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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52968488 No.52968488 [Reply] [Original]

Capitalism is built on the theory that rational individuals will allocate their capital in a rational manner but here you are buying pregnant butts and internet dog tokens and whatnot. You broke capitalism because you’re not rational, you’re broken individuals.

>> No.52969057

Blame the fed for incentivizing irrational speculation to combat real wage declines.

>> No.52970002

Kinda this lol crack ain’t gonna cook itself

>> No.52970107

there is no capitalism. all investment is theft by organized crime. In usa jews rob everyone from birth. they are the enemy of the usa operating in all financial regulation and enforcement capacity. jews are forign criminals who run the media and courts to enable the relentless theft of white peoples wealth.

jews are the vermin criminals of earth, all men have an obligation to exterminate jews in totality permanently. children will have joy when there are no jews left to ever torment humanity again

>> No.52970150

Spicy take but I can’t say you’re wrong

>> No.52970324

>You broke capitalism
No they didn't.
There was a period of a few weeks where early ponzi entrants made good cash off dog coins but that's been over for a long time.

Look at the state of the dog coins people can buy now. Dog bat where you pay 12% tax and continue to find new lows even after a 99.8% drop.

Capitalism is working perfectly.

>> No.52970518

capitalism is built on stolen surplus labor value

>> No.52970533

Die commie faggot. Follow your leader and put an ice pick through your brain

>> No.52970540

t. leech

>> No.52970575

>voluntarily take job
>get paid by said job
>they stole muh le heckin labor value!
Die commie.

>> No.52970585

under the implicit threat of no healthcare, no shelter, no food, etc. not exactly voluntary. mostly coercion

>> No.52970606

Plebbit globohomo trump biden jews based communism retards Tim Pool

>> No.52970681

What do you expect? To just sit around playing vidya and everyone else has to pay your way? If you want to be a lazy asshole and not make your own path through life then you deserve starvation and death.

>> No.52970716

more autonomy and an equitable distribution of the fruits of workers' labor. not at all the lazy fable you've imagined

>> No.52970723

Hard times good men easy times weak men
Globohomo go back based boooba sniff sniff cuck marxism

>> No.52970755

Does that mean when a company fails then all its employees take the burden of the costs? I mean that would be equitable.
>sorry xir we need to close the company because we are in 100 million in debt. Here is your bill for 275k.

>> No.52970768

before i answer that - what exactly do you think happens when a business fails in the current system?

>> No.52970804

It depends on how they file.

>> No.52970815

> me spending 10 hours baking cakes made out of dog piss and cat shit
>baker spend 3 hours baking delicious cake
according labor theory of value, my cake should be paid more since I put in more labor in to my product. communism in a nut shell. Marx is a bigger retard than you originally thought

>> No.52970841

dog piss and cat shit has a very low value compared to high quality ingredients which workers toil to create. your argument is not even remotely coherent

>> No.52970867

Tell that to Marx who defined LVT as purely value=labor. nothing else matters nigger

>> No.52971590

i've got some high quality unvaxed loads for you to share among the comrades

>> No.52972179
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sry forgot to post picrel