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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53007475 No.53007475 [Reply] [Original]

We don't need to clap for them or suck their dick, maybe just not point and laugh? They've suffered enough.

>> No.53007487

Nope, we need to humiliate those who still support this system. No mercy for the weak

>> No.53007495

>Cory just standing there with a thousand yard stare
>"It wasn't supposed to be like this"
>Hear a camera click

>> No.53007507

No. I need to make fun of them. I am just another lonely incel spending Christmas Day like a regular day and need to feel superior by viewing others beneath me.

>> No.53008181

Genetically engineered, symbiotic with AI and technology aka self-created literal übermensch billionaires, they are our new feudalistic lords.

>> No.53008204
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>> No.53008210

>woman puts herself in the photo she has nothing to do with

>> No.53008218

No fuck wagies. They have a shit world view. Only actual mom and pop businesses and their employees deserve sympathy. You want to be the life force of the satanic corporations then you deserve to suffer

>> No.53008222

Oh golly gee! I better run to work to collect that $8.75 an hour! I FUCKING LOVE work! WORK WORK WORK

>> No.53008271

Cory shouldn't have bought Chainlink.

>> No.53008317

no. they must be made fun of. they are holding up a corrupt system.

>> No.53008719

I make 150k a year and work from home and still feel like a broke ass wagie failure. Friends are starting businesses with nepotism and connections or making 250k a year. I'd probably just kill myself if i was in this guys shoes

>> No.53008725


>> No.53008743

Cory doesn’t understand where he is or who all of those people are.

>> No.53008773

it’s the moments when the bumf managerial hate machine attempts to subsume the genuine, empathetic, emotive connection that constitutes a common brotherhood between humans that are the most uncanny and most terrifying.

>> No.53008787

I used to walk to work at -40C when I was working on a project in the Canadian north. The non-Canadian manager was kind of weird though, for some reason if I walked it was perfectly ok for me to start walking at the same time that I would have normally been expected to be at work, so of course I walked every day and got a lift back to minimise the time I had to be at work

>> No.53008898
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I wouldn't work in those temperatures for a half a million a year wtf mane

>> No.53008909

>9 degrees is cold for Americans

You people need to shut the fuck up this is completely normal weather in the fall and in winter it can get -30 here

>> No.53008957

I mean, it gets to that temperature for a few days each year even where I live. It's not that bad

>> No.53009981
