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53018615 No.53018615 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being so ugly the media has to upload a cartoon picture of you instead

>> No.53018624

Is her life over or is it still recoverable?

>> No.53018637

wdym over? she’s not going to jail and she probably has enough “legit” assets she can use along with a bunch of laundered crypto

>> No.53018641

>”I’m sowwey, pwease don’t pin me like a naughty lil ugly weasel”

>> No.53018650

I think it's only fair the Judge knocks 10 years off her 110 year sentence since she's shown such remorse. My heart bleeds for her, a woman, and deserving of preferential treatment.

>> No.53018651

But she said she's sorry. It's over, nothing will happen and she will stay rich.

>> No.53018652

She is still young and never made any prior mistake, and she feels sorry already.
The judges must & will acquit her, everyone needs second chance

>> No.53018683
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WOAH it's just like in the CARTOOOONS

>> No.53018689


>> No.53018692

I sentence her to be my sex slave

>> No.53018694

Anons can fuck her for 1 ETH

>> No.53018732

she's an orgy-loving, thieving junkie

>> No.53018745

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.53018776

I wouldn’t touch her diseased snatch for 1BTC

>> No.53018787

she SAID sorry, ok?

>> No.53018806

Women get away with everything. A few years ago a female surgery resident literally stabbed her boyfriend and she avoided prison because the judge felt it was wating her "promising career".

>> No.53018819

I still can't get over the fact they has a #wire-fraud channel on Slack and they'll likely get away with it, and I have to use tor and encrypt all communications and use dropboxes to get some drugs and if they caught me with 1 pill in my pocket I'd go to jail

>> No.53018866

1 ETH is less than 1 BTC.

>> No.53019111

im confident that i could say she can fuck me for 1 eth

>> No.53019134
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Imagine giving said Ugly dog your entire life savings?

Not a Merry Christmas for many of their victims

Poor bastards got beasted by the Goblin elite.

>> No.53019207

They deserved it for trusting jews. Ugly fucking goblin jews at that.

>> No.53019216

Lmao fucking squirrel
Normally, over, but she's jewish so idk

>> No.53019225

Imagine being this naive
She is walking and protected

>> No.53019236
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>> No.53019266
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Websites need to retain traffic, after all.
And the bitch is the reverse Medusa - seeing her prevents you from getting rock hard.
Too bad the actual picture can't hide how hideous this troglodyte is

>> No.53019276

in another era, she would have been following around the grateful dead

but now theres no bands that good to dedicate your life to follow around while being a stinky junkie

really this is the fault of the new generation who eschewed learning traditional musical instruments for the path of less resistance, making dubstep. skrillex basically did ftx

>> No.53019295


>> No.53019336

Where's the money? Or the wallets containing billions in crypto.

>> No.53019347

>I still can't get over the fact they has a #wire-fraud channel on Slack and they'll likely get away with it

>> No.53019417

motherfucker, thats nick fuckin' cage on that picture.

>> No.53019486

she's sorry ok??
Sam made her do it, not the amphetamine-fueled sense of invincibility

>> No.53019665

She'd famous anon. Plus she can probably suck a golf ball through a hose.

>> No.53019719

we live in a world where these Madoffs say they knew what they were doing was wrong, clearly looking for leniency from a judge. so in other words she's more afraid of the system than admitting to millions of people she stole from you on purpose and isn't some innocent girl, because you wont do shit

>> No.53019742

don't care

>> No.53019759
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Wood Nymph Life...

>> No.53020234

>media uploads a cartoon of caroline
>its the same picture thats been posted for months now
wtf? why aren't there more pictures of this whore? where are her nudes?

>> No.53021234

I wouldn't fuck her if they paid me ALL the bitcoin

>> No.53021289

It’s mostly to cover up her blatant Jewish phenotypes. Her looks attached to a story of fraud would create anti-semtism

>> No.53021377

Dats a man

>> No.53021597

not her nose

>> No.53023717


Martin Shkreli say gary Wang will get ass raped in prison for being a snitch


>> No.53023849

say what you will about martin but his brutal honesty and openness about the experience is quite informative and educational

>> No.53023857 [DELETED] 

>Shkreli's tip: you can find letters to prisoners. >SBF's address should be publically accessible.


>> No.53023872

>Shkreli's tip: you can write letters to prisoners >SBF's address should be publically accessible.


>> No.53023926

you can write letters to caroline too
anons, weasel aficionados, dare i say frens shall we lets say try and pin this

>> No.53024861

>hates ugly women
>yet simps hundreds of dollars on pretty women like Belle Delphine without actual financial and monetary returns


>> No.53025197

shes doing a plea bargain obviously. feds let her go out for coffee every day while they were trying to get bankman

>> No.53025212
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>> No.53025276

Making dubstep at a high level is literally harder then learning any musical instrument at a high level lol

>> No.53025303

>in jail
lmao nice bait

>> No.53025619
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>> No.53025645

I think she is cute. Maybe I can save her.....

>> No.53025662


>> No.53025676

Fuck, why is 4chan always right?!

>> No.53025750
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I know right? I'm a tourist I'm from /pol/ just thought I'd drop some of our shit around here

>> No.53025830

Dubstep is tranny music

>> No.53025851
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well don't unless it's worth more than a national average of attention span time, mkaysies?

>> No.53026006
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She'll probably outlive me in prison. Females aren't generally aggressive towards each other like men are in jail. She'll likely find a hot scissor sister and her family will send her gourmet meals and other condiments

>> No.53026066

>Life over
yeah, her life is over. Her new, acquitted jewish millionaire whore life however, is just beginning.

>> No.53027851


>> No.53027932

Why is the media covering for this half-jew that is as responsible for fraud as SBF?

>> No.53027995
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>> No.53028033
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Kek Jewesses on suicide watch

>> No.53028042

>we will sentence you to 7093 years in prison
>uuuh my boyfriend is also a criminal
>oh alright then, you get 10 days detention instead

The American justice system is a joke lmao

>> No.53028462
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>> No.53028497
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Nothing has changed since then.

>> No.53028633

At least she was open about having the herp on her Tinder profile

>> No.53028640

Checked, source?

>> No.53028793

Someone posted a screen grab a couple days ago. I didn't save it, sorry. But it deserves a place in the lore, along with the phrase, "when the weasel grips"

>> No.53028806

Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a divining rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps “Found you!” . The Mathweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman’s dehydrated dick.

>> No.53028891
File: 57 KB, 466x255, 1665020682121066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know they were gonna put Friedman in the same jail as epstien lol that cat was gonna get ghosted lucky his parents bailed him out