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53003177 No.53003177 [Reply] [Original]

How do you find out what job suits you ?
I'm in my early twenties and have no idea what career to pursue. I already fell for the university meme and wasted 3 years for a useless degree.
I also did an internship in landscaping but it was hard as fuck physically also with long hours and a shitty boss
What do I do ?

>> No.53003184

KEK I did the same thing useless degree now in community college to become a radiology tech it’s fucking over

>> No.53003221
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>tfw had the delusion I'd land a good job easily when I was a teen
it hits fucking hard now

>> No.53003366

Because when you’re young / in college you exist in a state of infinite potential.
The reality that you will probably live a completely average life hasn’t set in. No one tells you that and even if they did you wouldn’t listen.
This is the same reason why girls are huge whores in their teens and early twenties and by the time they turn 30 they realized it’s not the fairytale ending they were promised their whole life.

>> No.53003404

Damn this pic makes me feel old

>> No.53003436

You're really young, you have a lot of time to figure out what it is you want to do. If I was your age right now, I would try to become an electrician, or contractor, painter, something along those lines, because once you learn your craft you can work for yourself, work the hours you want, and take vacation when you feel like it, etc. If you want to chase the money, try getting into sales, car sales, tech sales, start somewhere a good sales guy is always in demand, top sales people make insane money. If you enjoy doing computer work, learn to code, unironically, stay away from IT, stay away from graphic design. If you are a creative type, pursue your art, and fuck what your friends and family say, you'll never make them happy. If you pursue art, you'll find girls easy, girls dig someone who chases after a "thing" (not money), they like it if you have money, but that thing is way cooler, especially if you are half way decent at it.

>> No.53003453

and by art, I mean, singer, rapper, beat maker, DJ, actor, filmmaker, director, painter, stuff like that. Move to a city where that thing is big, take classes, meet people, get into that world, you will have to mingle, because if you are an artist recluse, your NGMI

>> No.53003494

also, TRAVEL, every year. To a different country, or if your from a small town go visit a big city somewhere even in your own country. You'll see things, and meet people and learn something about yourself that way.