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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52984976 No.52984976 [Reply] [Original]

I hereby ask the jannies to ban the GME threads. The amount of reddit thrash it brings to the board is obnoxious and makes the board unbrowsable. The squeeze already happened and there will never be another one for GME.

If you support this please bump the thread with your support



>> No.52984991


>> No.52984993


I too support this.

Kind regards,


>> No.52984996

Agreed and signed
Reddit faggots go home and do not come back

>> No.52985011

this is board is dead anon
let it go

>> No.52985025

We need flags. I dont want to talk to german posters anymore.

>> No.52985029

As long as its one thread, who cares

>> No.52985030

It needs to naturally die. That's the bottom signal.

>> No.52985034

GME general is a reddit colony
the delusional cunts need to fuck off

>> No.52985037

No you are dumb. This is 4chan, it's where memes dwell. Biz isn't a legit business board it's a crypto fudding board and your post style reflects that. The GME thread stay because there is nowhere else to meme about stocks on the webbernets.

>> No.52985050
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>banned from WSB
>banned from /biz/
I wonder why, hedgies.

>> No.52985097

Plus one to OP and this anon

>> No.52985104


>> No.52985153

I agree and I'm surprised it hasn't been removed already. There is nothing of value from those flthreads and clearly isn't financially sound or businesslike. It is a scheme to have people trade all their money away while those at the top jump with golden parachutes. Only redditors and newfags browse that thread but it sucks in more traffic from unwanted sources. This board is dead because of it.

>> No.52985229

This is spot on. We probably lose good posters because when they see the GME bullshit still going on, they leave.

I’ll also second that nothing about the GME thread is financial, and is purely a pump and dump scheme at this point where they continuously keep trying to bring in fresh meat to fund their delusional stock holdings.

>> No.52985248


>> No.52985348

If you ever notice, the only times anyone ever makes a separate GME thread is to
>Bash /GME/ Generals and demand they are taken down
>Make fun of /GME/ every time it goes low
>Nefarious fake bakers make a separate general to split the GME crowd
You'll hardly ever see actual people who invest in the stock make a separate thread. Literally no one else shits up /Biz/ with GME garbage other than shills who hate them. There is nothing wrong with these people having their own general and as of late from what I can tell, there have been shills straight up foaming at the mouth that investors in /GME/ found out some chink Canadian named Daniel is a lead mod at WSB, GME Meltdown and he works for a hedge fund. All the action taken by shills to talk shit and get action taken against the /GME/ community is a really desperate attempt to shut down the narrative, and if anything more people should be looking into why shills would actively try to stop /GME/ threads so vigorously. Something is going on.

>> No.52985375

Based. Fuck baggies. Fuck redditors.

>> No.52985386

GME-Spergs are the Q-Tards of finance.

>> No.52985424

You honestly think hedge funds are paying me to post against GME? I really don’t care what happens to the stock, I’m just tired of seeing reddit runoff from your thread to other threads that shit the place up. Biz is dead, partly because of you

>> No.52985445

You are a fucking redditor faggot get the fuck off the board you shitstain

>> No.52985490


>> No.52985634

And? If they are wrong, wouldn't it be more worth it to let them invest and watch them lose their money? I mean if you truly want to "kek baggies" at them, then do so when they end up losing their money if the company goes bankrupt like you keep saying they are going to.
That's not true and you know it. /biz/ has always been shills shilling scam coins and until the past few years it's been lacking generals and every other thread was LINK trash. Crypto is getting fucked over and people are getting rugged left and right, that's why this place is more dead as of late. As for the reddit mod, I can't say I truly believe that OiU is a hedge fund shill, but after all that and today, I'm seeing a lot of unhinged shills and I'm more likely to believe today now more than ever that the doxx of their mod and that retard who made the streamable from the GameStop in Temple, Texas was probably a paid shill at the very least, if not actually a hedge fund employee. Who honestly knows, but nothing is out of the realm of possibility and I'll gage what is true by how rabid shills become.
Suck my dick, nigger. I've been on 4chan since 2007.

>> No.52985853

first of all: redditspacing
second: >>52984088
third: >>52984991
fourth: why so obsessed, kike?
Allso only shills spread gme over the board, the ones intressted in it always stay in their containment thread
conclusion: you still mad the line is flat. Sneed, seethe, cope, dilate.
nice to be rentfree in your head 24/7

>> No.52985872

samefag replays to itself.
Also the army of 1pbtid always come hand in hand with the seethies, isnt it strange?

>> No.52985905

Signed. Fuck off redditors.

>> No.52985940

>I really don’t care what happens to the stock
sure, thats why you bitch about it in how many threads now? 3? 4? all opened by you and lurk the stock and its lore 24/7? If something, then it is you obsessed and mad to the bones because your trannybrain is sad something else gets more attention than you. And if that wasn't enough, you also do it for free! what a fucking retard.
rentfree & sneed

>> No.52985944

Go back

>> No.52985946
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GMEfags stay in their general, the only spam is from FUDders making daily threads about how there is still a general.

Thread baker is a jannie anyway, so good luck hedgecucks. Completely rent free.

>> No.52985975
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>4chan >>>/biz/
>where memes dwell
>current state

>> No.52985981

life must be hard if even filtering is to complex for your brain to grasp on

>> No.52986002

learn to breath through your nose, kike

>> No.52986034

>And? If they are wrong, wouldn't it
how about we don't want your kind on this board you fucking sperg

>> No.52986035

Incredibly based