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53004218 No.53004218 [Reply] [Original]

A young woman 18-25 who is attractive automatically has the social status of semi successful guy worth $3-5 million. Men have to work to attain status while women are born with it

>> No.53004238

not true. Just have good genetics

>> No.53004244


I’m talking about non Chads with 3-5 million

>> No.53004253

Boo-fucking-hoo. Either go back to your containment board or neck yourself.

>> No.53004258

So? Men have the ability to climb the status ladder until at least 50. Women loose their looks status by 30. Sounds fair to me.

>> No.53004271

true, a woman 18-25 is at her peak and has to keep her value the same as a born multimillionaire

good thing is nobody cares about men and we can create value

>> No.53004272

>maybe if I simp for vaginas I can have sex with one?
not how it works, pal

>> No.53004273

Yes but they lose it post wall. Women need to establish their lives before the wall or they become cat ladies

>> No.53004279

Absolutely unironically true. I visited China several times about a decade ago and it was such a wakeup call as to what 5/10+ women experience in western societies.
>women just walk up and tell you you’re cute, ask for your number
>get discounts and free entry into places
>woman want to take pictures with you as the sexy foreigner
>parents trying to set you up with their daughters
>women paying for stuff without you asking

It was really eye opening. There is no such thing as a female incel.

>> No.53004295
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>Men have the ability to climb the status ladder until at least 50.
>"Salutations, zoomers! i look forward to meeting and fucking all of you fresh young 18 year old females!"

>> No.53004305


Isn’t it super hard these days for men in China? There’s tens of millions of excess young men who are guaranteed to be incels, any decent looking young woman can pretty much demand a millionaire and get one since the gender ratio is so fucked

>> No.53004319

This. Only low-T faggots complain about women having it easier. You have plenty of time to build worth as a man. Women have it easy when they're young but things start to go downhill fast when they get close to 30 and realize their window to meet a good man and have a family is closing fast.

>> No.53004324

Its super hard for everyone but yes women have it 100x easier. They will pout and say they can’t find anyone but obviously they don’t mean average guys. I should specify I’m white if that lends anymore context to my story.

>I’d rather cry in a Mercedes than be happy on a scooter

>> No.53004357


Fucking hate being a manlet it pretty much cancels out being white, pretty sure I wouldn’t have an advantage in Asia even tho I am rich while man

>> No.53004381

How tall are you king

>> No.53004389


5’4, it’s over

>> No.53004402

Idk, my friend was about 5’6” and he killed over there. He also knew Chinese though.

>> No.53004435

>semi successful guy worth $3-5 million
If you are not attractive this won’t matter much

>> No.53004447

Not automatic. I've known plenty of beautiful women that made the wrong choices and ended up not so beautiful and poor. Same goes with men. I knew some high school chads that just totally ended up really bad. No guarantees in life. Life isn't about looks or intelligence, it's about choices. And I'd rather be an ugly man than a beautiful woman any day of the week.

>> No.53004453

I love coming to this site and reading threads like this. It opened my eyes that guys are just bitter about being ugly and dumb with no charisma lol. I was getting compliments from random women in public when I was in high school. I was also dating college women when I was in high school. I've literally only dated older women who bought me things. Feels good being facially attractive, 6'4",a nd muscular. It's so relieving to me that I can make 20k a year and be infinitely more satisfied with life than an average guy making 300k.

>> No.53004491
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>be 50
>wake-up with a tipple (why not, I'm retired)
>walk my land and appreciate the beauty I have cultivated
>return home to a happy family and good food
>receive blowjob that has been honed over a 20 year loving marriage
>take a nap
Sounds good to me, anon.
Honestly, I sympathize with these males. There was a time in my life I was on that dark road.
Still, it's nice to know my competition is dropping daily.

>> No.53004498

You might as well have a pussy between your legs.

>> No.53004512

any woman can become a millionaire by 30 with her body though

>> No.53004590

It's fun living life on free roam and not having to meet any make believe deadlines for Silverstein inc. I got blasted last night and then later drove over to get blown by a random from an app. Praise goes to the incels that autismed all this abundance for me to play with. Keep it up bro

>> No.53005672
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You have a point, but most of them act like degen traders and blow their capital, thinking the good times will last forever. Most end up at the right side of the chart.

>> No.53006564
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They only have 10 years to 'make it'. If they have really good genes or don't have children, maybe another few years.

>> No.53006655

A man with 3-5 million dollars can do anything IN THE WORLD that he wants. He can see any sight and travel to any destination. He can fuck a bunch of hookers or build a house (or both really). He can start a business, he can gamble it all away.

A young woman can choose from a select pool of men. It's a large pool, to be sure. But to have any value she must fuck. And she wants to, to be sure. But if she wants to go to a destination, she has to ask. There's plenty of times where the money and the dick aren't from the same person, so it'd be a really tough sell or nigh impractical to start a fun business. You can become a whore, to be sure. You'll still have that happy ending, but probably not quite as happy. The husband probably won't be quite as charming. Sometimes you end up with a bunch of implants and cats, so it's not exactly a fullproof plan.

Your youth is a resource and the only thing you can trade it for is sex and (sometimes/probably not) loyalty. Your money is a resource and you can do anything in the world you can possibly imagine with it including trade it for sex and (sometimes/probably not) loyalty. I'd take 5 million dollars over 7 years of being an attractive girl probably. The only way it could go wrong is not using it to live a fulfilling life (or getting robbed).

>> No.53006673

difference is the woman will lose mid to late 30s no matter what they do whereas the man with millions will only get better as he ages.

>> No.53006690

>drove drunk and got blown by a random guy

what are you bragging about that's pathetic you fuckin homo

>> No.53006742

>But women and men are totally the same right?
>So my analogy makes sense
Stop being jewish nigger. Bad OP.

>> No.53006947

I'm happy for you but doesn't sound too great to me. I've made a name for myself in my industry and I'm always in demand. I suppose if I was a great looking guy, I wouldn't have ever gotten to this level because I'd be busy all the time tending to women. To each their own but I don't envy you at all.

>> No.53006985

Women are valued by their ability to create children and men are valued by their ability to provide and protect those children. It's literally how shit has worked since the dawn of humanity.

>> No.53007008

great explanation anon, incels still seethe

>> No.53007014

>implying any guy with a brain marries a girl just on looks.
My gf cooks, give me great sex, is considerate and wants kids
Find a women with value and stop being bitter

>> No.53007067
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>A young woman 18-25 who is attractive automatically has the social status of semi successful guy worth $3-5 million. Men have to work to attain status while women are born with it

Being male, tall and handsome and or having a rich dad equals the same status
For the timespan of 20 years female are the lucky ones. Then its reversed for the rest of their lives.

And.. keep in mind, ..not every girl is beautiful. ...

>> No.53007272

>Just have good genetics
Attractive women are attractive because of good genetics, so you literally just proved OPs point.

>> No.53007286

80% of reasonably fit young women are attractive while 10% or less of men are attractive in the eyes of women. Theres a study on this. Mens rating of women follows a nice bell curve. Womens rating of men has them all very low rated except for very few.

>> No.53007308

>made the wrong choices
Still very possible for a guy with 3-5mil

>> No.53007529

Yeah bro, bitcheswill line up to check your portfolio when you are 50 lmao

>> No.53007583

What? Many marry rich betas and keep fucking around, or just settle in a boring but safe suburban lifestyle. Thinking these girls always end up in dystopian lifes after the party years is a massive cope

>> No.53007602

yes but the caveat is that if you are too retarded to capitalize on it during those critical years, all the wealth is squandered and disappears immediately at the wall. sadly most women today are taught to go to university for 8 years and become career women so they will find out the hard way what its like to live alone with your cats for the rest of their lives

>> No.53007615

You're thinking like a tranny

>> No.53007748

best post in thread right here

>> No.53007892

Imagine being such a whiney loser faggot that you envied having to bleed every once every month, miniscule body strength and with a built-in expiration date. Go rope yourself if you feel so bad about it you waste of space.