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53009831 No.53009831 [Reply] [Original]

Disclaimer: This is an informative thread for the high IQ demographic of /biz/.
>What's new in Alephium?
1. Stateful UTXO: the security of the UTXO model with the programmability of the account model for an L1 that extends on BTC's security model with the expressivity of Ethereum for a new safer standard for dapps.
2. Blockflow Consensus algorithm (POW & UTXO): work of different shards is accumulated due to block dependencies so if an attacker wants to re-org one shard it needs to re-org all the dependencies. Thanks to blockflow no mainchain is required like in Elrond, the network remains lightweight with scale without bottlenecks.
Full node for block validation is critical for decentralization in the long term. Unlike most new high TPS chains, Alephium's full node can be run on consumer-grade computers. The network can scale to support more businesses and more devs without relying on centralized services like INFURA.
- Consensus: Alephium's security model is the same as other PoW chains. It comes down to PoW vs PoS debate if we want to compare with other new high TPS chains.
- DeFi security: stateful UTXO model with a new VM and a new DSL (Ralph) are implemented to resolve many of the dApp security issues. This is one of the most exciting parts for me.
Alephium has the first operational sharding algo with single-step cross-shard transactions capable of 400 TPS as we speak and 10k with more shards.
>"Kadena is doing sharding too"
from user POV: no trouble moving funds between chains to interact with dApps on different shards. In Alephium it always feels like transacting in same chain thanks to Blockflow's single step cross shard transactions.
Dev POV: easier VM language Ralph compared to Kadena's Pact.
>Upcoming Developments
Leman upgrade in Q1
>Investment thesis

>> No.53009882

>another L1
Surprised VCs still have money to throw at this crap

>> No.53010836

Stopped reading lmao, 2015 era tech in CURRENT YEAR

>> No.53010855
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I saw kadena so I ended up reading.
Explain this to me, are there shard specific accounts and are the coins traded on each shard fully fungible with others, if not then I am not interested.
Yep, scaling degrades into hub-and-spoke (eg cosmos, beacon chains) or DAGs (eg NEAR).
This keeps happening, the marketing and the tech never line up, it's just depressing.

>> No.53010860

>Alephium's security model is the same as other PoW chains.
It's not, it used Proof of Less Work https://github.com/alephium/white-paper/blob/master/polw.pdf

>> No.53010869

>easier VM language Ralph compared to Kadena's Pact.
"Ralph, has a syntax inspired by the Rust programming language"
And doesn't solve anything where as PACT actually does solve something thanks to being Turing incomplete and having formal verification.

>> No.53011016

this is not UTXO but stateful utxo, a hybrid of utxo and account model. Utxo lacks expressiveness and account model lacks the security of the utxo model.
>Yep, scaling degrades into hub-and-spoke (eg cosmos, beacon chains) or DAGs (eg NEAR).
Blockflow remains lightweight at scale, this was designed to be a high tps L1 that remains decentralized. NEAR doesn't have sharding in production afaik. NEAR is based on account model. UTXO model for DeFi is a growing tech, which has great potential for secure DeFi 4.
POWL is POW, but after a certain point when the network reaches 1 EH miners also have to keep some coins in their coinbase address to get block rewards. This internalising of cost from hardware to coins is why it's called less work, the pow component is still there but with healthier tokenomics (compare to just mine and dump).

>> No.53011073

>healthier tokenomics
Pyramidal mining scheme

>> No.53011090

It's not 2010, we know how to do on chain logic better than utxo. uxto comes with a lot of problems that are just simply worse than other more CURRENT TIME solutions.
Stopped reading

Stop shitting up the board with dogshit.

>> No.53011147

Again, this is not UTXO but stateful UTXO. If you knew then you wouldn't be stuck with the account model and all the inherent security flaws of the account model and Solidity.
>uxto comes with a lot of problems that are just simply worse
stUTXO solves those problems.
You mine with an ASIC but to get rewards you also need to be holding coins in your coinbase address. You do not get block rewards just by holding coins, that wouldn't be POW.
>Stop shitting up the board with dogshit.
Just because you don't get it, doesn't mean something is shit. Rather take care of the cognitive gaps that make you biased and block your ability to uptake new information.

>> No.53011162

>Aleph IM
>Aleph Zero


>> No.53011166
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>and Solidity.
>Rather take care of the cognitive gaps
Who the fuck is talking about ETH right now. Stop shilling a scam on christmas.

>> No.53011179

So what are you talking about then?

>> No.53011181

Kadena & Pact, the thing you are using to bait people into your shitty thread.

>> No.53011223

Ok so you're a scamdena tranny. Kadena sucks at handling cross shard transactions, requires both users to be online and can take like few minutes. For dapps that bears way worse implications. I referred to Kadena for the shard part only since people think Kadena does sharding although its implementation is utter shit, so I wouldn't want anyone here to think sharding doesn't work because of Babena spastics.
Pact is also way more difficult to learn than Ralph from what I have seen. This is why there is no development in pinkadena and you had to beg devs to resume development. Does babena even have a decent wallet? Why do you think? Because it's a SHIT tech with SHIT dev experience. now gtfo

>> No.53011234
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>requires both users to be online
Stopped reading, imagine making things up on on christmas.

>> No.53011249

for cross shard transactions both users had to be online last time I tried.

>> No.53011295
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What happened anon, not so sure anymore? You were pretty confident just a few mintues ago.
I'll give you a christmas life pro tip, if you want to get through to people while making a statement that you know might not be accurate, try putting it into a question.
No you don't need to be online, can you imagine how that would even work on a decentralized ledger?

Kadena's chainweb is one of the more simpler sharding implementations that is more performant than anything I have seen yet. And because it's so simple the UX suffers, nothing is done automatically and that's a good thing.
In regard to your wallet question, yes there is a good wallet out, it's kalled koala wallet and finishes cross chain tx for you. The reason why you had trouble is because you tested a shitty unfinished dogshit scam wallet, or chainweaver.
Pact being "harder" to learn than Ralph isn't really a statement you can just make without making it up, is rust harder than lisp? you don't know, I don't know. What is certain though is that rust is not a good language for dapps and pact is. There is also a lot planned to make pact better, like python syntax or actually making it easy to learn via good docs and tutorials, because that's really the reason why it appears "harder".
Cross chain taking a 90s is not something to comlain about, visa settles in 30 days. For dapps that is fine.
>I wouldn't want anyone here to think sharding doesn't work
It seems to be that chainweb is the only network that has a working sharding implantation and has proven to be able to scale it out. I'm really not sure how you can shit on something like that. On christmas.

>> No.53011302


also kola wallet is the best thing and it still sucks, better wallets will come, obviously.

>> No.53011357

>so confident
still confident because despite having 200x the market cap of Alephium you still need to look for a "good" wallet to handle cross shard transactions. Not an issue in alephium, any wallet can do them because Blockflow does them in a single step. That translates in better ux for everyon and not having to try 10 wallets.
>Cross chain taking a 90s is not something to comlain about, visa settles in 30 days. For dapps that is fine.
retard confirmed.

>> No.53011371

Sure you stay and wait, I'm building on Alephium and using Alephium's wallet which already is better than any Scamdena wallet because the baseline tech is superior. But you my friend sit down and wait because great things are coming on Cumdena for those that wait

>> No.53011381
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That's all you have to say? Going to leave you with this and close this tab. Hope you make money dumping on people or whatever your real goal is.
You completely brush over everything I stated. Chainweb and pact are clearly the better choice I'm not sure what you're talking about, read the last part of >>53011295 The only reason for you to be shilling something else is because you just want line go up as opposed to getting the better technology adopted. You're like a parasite on this board, on Christmas no less. At least wait two days or something.

>> No.53011528

>That's all you have to say? Going to leave you with this and close this tab.
NEAR is POS, that alone discards it because it makes it extremely easy to co-opt and control. No wonder near has been dumping non stop since the Alameda and DCG debacle. I haven't looked at Nightshade since last year and will have a look for the lols. You still need to understand ALph is a high tps POW L1 with sharding in production since last year. Gaslighting the thread without even knowing what stUTXO and POLW are is retarded.
>Hope you make money dumping on people or whatever your real goal is.
There isn't much to dump in an 1.5m market cap coin. Price now is under 6 cents and 6 cents is the price at which the presale to VCs happened. The purpose of my post is to inform others.
>You completely brush over everything I stated.
What you say is retarded. Pact is weird to say the least and too complex compared to Ralph. Also way more difficult to audit. You don't know anything about Ralph, it will take you 20 minutes to learn. Just have a look before spouting nonsense and report back.
>read the last part of >>53011295
You're obviously biased because you haven't seen ALPH and are ignoring its actual 10x higher than Kadena onchain TPS without L2 right now as we speak. You are balls deep Kadena and call it superior tech. I've an alph tech and am saying, just have a look at it.
>You're like a parasite on this board, on Christmas no less. At least wait two days or something.
I'm the antidote to Babena parasites like yourself.

>> No.53011534

>I've an alph tech