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53018461 No.53018461 [Reply] [Original]

>on Christmas holidays after months without a holiday from my wagecuck job
>have eaten chocolate on the morning of every holiday day so far
>went to gym during day time
>drove around and went for walks
>sleep has become great and easy without work to wake up for and without feeling like I have to maximise evening free time
>went for drive thru coffees
>played vidya guilt free
>still at least 5 days before I start counting down the days until I go back to my job
>at parents' house and enjoying the large space compared to my small flat

Holy shit, I didn't realise how bad corporate cuckoldry was. Everything in life could be solved if I magically got £3 million.

I'll only experience this for a few more weeks before I have to go back...

>> No.53018623

you don't "have" to go back. you WANT to wagecuck
>i need starbucks
>i need onlyfans subscriptions
>i need latest iphone
>i need to go out at the barcade
those are WANTS, not NEEDS
a man can live comfortably on ~$10k/y in first world countries. a cuck needs ~$100k/y to survive
you also work in software engineering, don't you?

>> No.53018669

/// As an overarching theory, the idea that humans moved from freedom to stuckness seems to reinscribe some of the schematic evolutionary folktales that the book exists to critique /// She delivered her speech with tremendous wit and verve /// The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance /// The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing ///Just put it in my in tray and I'll look at it later /// This odious walled vertical suburb is a civic embarrassment, the embodiment of a runaway plutocracy that places its own interests over the commonweal — and common decency /// They spent their honeymoon in a cruddy beachside hotel /// He broached the subject they had been avoiding all evening /// We should have sat down and addressed the issues head-on /// It felt churlish to tell him that I was in a hurry, that the coffee would have to be quick /// She could always be relied on to hold court with hilarious tales ///

>> No.53018681
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Man, I'm in exactly the same place as you.
Working in a startup company, I'm surrounded by people who have absolutely no life except work. They come in the morning and just stay there. Work all day then browse facebook at work until they fall asleep at which point they go home only to sleep and come back to the office as soon as possible. Sometimes they even fucking sleep on the office couch.
I can't fucking stand working over 8 hours a day, I want to go home and work on my hobbies. I want to have fun without looking at the clock. I want to be in the sunlight more than just 2 days of the week.

I hope you make it, bro. Nobody in my life can understand these feelings, so it felt nice to see your post.
I already have a car and some savings.
I only need 1.5 million more to be able to live happily.
I can't stand this life for that much longer, I need crypto to go up soon before I go mad. I'm wasting my life wagecucking instead of living while I'm still young. Why is everyone around me fine with living like this until they're too old to do anything?

>> No.53020866

>>i need onlyfans subscriptions
no one wants those anon

>> No.53021146

>browse facebook
Imagine even having a facecuck account. You're startup is full of idiots and going to fail.

>> No.53021163

>10K a year

lmao, where can you get an apartment for less than $1,500 a month in 2022?

>> No.53022038

Nice projection , fag

>> No.53022834

>just go and live in the woods bro

fucking kill yourself, yes a person can survive without most of the stuff in his life, but key word survive, and survival is not the same as having a life.

>> No.53022850

how old are people that make out of touch posts like this

>> No.53022861

>Everything in life could be solved if I magically got £3 million.
god you're so fucking stupid you lazy fucking neet. Just get a comfy high paying WFH job and you can enjoy life while you work on getting your 3 million you stupid yuropoor

>> No.53022866

roommates, living alone is for triple digit IQ people

>> No.53022884
File: 24 KB, 500x500, CA8F4CAF-171B-4488-B4DE-D7D32E9747B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don‘t live the consoomer lifestyle, your number is not 3 million.

>> No.53023237

but, you will be going back anon

>> No.53023998

based londonfrog thanks for the update

>> No.53024170


The topic is still up so I'll post an update since I posted the topic.

>went for a 40 minute walk while listening to a podcast
>went to gym and deadlifted heaviest weight I've done for years and did heavy bench presses and used rowing machine
>drank coffee in car and read a chapter of a book
>had a guilt free fast food binge because it's the only thing I ate today
>started playing a video game in evening: a long RPG; played for 3 enjoyable hours
>will read in bed

>> No.53024208

The amount of seething shows how credible this really is.