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53001118 No.53001118 [Reply] [Original]

>35 years old
>net worth: ca. $560k
>portfolio: mostly BTC, ETH
>kissless hugless virgin

so my question is, is a net worth like this enough to date girls?
I have just that money (in crypto), but otherwise dont have any status as I dont know any people. I‘m not obese or overweight or otherwise deformed besides my penis.
what do? Anyone can tell me the steps?

>> No.53001134

your pepe has some kind of eye problem, you should get that checked out

>> No.53001137

Help me how to get my penis into a hot girls vagina? how do I do this?

>> No.53001149

Do some sex tourism . Might as well have some fun
Search”sex tourism blog” or “sex tourism punting blog” or things like that to find tips
Or sign up to Ukpunting to read some write ups
Then choose a sex tourism country with the bitches you find most fuckable

>> No.53001166

what worked for me unironically, from a starting point of kv in late 20s with mid-tier looks and no money was
>going on omegle
>talk at length with confidence about interesting things
>reflect and amplify her own thoughts
>be present
>express undying love a couple weeks into a simple email friendship
basically being intense, empathetic and different
35 is harder than 29 but details aside the above three traits should work at any age
"how to win friends & influence people" by dale carnegie is a better book for dating advice than most dedicated dating advice out there
in general applying (smart and ethical) business advice to relationships works well

>> No.53001189

Can do it in mexico and not spend too much money. You can't "date" normally in America with that kind of money, you need social status

>> No.53001205

>sex tourism country
Like what? are those all asian countries?
>talk at length with confidence about interesting things
Like what? Crypto?
Mexico isnt safe these beaners would probably rob me in my first 5 minites there.

>> No.53001279

topic is irrelevant, conviction is
in fact, nurturing the ability to make relevant mental connections on any topic will get you further ahead than many other traits
she tells you about astrology? link it with trading analysis in crypto, jump to considerations on the narratives we build to deal with the patterns we see
content is key. most people are boring so being interesting is an easy edge

>> No.53001388

35 and still stupefied by women. Your whole generation will destroy the country. An entire generation of man-children too stupid to understand their actions and still chasing after a childish fantasy. Imagine being a woman and you have to deal with a 35 yr old man with a 12 yr old brain? No wonder women divorce you and take everything then settle with more manly Tyrone.

>> No.53001411

>>sex tourism country
>Like what? are those all asian countries?


>Dominican Republic



Take your pick bucko

>> No.53001427

You're in the mid zone.
Not rich enough to leverage your wealth to pull in whores and not broke enough to do the broke chad that doesn't care routine.
Try going to eastern Europe or SEA if you think you got what it takes.
If you can cash in half a mil that is.

>> No.53001439

I don't want to date girls any more. I want to make war and exterminate the jews, and the jews are at least as interested in denying that to me as they were dates.

>> No.53002879

>kissless hugless virgin
Its HANDHOLDLESS fucking newfag. How is it STILL Eternal GME Summer

>> No.53002915
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>deformed besides my penis
What's wrong with your penis? Are you circumcised or somthin?