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52982340 No.52982340 [Reply] [Original]

I can feel my heart in my throat, should I vomit or no? Serious answers this thread will not last.

>> No.52982364

Nobody cares kys

>> No.52982382

anon you are about to feel the full force of the grippy

>> No.52982385

too much, hopefully it wasnt instant release. hopefully they were the extended release capsules. if they are the orange ones and you bought them off the street, then they are 100% pressed with meth

>> No.52982387

alright, bye guys.

>> No.52982405

Instant release, orange pills straight from the pharmacy brah. I am going to go vomit, I made a mistake.

>> No.52982417

yeah 60 is too much. you probably wont die though. i mean its possible, but unlikely. probably.

>> No.52982428

Why the fuck would you take that much to begin with? If you die, you deserve it.

>> No.52982470

>people saying 60mg is too much

I used to boof 80mg+ of IR on a regular basis, but I think I had a problem

>> No.52982489

he's not going to freakin die 60mg is not that much, but it is going to feel very overwhelming if your body is completely naive to it
next time you try out a drug start slow and respect it until you understand it. the fact you got it from a pharmacy doesn't change the fact that it is a potent drug
exactly, you get used to it real quick. not that I advocate taking that much

>> No.52982772

you should probably try to purge the drug from your system, i've had a similar problem with doing too much coco
note that purging will somehow get more trace amounts of it absorbed into your system quickly through your nasal passages etc as i found out, so it made it worse but got over it quicker. i suggest drinking water to dilute it and suspend it, and then giving a proper vom
next time remember that you can always add but you can't take off