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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53019907 No.53019907 [Reply] [Original]

How the developed world's economies ACTUALLY WORK in the 21st century.
Discuss (30 reichsmarks)
Welcome to the future, frenz.

>> No.53019950

After all, we can't have that trickle-down economics trickling down to the humans, can we?

>> No.53019959
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>> No.53019998

So... how many big BernieMadoffWithMuhMunnys are still required?
5 or 6?

>> No.53020023

>what obama giveth, the biden taketh away
Another medium-sized war and a few property-price collapses, give or take a trade dispute or three, and we'll be right-as-rain soon enough, amirite?