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File: 89 KB, 660x574, c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52978572 No.52978572 [Reply] [Original]

should i allow that?
cute selfies for no reason

>> No.52978582

that just means theres a few men who thirst for her. No biggie if she likes you

>> No.52978644
File: 32 KB, 725x1024, E298D7A6-69B3-4603-AC83-3E1BB482B68E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would never allow my so to do this shit it’s circumventing what the public ie me can see and therefore shady

She want to suck dick then go to of off the tab

>> No.52978650

I feel disrespected, why does she need validation from other males?

>> No.52978839

You are simply not good enough for her. She needs to advertise her body on social media to attract superior men.

>> No.52978867
File: 40 KB, 688x360, proverbs-21-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52978869

Lmfao do you know how insecure this makes you sound? Beta fucking bitch who can't keep a bitch. Lmfao.

>> No.52978884


>> No.52978886

Slap her really hard across her face and make sure you wear a studded ring.

>> No.52978900

Holy fucking shit hahahaha

>> No.52978910

The western male has been castrated. You do not have the option to allow or disallow anything. You will accept whatever she does and she knows it. Have fun raising another man’s seed.

>> No.52978927

Coping is exactly what OP isn't doing. Lmfao.

>> No.52978995

Many versions of this pop up all the time. Basically “how do I stop girl from being a retarded whore without it making me look insecure in her eyes”. You’ve got to get creative OP. Never look weak or insecure but also never allow this shit. The best thing you can do is predict this shit and establish boundaries from the jump. Since you’ve failed to do this you have to manipulate the situation and be cunning about it. Good luck

>> No.52979057

Stop being a little bitch. Jesus.

>> No.52979100

Who cares, if you want her to stop what you should do is pimp her out and make an only fans. Either she gets disgusted and stops posting selfish or you make some side cash

>> No.52979142

>why does she whore?
What part of "all women" did you not understand

>> No.52979321

Its not about being insecure, its about respect.
If you allow "your" girl to post herself like that is it really your girl? Being insecure is allowing that to happen.

Thank you.

>> No.52979449

You have a fucked up view of relationships which is precisely what allows you to torture yourself mentally this way. You don't own her. It shows massive insecurity thinking that you need to.

Who cares if she posts stories on her ig? Guess what: she's not going to quit just because you break up. Your job is to make sure she's posting things you're doing together so she can show you & her relationship off. You're supposed to be partners, not competing with each other.

>> No.52979538

Kill her.

nfa & dyor.

>> No.52979542

>muh respect

Are you seriously alleging that if she posts stories about her day to day life that doesn't involve you, then other people will see them and will equate that to her disrespecting you while simultaneously suggesting that's not insecure behavior?

Why do you care what other people think about you so much, anon?

>> No.52979582

bros how do i become more agressive with women, set boundires not let them walk over me? i just started getting pussy recenlty and ive looked past a lot of shit. she has me in the freindzone now. i feel like just telling her to stop calling me cause we are not fucking so whats the point.

>> No.52979635

Good point, kinda makes sense.
The only stories that bother me are the cute selfies without context, the ones just for validation

>> No.52979662

It's already over for you.

>> No.52979692

the ones intentionally made to get men give her attention

>> No.52979711

the fact that you care is why she will leave you

>> No.52979753

She is a victim of her passions. Very common with low IQ people. You need to beat her regularly and make her read stuff.

>> No.52979778

Don't you think she's cute? Let her feel pretty. Then start doing things for and with her to fulfill that validation need. No argument here: bitches love the attention. Fill up the space and selfies will taper.

Girls also tell other girls they are cute fucking constantly. And consider this: they're allowed to do it without coming off as creepy.

>> No.52979800

If you tell her you have problem with it, she will resent you. You're getting between an attention whore and her dopamine.

>> No.52979878

you're a women. i let this girl im dating do this same shit and she walked all over me and bumped me down to the freindzone.

>> No.52979936

I'm a forty year old male with an 8.5" uncut dick who has fucked over three dozen women (i lose count a long time ago). You sound like another insecure faggot who got bumped down because she thought it'd be funny. And she's right: here you are lamenting about it to strangers on 4chan. Lmfao.

>> No.52979961
File: 296 KB, 700x641, 1640191497334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL mongoloids like you need to stop posting and lurk more. you can't even spell check your shit retard

>> No.52980008

Is this just a game of who cares less?

I make her feel pretty but looks like its not enough.

>> No.52980050

do yuo have kids? no? then you aro no diffirent than the incel who never had sex. you didnt produce anything.

>> No.52980066

Whats your longest relationship tho?

>> No.52980095

What was your*

>> No.52980107

>I make her feel pretty but looks like its not enough.

Obviously, there is a disconnect there, bud. I don't know her or you, but you're not doing what you should be doing. Just telling her definitely isn't enough. Good luck.

>> No.52980208

I'll have kids when I'm ready. That's the awesome part of being a man.

Six years. That was a decade ago. She was amazing: marine dad, journalist mother, she had a masters degree and a fabulous career. We almost got married but I realized I would be holding her back professionally and personally because I was self-aware enough to acknowledge that I wasn't on her level. Again, it's a partnership and I wasn't being a very good one. She's doing way better now than she would have if she continued with me at the time.

>> No.52980324

>> is 40
>> "i'll have kids when im ready"

>> No.52980347

"was in a relationship for 6 years, still didn't produce anything"

>> she was better than me thats why i left.

>> No.52980356

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.52980371

> I realized I would be holding her back professionally and personally because I was self-aware enough to acknowledge that I wasn't on her level
My jaw literally dropped at how pathetic this sounds

>> No.52980398

I don't know if i should follow his advice anymore kek

>> No.52980401

You're incredibly naïve to think life ends at 40. You do realize men get hotter as they age right? That's why the wall isn't a thing for them.

Yes, it's called self-growth. If you want to coast along through life living off your woman's dime and be proud of that...

>> No.52980436

Sorry, fellas. I'm not looking for another mother so I can waste my life playing CoD. Maybe you two are.

>> No.52980485

You are so fucking dumb

>> No.52980499

you assumed that i think life ends at 40. I know it doesn't. but its better if you make a kid before you are 40. Men do not "get hotter" anymore at 40 okay. maybe you could say men keep getting better looking until maybe 33. then its a slow decline. some men start their decline at 26.

>> coast around on someone elses dime
money literally doesn't exist. you should have made your girlfriend pregnant and had babies.

>> No.52980648

Check out this faggot who has to use a pop-culture reference to prove his "point." This isn't /pol. I don't do things for your approval.

>they just don't okay
Perhaps you should strive to take better care of yourself. Then the decline won't be as rapid for you.

Do I just offer my first born up to pay the electric bill or what?

>> No.52980652

Same similar situation:
>date this hot chick for a few weeks
>all going well
>she posts normal stuff, selfies, work things, food, etc
>things start going sideways
>she posts thirst traps, showing body on the gym, her ass, etc
It depends on context and what she posts. There are many variables, her relationship with her dad, family, boundaries, etc

>> No.52980721
File: 75 KB, 1242x909, henlo_sirs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perhaps you should strive to take better care of yourself.
I'm 31 and last month a girl in told my girlfriend I am handsome and that she thought I am a 23 year old erasmus student. I know how to take care of myself. I also am delusional and I know my wrickles are starting to form. you do not "still get hotter" at 40 my friend. I am young looking and healthy, never stressed and relatively well off. i work out i meditate I do all the things. I eat steak everyday. I eat caviar. origanic pasture raised. non mass production. anyway.

good luck fren. for whatever its worth. just don't be delusional. you wont "keep getting hotter" beyond 40

>> No.52980725

You are 40 with no children on this board with me YOU are the fucking failure anon

>> No.52980827

You eat steak everyday? Your arteries must be clogged af and you'll be lucky to see 40 if you don't have a stroke before then. See? We can do this all day. It tires me. Good luck to you too.

>passing time on Xmas vacation means I'm trapped here forever


By the way, have any of you faggots noticed that all y'all did was try to tear someone down? At no point did you offer any constructive advice to OP. Figure it the fuck out.

>> No.52980918

40 with no children. You are a failure

>> No.52980926
File: 79 KB, 720x803, me_happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You eat steak everyday?
yes, almost everyday. you fell for the "red meat bad" vegan propaganda. you eat onions and cabbage and fucking "green leafy vegetables" like a slave while the rich people eat meat and sometimes fruit. kek. See, we can prove your stupidy all day

>> has a relationship of 6 years with a great woman, didn't produce kids
>> 40 years old, thinks he's still getting hotter
>> fell for vegan propaganda and marketing schemes.

I'm sorry fren. I am truly disappointed. you are 40 and dumb as fuck.