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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52998456 No.52998456 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I have a hard time standing my ground and not back peddling when I have a grievance or problem with someone or something, its like I air our my grievance or problem and then I back pedal and try to make the problem appear less big even though its not. I've gotten better over the years at putting myself first and standing up for myself but sometimes I fall back into my old ways of being to nice and subservient. I feel too old to have trouble with this, but I do.

>> No.52998466

it's really as simple as having a spine. do you want to be a pathetic faggot or do you want an ounce of respect. be an asshole.

>> No.52998482

Earthrockers keep it real.

>> No.52998488

Yeah that's what I've tried to program in my head is basically minimize the number of times I says sorry or take blame for anything and overall just being an asshole, but I sometimes I fall back to my old ways for whatever reason and sometimes I feel like I overcorrect my problem and end up being an asshole which isn't always a good look if done wrong.

>> No.52998503

Sounds like the conflict that arises from standing your ground makes you uncomfortable.

>stands up, says something
>immediately starts back peddling

Idk bro, just work on not backing down after you say something, just sit with the uncomfortable feeling if you have to. After you say your thing or whatever, you can try to reaffirm yourself as well. Like say "yep" and nod after a brief silence to solidify your stance and instill confidence in yourself. Sounds silly but works. My 2 cents.

>> No.52998518

yeah sounds like you understand the problem. it's that awkward silence or pause or guilt that I get. i need to work on it, fucking this up makes me feel shitty about myself.

>> No.52998521

well stop falling back. you should feel some sort of regret or shame every time you fail and that should be enough motivation for you. you're like 80% there

>> No.52998544

you're right, thanks anon, will keep trying. for what its worth, i used to be terrible at this and have gotten better.

>> No.52998552

best of luck to you

>> No.52998590

Sounds like you don't really get bothered by things too much and you have to work yourself up to anger over shit that really isn't that important to your wellbeing. Maybe just take a second and decide how much effort you really want to expend on "getting your way," versus whether you really would rather make do.

>> No.52998607

This is /biz/

>> No.52998623

Just air out your grievance in a calm, calculated way explaining why it bothers like as if you were explaining a math problem. As long as you aren't visibly getting emotional while talking then it isn't an awkward situation for anyone.

>> No.52998658

>business and finance

get a blood pressure monitor and see how shit that won't matter in 5 years (let alone 5 minutes) can really fuck up your body

>> No.52998836

you need to awaken your optic thalmus