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53003792 No.53003792 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to become a Doctor as life-long NEET?

I dropped out of high-school at 16 because autism, but I believe I can become a Doctor since in the last few years of covid-19 I have come to the conclusion now at 35 years old that I am actually more intelligent than the majority of medical professionals, and if they were able to become doctors, then there is 0 reason why I cannot become one.

I live in Australia, so the cost of getting the education would not be an issue.

But the question is, can I, as someone who has been NEET for 20 years, with no high-school certificate, just start medical school?

>> No.53003810

>I believe I can become a Doctor
you can
>I am actually more intelligent than the majority of medical professionals
you are not
>can I, as someone who has been NEET for 20 years, with no high-school certificate, just start medical school?
No, you need a bachelors degree before starting med school, and you have to have good grades to get into medical school. You can do it, but it'll be ~8-10 years of hard work.

>> No.53003857

do it op. friends are doctors and making over $200k after residency. Job offers off the hook. Its easy to be honest once you master it. Doctors do less hard work than nurses.

plus dont listen to /biz/. they lack the empathy for human interaction and have dark souls. they love to misguide people. take the health route.

if anything become a registered nurse. Still make $80k+ per year and can get a job anywhere in the world.

>> No.53003888

It’s over anon you will not be able to interact with nigger cattle like this >>53003857 on a daily basis just keep trying to make it off crypto let this society rot

>> No.53003898

Gotta get vaxxxed if you wanna be a doc, neetanon. Besides it's a lot of work. You'd be challenged for a dozen years only to finally have a job as an old man explaining to Sheniqua why she needs to eat less candy.

>> No.53003915

You can do anything you want anon. Believe in yourself.

>> No.53003916

>get GED
If you're as smart as you say this can be done in 60-90 days.
Enroll in one of the "big 3" (google it) that allow max transferable credits. Once accepted. Use cleps/dantes/straighterline/uexcel/study.com to credits max. Aim for a general studies bachelor's so you can just take the easiest subjects on the aforementioned "at your own pace" institutions.
Transfer your credits in, take the required capstone thru whichever big 3 school you chose. Get bachelor's. If you're as smart as you say this should take 2 years maximum.
>med school.
I'd recommend pharm school, similar pay, omega power gap less liability insurance needed. But either way, choose one of those for profit pay to play pharm schools in the U.S. or med schools in thr virgin Islands. Take loans, graduate.
Do residency .
You're a doctor now.

You're welcome

>> No.53004124

how did you not kys

>> No.53004139

When was the last time you finish a book? If you can do that again then yeah I think you can

>> No.53004844

the mistake you made is that doctors are expected to be intelligent or innovative
they arent they are suppose to be compliant with procedures so the hospital itself doesnt get sued
always remember its better from a legal/management perspective to kill a patient according to customs then to save one going against customs
this is why we cant have nice thing btw

>> No.53004983

>I am actually more intelligent than the majority of medical professionals
If you saw through the covid propaganda, then yes you are more intelligent than the vast majority of medical professionals, physicians included.
t. radiologist

>> No.53005041

I am in the exact same situation as you and have been wanting to become a doctor since i first graduated in a stem field about 4 years ago. I should have just tried everything back then to get into medschool or begun doing the necessary prerequisites so right now i would have been in medschool but 4 years later and i'm late 20s and still a fucking NEET. It's over, i dunno how you stil lhave hope at 35 of becoming a doctor. You'll be that 43 year old boomer junior doctor amongst 22 year olds. You are right that most doctors/GPs are not very smart and med school/becoming a doctor simply requires you to study 5-10 hours a day for years. I really wish i started years ago, now it's too late, i need to get a job and earn money not study another 10 years making little to no money, it's over.

>> No.53005043


This is the scary, cold hard truth penis of mind raep. OP, you will NEVER make it through residency, because that is where you will be forced to kill people who would have survived if they had simply not gone to the doctor.

>> No.53005088

Im a resident doctor working at an ER rn, honestly most doctors are NEET types who autist out on neurotic studying, many doctors are have horrible social skills and couldnt have made it in any other industry. Do it OP

>> No.53005618

I'm a doctor
Don't become one it sucks

>> No.53006268 [DELETED] 


>> No.53006295

You can do it OP, I believe in you

>> No.53006411

how old are you when you first get that?

>> No.53006702

If you don't waste any years then youj can become a dermatologist at 30 in the states.

>> No.53007106

and starting wage at 30 is 0.5-1M
even if so doing the techbro path and putting it all in investment is still the objectively better path

>> No.53007168

No, you'd get the GED, get into a community college, transfer to a real college, and (realistically) get into a master's program and then med school. Assuming you keep a 3.85+ through the master's program, they probably wouldn't even ask about what you did before the community college.

I don't know what the equivalent is in Aussfuck, but just do that.

>> No.53007182

>I am actually more intelligent than the majority of medical professionals
you might be but that's detrimental to getting the job, pray that you are stupid if you really want to be a doc

>> No.53007337

They say they're always screaming out for doctors so your chances should be pretty good.

>> No.53007344

You won't make it. You probably never had to deal with the adversity required to get through the dr path in Australia. It's one of the hardest career paths here

>> No.53007394

if you’re not a sociopath/type A personality type (which you demonstrably aren’t because you were a neet for years) the adcoms at medical schools will be able to smell that from a mile away and they won’t admit you. Good grades are only part of the picture.