, work towards starting an e-company, things finally start turning around
>Find out that best friend's dad is murdered by mob, move in to try to help him, every night gangsters are following us around in the bushes
>Best friend inherited several properties however, and maybe we can actually rise up in the world with this
>Nope, it becomes extremely clear that the Mob is going to murder us and take the properties for themselves. Go to police station and tell them everything that's going on, they just shrug and say their hands are tied.
>Best friend is murdered and I go on the run, sleeping in gutters, literally living on the streets, and being hunted like an animal for six months.

>> No.53026084

Seeing my mom die in november I wish it was an option here. She had a shower of bloodclots in her brain with no chance of recovery just suffered for 3 days off of the ventilator gasping for air.

>> No.53026140

>Finally manage to find a decent place to settle down, get a job, start to rebuild my life.
>Had to leave everything of my old life behind. Tens of thousands of dollars and two+ years of work down the drain
>At least I'm alive tho
>Parents come to visit
>Constantly condescend to me for being poor
>Constantly condescend to me for dropping out of college
>Constantly compare me to their friends kid, who's parents bought a house for him and is now having his first child
>If I point out that he had a house provided to him for free, while I had to live in a tent for several months after they threw me out without notice and build myself up from nothing, they just scream at me for being lazy and entitled
>Insinuate that they think I'm retarded and/or mentally unsound, go around telling their friends that they think I'm going to kill myself
>If I had been killed their only reaction would have been to shrug and assume that I killed myself because I'm a loser
>If their emails are being monitored (likely) they may as well be signing my death warrant, they're certainly providing a great alibi for me to be murdered
>Can't even save up enough money to get a basic side-hustle running
>Every year my quality of life gets worse, things are more expensive, and it seems more hopeless


Society doesn't care if we're hunted down like animals, and it's only too enthusiastic to ruin our lives over nothing. I'm going to steal my parents credit cards, max them out, and make a last-ditch effort for financial freedom. Fuck this shitty system. Fuck society. Fuck people. Hitler/Stalin/Khan can't come soon enough, and if things don't improve soon I'm going to just start robbing liquor stores. This shit is all so gay.

Rot in piss bankers, cops, bureaucrats, taxpayers, and all the rest who've build this living hell.

>> No.53026168

Oh yeah, and during this time, instead of taking steps to fix our broken society, the Canadian State decided to start offering euthanasia to whoever, per >>53021892.

If you're young and male, society actively wants you dead. In ten years they'll be rounding us up for death camps, if we haven't already starved to death on the pavement by then.

>> No.53026350

Need mo' money fo' dem programs

>> No.53026382
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>> No.53027276

You must decrease your quality of living because of colonialism and allow brown people to take over your lands. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. Jews do

>> No.53027987

When AI handles all the jobs you will not be needed

>> No.53029826

damn this is actually a pretty good analogy

>> No.53030962
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>> No.53032257

Paying tax is good, but if they are nothing to show for it's really not cool, that's why I stack up my funds on crypto to reduce the rate at which I pay tax

>> No.53034194

So sorry about that anon

>> No.53034224

But you can also make the rules if you want to

>> No.53034299

Isn't crypto transparent as well?
I base in Germany, and I'm paying heavy tax on my crypto holdings in my wallet, so what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.53034531

Maybe consider culling those who attempt to cull you.
Or start a secession movement (or join one going on).
Or wageslave in misery.
Or something else, your choice.

>> No.53034548

national debt isn gonna pay itself goyim

>> No.53034588
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>this is the price we pay to live in a society.

Meanwhile, the society:

>> No.53034660

its because shit like this >>53034588 that i hate /pol/ chuds

>> No.53034761

A jew wrote that article.

>> No.53034775

what a story man

>> No.53035050
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>> No.53035062

Yo bro, why are you speakin' like a noob in the crypto game?
Use some privacy projects to keep your stacks hush.

>> No.53035795

Before then, you fucking do your best

>> No.53035810

And what if he got it?
Is there anything fucking wrong with that?

>> No.53035817

>In ten years they'll be rounding us up for death camps, if we haven't already starved to death on the pavement by then.

No. They will start a war in order to cull the young fighting age men. Death camps are a net expense while war is a profitable racket. Even if your nation loses the war your leaders can at least go into exile with all their illgotten gains.

Death camps are for the noncompliant and draft dodgers.

>> No.53035860

Ever since I lost all my funds on tornado cash, I hate privacy projects, never seen anyone worth it

>> No.53035908

After the exile, won't they return home?

>> No.53035944

Planet is ripe for the harvest and the 4k year cycle will restart

>> No.53035997
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>Your EBT goes straight into the pockets of the fat cats you hate so much.

EBT is essentially just UBI for Conagra with the poor serving as middlemen.

>> No.53036027
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Give the Railway wallet a shot. It'll help keep your funds undercover and out of sight from the prying eyes of the public.

>> No.53036132

Can you provide evidence for that, please?

Thank you.

>> No.53036162

Who gives a shit? OP is talking about the real problems and your brain is short circuiting to anal sex.

>> No.53036174
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Hey, don't be a party pooper.
Tornado Cash wasn't even audited, but privacy projects with advanced technology with zero knowledge proofs will help privacy thrive.
Don't sleep on the power of anonymity.

>> No.53036287

He's probably just too much of a pussy to withdraw because it's a crime in the US now

>> No.53036346


>> No.53036361

Not my problem. I never took the vaxx. Kek you werent stupid enough to take it right?

>> No.53037216

2 more weeks!