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52974621 No.52974621 [Reply] [Original]

To not have to wage anymore?
To buy a mansion, ferrari, good food, and leisure?
To help your family, friends?
To donate it back to the world in attempt to bridge the gap between poor and rich, and raise the floor for the poorest?

>> No.52974634

Depends on the person I guess, for me it's to move to a small town and chill for the rest of my life, pursue my hobbies and stuff

>> No.52974643

>To not have to wage anymore?
SImple as that yes.

I don't want any yacht or mansion or neon green lambo, I just want to not have to wagecuck 8 hours per day for another man for another 40 years or so. Simple as that, not wage and focus on my hobbies/passion instead, raise a family etc

Basically become a truly free man.

>> No.52975065

>To donate it back to the world in attempt to bridge the gap between poor and rich, and raise the floor for the poorest?
yeah you could do that. Or you could do research. Like pay for some scientists to research stuff for you, like Elon with his neuralink kind of thing.

>> No.52975080

So I can spend as much time as possible raising my future children.

>> No.52975107

to not be a slave

>> No.52975127

that's gay though

>> No.52975135
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To shit on those below you.

>> No.52975142

My household and rental properties will have mandatory homosexuality for all inhabitants

>> No.52975144
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For me it's to buy some land and farm corn for the rest of my life

>> No.52975155

to make it for me means living a life not enslaved by corporate tyranny.

a human being cannot be fully realized until he owns the fruits of his own labor. until then, you're owned by sociopathic corporate cunts who hate bing in the game as much as you do.

>> No.52975171

to send the following email at my big gay corporate job

to: c suite
cc: board of directors, HR
title: NIGGER

>> No.52975450

as a mutt you are trapped
your entire culture is about making money
stopping making money erases your one trait

>> No.52975653

>To not have to wage anymore?
Exactly, so I can shitpost full time
>To donate it back to the world in attempt to bridge the gap between poor and rich, and raise the floor for the poorest?
I'd rather burn it

>> No.52975696

To not be a forced cuck anymore. Everyone who wages for another man is a literal cuck.

>> No.52975700

>To not have to wage anymore?

>> No.52976112

To not have to wage is the ultimate freedom, worth more than any gold.

>> No.52976941

This. I’ve got nothing to add, anon said it fine.