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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52990013 No.52990013 [Reply] [Original]

The last good life-changing board this site had was /biz/, all you had to do was stick around throughout the bear and you would have made at least a 20x. Even throughout the bull /biz/ would mint you money with memecoins, now that the board is dead with zero value, what are you still doing here?

>> No.52990020

what else is there to do? im too ugly to get a gf.

>> No.52990037

Are you new? This is the stage where you do research and buy shit low. I watched this same stuff happen last cycle and everyone was crying that they didn’t sell in 2017. Then the Link shit really started getting memey. Capitalism is booms and busts it’s cyclical. This is when you research and buy.

>> No.52990050

>too ugly to get a gf
not how it works incel

>> No.52990068

Lack of reading comprehension or pajeet shill?
>Researching on /biz/
Lol what are you researching? HBAR and ICP? Hahahahahah

>> No.52990160

to find pictures like that

>> No.52990226

I already found the best investment, my research has been done for a while I just come to shitpost. You’ll never get anywhere if you can’t even read white papers and make judgements for yourself you stupid peasant.

>> No.52990234

I find this format more comfortable than social media.

>> No.52990310
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was biz really that good in the last bear market?

>> No.52990393

can you share? i didn't make fun of you and fully agree.

>> No.52990395

>read white papers
Hahahaha fucking jeet poorfag outed himself oh hahahahhaha you are a funny one

it was mostly garbage but there was still money to be made rvn, matic, one were all shilled on /biz/ before they pumped during their bear market rallies, many other examples e.g IDEX szn, GHST, AMPL/AMPL forks, early Uniswap casino. If you stuck around here last bear it was impossible to not be up 20x just buying the one shitcoin that was spammed endlessly - Chainlink. The noise to quality ratio here now is abysmal, /pol/cels and jeets shit up the board endlessly. This is the last place you should browse if you want to make money.

>> No.52990423

shut up woman

>> No.52990597

I disagree

/fit/ is helping me on my fitness journey, this week alone I learned potatoes are good for a cut

/x/ has lots of great posts about manifesting success and esoteric happenings

/diy/ is good practical advice

>> No.52990918

>/fit/ is helping me on my fitness journey, this week alone I learned potatoes are good for a cut
Damn you're learning a lot this week. Eating potatoes.
>/x/ has lots of great posts about manifesting success and esoteric happenings
Complete timewaste. If you think it's fun or it gives you motivation, whatever, but it's still a waste.
>/diy/ is good practical advice
Decent board indeed. Probably the only good one you posted in regards to learning.

>> No.52991209

I look at /g/ to get some career advice on swe
/sp/ to troll people
/his/ and /lit/ to see what elites are learning and fighting about
/fit/ for potential coom pics
>life is great

>> No.52991236

I come here to reach my nigger-word quota for the day.

Also, nigger.

>> No.52991360

>e noise to quality ratio here now is abysmal, /pol/cels and jeets shit up the board endlessly. This is the last place you should browse if you want to make money.

It isn't really that, it's just most of the tech has now been built and people have rediscovered all over again that it is largely a solution looking for a problem

great we now have DEXes so we can swap one worthless token for another

great we now have oracles so we can accurately gauge the price of worthless tokens in a decentralised way

great we now have onchain borrowing so we can get an overcollateralised loan to buy more worthless ponzi coins with

I reckon NFTs will outperform because at least they aren't totally worthless. They have some kind of social purpose and people are still trying to figure out how they're going to feature in the games and online social experiences of the future, early days there

/biz/ is too autismal for NFTs though, they're too social and /biz/ doesn't understand social value at all, hence why there isn't an NFT general

>> No.52991633

she should be putting that in my mouth instead

>> No.52991731

I made a 100x during this bear market from shit I saw on here.

Other than the people who see it as a ponzi lottery, people here are gambling on crypto getting mass adoption.

Mass adoption hasn’t happened yet so no I’m finding good stuff on here for the next bull run, because I think it will probably happen.

If you’ve got a better place to research, do share

>> No.52991812

>I reckon NFTs will outperform because at least they aren't totally worthless


>> No.52991855

Too boring
Too ugly
no hobbies
Chronic pain

>> No.52991932

There was alpha to be found. Now there's no alpha. Just a bunch of sentiment manipulation. I really don't think the user base changed that much, I think that people who can afford to pay for sentiment manipulation do it here.

The last time I saw alpha somebody was recommending TLT as the trade of the year, and it was a very good post. Somehow it got mysteriously deleted off biz and off the archive.

I don't know who pulls the strings on this board, but they really want to stop any of us from making money. So, on the extremely rare occasion that you find gems on the site, best to screenshot it. Because it's not going to last.

It's so extremely rare that we even get a good discussion here. The jannies really hate the user base here. Maliciously so