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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52986173 No.52986173 [Reply] [Original]

>posts $250 million bail

He's going to escape to Israel, isn't he?

>> No.52986187

I hope his asshole prolapses on the way to the airport.

>> No.52986237

He is going to disappear along with customer's money.

>> No.52986255

The only thing they risk losing if he flees is his parents $2mil house. That’s the only collateral on his quarter billion dollar bond. How the fuck did they let this happen?

>> No.52986655
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It's all so tiresome

>> No.52986676

How would he get there? Sailboat?

>> No.52986747

is there anything the jews can't get away with?

>> No.52986922

How? Didn’t he say he only had 100k left?

>> No.52986937

I honestly hope he does, midwits and beartards abusing ftx leverage need to suffer.

Hopefully this all leads to a leverage cap of 2x to punish all the greedtards.

>> No.52986973

He is probably already there covered in ensam patches, snorting Adderall off of a new weasels tits that he's pinning, while playing league.

>> No.52986983

Israeli nuclear submarine.

>> No.52986993
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When did this become a /pol/ board?

>> No.52987000

Probably there already

>> No.52987019

lurk moar fagget
also go back

>> No.52987021
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6 months ago

>> No.52987137

Always has been

>> No.52987159
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when did this become a tranny board?

>> No.52987167

Bear market anti-semitism goes back to the time of the Romans

>> No.52987170

thanks for the money goyim

>> No.52987171

GTFO kike apologist.

>> No.52987174

Honestly I'm surprised he hasn't already. Just goes to show that he really isn't that smart at all

>> No.52987177
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who know https://apnews.com/article/spain-children-gender-6dbd1a1726e38f7bde9044c1be5bf959

>> No.52987179

GA aircraft frequently experience unexpected problems

>> No.52987188

Every /pol/ user ends up on /biz/ when they start having to work

>> No.52987202

Like I said, he has enough hidden BTC to bribe his way to freedom forever.

>> No.52987206

are you surprised? this is a finance board and finance is owned by jews which means /biz/ is going to talk about jews and their nefarious greedy scheming ways. deal with it.

>> No.52987371

Back to plebbit you giant faggot.

>> No.52987464

He must have some sort of ankle bracelet on, no?

>> No.52987502

It's not $250m bail, it's for bond. He's basically just on house arrest at his parents' until the court case, of which if he skipped he would owe that $250m. Bail is the one that gets you out of spending time in a cell while waiting for trial.

>> No.52987529

tribe member continues with the puff tweets. "he was just ashamed of losing money guys"

>> No.52987549

>of which if he skipped he would owe that $250m.
Only if he gets caught. He's already looking at life in prison. Risking an escape for only 250m extra ontop of life seems like a no brainer.

>> No.52987557

>coordinate private jet to leave at X time.
>X - 10 cut bracelet.
>drive like madman to airport
>leave country
really is that easy

>> No.52987590
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>if you object to transparent corruption you're a poltard

>> No.52987611


That’s a woman

>> No.52987640

They're going to whack him.

>> No.52987653
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>> No.52987667

two weeks ago, trust the plan

>> No.52987709
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Why is /pol/ so obssessed with this jew? It's over, let him and his cronies will rot in a shithole. /biz/ is about getting in on early stage ponzis and gambling. Kindly gtfo our board because this isn't TMZ.

>> No.52987777
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>Why is /pol/ so obssessed with this jew?
They blame him for their own investing ineptitude. They transfer the blame from themselves onto a convenient scapegoat.
Instead of killing themselves they want SBF to die. They are in the anger stage of grief. It's cathartic for them.

>> No.52987807

Based quads of truth. /thread

>> No.52987839

air force one with jill biden's mouth wrapped around his cock

>> No.52987982

How do I short this bond with 100x leverage?

>> No.52988030

I mean, he's already in the United States of Israel

>> No.52988038

duh or escape into a body bag if you know what I mean Epstein style.

>> No.52988083

>implying /pol/ would trust their money to an entity operated by a jew
Kikes plz...

>> No.52988096

/pol/ is really dumb and poor. Glad these tourist faggots will never make it.

>> No.52988102
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When did you escape from your plebbit soispace?

>> No.52988153

With that much at stake I imagine some bounty hunters would love to drag his ass back to America. He needs to "die" first then he's free to go.

>> No.52988463
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>>implying /pol/ would trust their money to an entity operated by a jew
>Kikes plz...
It's not about losing money in FTX bankruptcy. They blame SBF for the anemic bull market in crypto that didn't perform las well as previous bull markets. They blame him for crypto languishing at 16k at the moment. They were greedy, just like SBF and crew, and didn't sell or use a stop loss. They hate themselves and are projecting that hate onto SBF.

>> No.52988483

If you have to ask, lurk moar

>> No.52988485
File: 583 KB, 488x720, A History of Central Banking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read. Should be required for anyone interested in anything money related.

>> No.52988493

This. Fuck Hitlerites and their anti-semitism.

>> No.52988596

(((anon))) I....

>> No.52988606

>"no access to computers or FTX-derived assets"
>not terms of bail
yeah, he's fleeing asap

>> No.52988607

I lmao'd. have an upboat

edit: Wow I didn't know 4chan gold was a thing. Thank you kind anon!

>> No.52988665

Being anti-semitic is not pol culture it’s just regular culture now. Cry harder kike

>> No.52988718

Rolling for Hoholistan.

>> No.52989173

Fuck you you colossal faggot. The only people obsessed with hitler are semitic. Apparently we are all supposed to give a shit about things that happened to one group of people 75 years ago. The truth is that no gave a fuck about jews then and I would argue the general consensus on them is even worse now. Congrats on having your normie approved opinion.

>> No.52990947

they have the whole world believing there was a "holocaust"

>> No.52990950

Isn't he a major flight risk? They had to get him extradited from the Bahamas ffs

>> No.52991091

Nobody is going to hunt a bounty on a jew in Israel.

>> No.52992589
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lol niggers

>> No.52992659

>steals $8 billion of sovereign, uncensorable money.
>bail set to $250mil
lol. I might actually "kill himself" but not because he got wacked but because he decided to vanish.

>> No.52992693

two weeks ago, now get in the oven

>> No.52993571

I'd like to nominate his case for my reformed orthodox rabbi bill clinton

ghislaine's private submarine enterprise

>> No.52993588

dont you only pay 10% of bail though? so he only pays 2.5m$?

>> No.52993675
File: 110 KB, 1024x1280, 07FFDF89-1794-4F67-8089-68622AF3DF7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like he is having fun

>> No.52993688

I’ve been waiting for a faked death.
Bahamas, NY jail would have been two great times; “suicide” at home could happen.

>> No.52993823

He didn't post shit, he signed a piece of paper and got out for free. Our legal system is a fucking joke.

>> No.52993892

Considering he got bailed out by the DNC I highly doubt he will face any real legal consequences. He will get a suspended sentence and community service.

Meanwhile people who walked into open doors at the capital and took selfies have been held for years without bail.