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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52968660 No.52968660 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52968746

Its actually not the worst portfolio, its essentially 50/50 BTC/ETH with some ATOM. I don't know when he bought each tho. Also holding shit like RUNE, INJ, and NEAR in a bear market is fucking retarded, but its only a few %.

>> No.52968976
File: 91 KB, 1440x1775, 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good folio

>> No.52968996

selling the bottom, he's definitely one of /biz/

>> No.52969005

What did "M" mean by this?

>> No.52969094
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He sold link for Sol, days before FTX collapse

>> No.52969113

he unironically says "based" in his videos, so I think he is actually a /biz/tard
that said, I don't like his choice of shitcoins

>> No.52969137

>he still thinks based seethe cope wojak is 4chan culture.
Don't ask me how I know because I've only seen it from screenshots, but it's all over insta/tiktok/twitter/reddit normies.

>> No.52969223

>sam can't pay me anymore i gotta sell my SOL

>> No.52969357

who the fuck even watches this retard kek and lmao

>> No.52969362

>Don't ask me how I know because I've only seen it from screenshots, but it's all over insta/tiktok/twitter/reddit normies.
most unfortunate
but this explains why he has Benjamin Cowen (aka (((Cohen))), the gay crypto nerd) on his weekly roundup and bought SOL for fucks sake
I suppose only a r*dditfag would trust (((SBF))) and buy (((SOL)))

>> No.52969372

decent summary of crypto news IMO

>> No.52969373

>most unfortunate
It's quite fortunate. I want those years old dead memes to disappear forever. It becoming more and more cringe is great.

>> No.52969410

If you're getting your news from a professionally edited and produced Youtube video and not from crypto twitter/discord then you are already late

>> No.52969462

Guy did the first hit piece on ICP, perfectly regurgitating Sam’s talking points before they had been pushed.
Of course, Sam’s boys came up with their FUD by analyzing the project, looking for anything they could spin. I guess it is POSSIBLE Guy did his own research and just so happened to misunderstand a set of crucial points about the tokenomics in just the way that Sam’s army would later try to disingenuously spin them. But it’s not bloody likely. If it is the case, then Guy has proven himself to be a full fledged idiot, but it’s more likely we now know he’s on the take, a person paid money to lie to you in order to make you lose your money to the people paying Guy.
Either way, his credibility is gone forever.

>> No.52969741

I love my cringe 2015-2016 memes. Reminds me of better times desu.
Not so much for alpha but for normalfag crypto perspectives and sentiment checks.
Didn't know this as I haven't been listening to this guy very long. Interesting. To be fair I didn't look very far past the icy pee FUD until the price had already fallen to $30 per pee, though. It doesn't surprise me that Guy would have parroted the then-mainstream consensus that Dfinity was orchestrating a pump and dump, like a good r*dditor.

>> No.52969758

Of course he is, there is a LTD company behind his channel, and he's obviously not working for free since he has no ads.

>> No.52969798
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Hi Dom how's it goin

>> No.52969986
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For those who don't know. This guy is a paid actor. I'm serious, he gets paid by a marketing company to make videos on certain coins. "Guy" isn't his real name and is an alias. He makes videos because they pump his (and the company that hires him) bags. In short, try not to trust crypto tubers.

>> No.52970131

Yes, that does seem to be the long and short of it.

>> No.52970145

Hi Sam. Not in a Bahamian jail, so I guess I can’t complain. How’s life as an inmate?

>> No.52970351
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shits bussin what can i say

>> No.52971764
File: 107 KB, 736x845, 54cd8d4ea4402837f48bf8657f328864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's so stable about coins, anyway? (whistles)

>> No.52972248

M stands for Mom

>> No.52974305

You don't think he puts out informative content?

>> No.52974323


>> No.52974352

best twitter handles/discord channels to get crypto news from?

>> No.52974373
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>> No.52974826

>That was still a winning trade