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52969613 No.52969613 [Reply] [Original]

I still don't want to buy, but lately I've been getting this deep down feeling in my stomach that I'll look back at this point in time in the future how much of an absolute retard I was for not considering buying during peak worldwide fear and demoralization with actual WW3/nuke talk being regular subjects of normal people, the terms "recession" and "inflation" being uttered by every being on the planet, big tech companies firing +50% of their workers, institutions and services falling left and right, nearly every other big player/service in crypto quite literally bankrupt or in jail, people unironically talking about barely affording bread and eggs prices etc

All that and I still can't bring myself to buy.

>> No.52969647

Me too. I pussied out of buying ETH on Monday when it was £970, now it's back to £1k. Missing these opportunities, but also worrying about blowing money on crypto.

>> No.52969689

S&p500 is only down like 20 percent off its ATH. Does that really sound like blood in the streets? Most people have massive equity in their homes right now. Does that sound like blood in the streets? Most people are gainfully employed right now. Other than crypto and the hint at a war.... What is actually making you think its not about to bet much worse? What about actual war instead of threat of war? What about people losing employment, not just a handful of tech workers but a broad unemployment.

>> No.52969858
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same i've gone back to the archives of peak bear feb 2019 and it's really interesting. Lots of people saying lower and fudding it even when it absolutely bottomed. The same as now really. I believe we have bottomed or are very close to bottoming within 1-2 months ~14k. With a top early 2025. If I had to guess BTC top would be around ~115k but i'm basically pulling that out of thin air.

The macroeconomic picture would convince you otherwise but I find macros can often be misleading, intentionally or not. In terms of risk I would say buying now is probably the equivalent of selling at around $55k. You'd probably look back and think you did alright without having to pin point bottom.

>> No.52969898
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I said I'm not buying, but again there's this deep down feeling in the very core of my being telling me that I'll regret it as well waiting for some imaginary telegraphed cataclysmic super mega bottom and then wait for 5 more additional crisis to happen after that as if there won't be a single positive thing ever in our lives. As if we'll just go from crisis to crisis to crisis to another crisis till the day we die.
Even if unemployment goes up it will look as if only worse things are ahead of us. Even at the very bottom it looks as if things will only get much much worse. "This bear market has only started" "This is nothing, things are about to get much worse" are all stated even on the days of the absolute picobottom. But sometimes you get lost in all these graphs and statistics and should probably just use your common sense, when you go to 12 different stores/restaurants/shops and see they are all in need of workers you probably don't need to wait for some fag on the TV to tell you first that le bad number go up first etc

But I repeat, all this and I still didn't buy shit.

>> No.52969909

the stock market is literally -19% down from ATH, +76% from the bottom of the covid crash.
everyone is fearful but no one is selling. you're all delusional faggots and im literally never buying at this price until the masses of delusional faggots start selling. simple as

>> No.52970061

i know how you feel and it's real. the eternal crisis two more weeks stagflation is a controlled demolition attempt to
a) make boomers complacent until they disappear into their shallow graves and prevent prevent them from passing on any wealth to their children or grandchildren
b) funnel as much non-jewish money via inflation into jewish banker accounts to consolidate jewish power over the west

without some miracle (hitler 2.0) stopping this it will be crisis after crisis and the eternal bear market and wagie cage forever until i and you own nothing. it's horrifying to think about.

>> No.52970399

Markets are indeed lofty still. Consumer prices are sky high and wages haven't caught up. Spending will screech to a halt. I'm dialing my spending back as hard as I can already. Vacation delayed, meal prepping like never before, just buying less than before. Yet despite that I'm still spending way more than I ever have. It's not sustainable, something will break and I expect it to happen mid 2023.

>> No.52970442
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why would make this waste of a thread. nobody gives a fuck you're a life time failure of a man and didnt secure the bags cuz you're a pathetic undriven non motivation evolutionary dead end. the fact I had to read your pathetic existance in words and think wow this virgin loser will never make it in life and will never accomplish anything but suicide cuz he's a raging loser that embraces being not a man in life. holy shit this guys dad failed so hard at raising him his dad should suicide in shame at how much of a failure of a man his son turned out to be. I couldnt go thru my life daily and just be all oh wow crypto is the cheapest it could be for ever and meh nah imma just sit and jerk off to homosexual tranny pr0n and bitch like a homosexual faggot online about my ability to be a man and act like a man and succeed like a man. oh and you'll be a bitch and make weepy suicide threads later about muh should of could of would of bought the bag but werent man enough to do it. Fuck you for being such an evolution dead end and me having to read your pathetic unmanly existance and refuseal to act on a chance to make millions. you and your kind of "male" disgusts me to my core of manhood.

>> No.52970499

All you have to do is ask yourself: is there likely to be a time in the future where the price of X is significantly higher than it is right now, such that I may profit? If yes, then buy. Otherwise, gtfo of the market and stack USD.

>> No.52970509

yea ur retarded im buying every day we already bottomed

>> No.52970752

Just start a dca. If we go down further just increase your dca at predetermined levels. No one says you need to throw everything in at the absolute maximum bottom all at once. You'll probably get a buy or two in near the bottom if you buy consistently. It's not like current prices are bad long term entries by any stretch.

>> No.52971299

c u at 10k chud

>> No.52971337

you have all of 2023 to accumulate.

>> No.52971360

its not too late to get some matic anon, you can't go wrong when you have nike, adobe, ebay, reddit, mercedes, starbucks, jp morgan, stripe, flipkart, nubank, all building on polygon