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52967973 No.52967973 [Reply] [Original]

3 reasons why PRQ > GRT

1. Speed and efficiency. GRT uses subgraphs which in turn requires constant connections between indexers and nodes and connections of data. This requires resync of the nodes and reindexing of the data. Just imagine refreshing all the time. This take a lot of time. PRQ has already done this and has the data waiting for you in a data pool.

2. Reliability. PRQ is “mostly” centralized. GRT and subgraphs fall prey to one of their verifiers moving to a more lucrative sub graph. What happens then? Well the integrity of the data is lost even for only a short period of time. This is also why the main argument against chainlink is why would they need link if they can build their own centralized oracle? In the case for PRQ there is already a centralized solution ready for you RIGHT NOW.

3. Customizability. Data lakes are superior to subgraphs because they do everything of the same but also allow either PARSIQ or yourselves to create you customized pools of data specific to anyway you want it. This makes the job of developers working in projects 10x easier. Again, request response time is not always consistent with nodes — any Web3 developer would confirm that because nodes tend to drop from time to time they are neither the easiest nor the most reliable source of data. This is not to suggest that nodes are unimportant! Rather, it is only to point out that, when looking at the case at hand (i.e., ease for both back-end and front-end development), they are not the top choice.

THERE IS NO NEED FOR DECENTRALIZED DATA EXTRACTION WHEN THE DATA IS ALREADY COMING FROM DECENTRALIZED BLOCKS!!! The decentralization is only necessary in proving the data hasn’t been tampered with. That is why PRQ is far far superior

>> No.52968862

sad that some people are dumb to this level

>> No.52969002

Refute me atleast try

>> No.52969176
File: 142 KB, 500x391, 1624378844535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top ten reasons why PRQ > GRT:

1. It's centralized. Centralization is faster and easier than decentralization.
2. It evolves more rapidly. PRQ's team has already moved on to a completely new project, while GRT's team is still working its first project.
3. Small and scrappy. GRT has a team of dozens if not hundreds of people, with hundreds of millions of dollars of funding. PRQ has a small team and very little money, so it knows how to fight for its survival and relevance with limited resources.
4. Legality. PRQ's business confidently operates in full compliance with the law of the United Kingdom. GRT indexes the data of sanctioned smart contracts, its DAOs are incorporated in tax havens, and some of its validators run in countries of questionable diplomatic standing. It's like they don't want anyone to control it, and this is wrong.
5. Affordability. GRT makes its users pay fees for its services. PRQ just asks that its users hold the token for services, and sell it when they're done.
6. Focus. PRQ's small team is focused on lots of different projects at once. GRT is focused on one project, and it doesn't even lend NFTs.
7. For the common man. PRQ has lots of small customers. GRT is used by amoral global entities like Goldman Sachs and the WEF.
8. Economics. GRT holders have to stake to earn a worthwhile cut of fees, and risk volatility with their investments. PRQ is a real business that gets paid directly for its services without a need for frivolous nonsense like profit sharing or value accrual.
9. Marketing. PRQ isn't afraid to talk about price action and predictions on official outlets. GRT aggressively discourages it in all their official communities and communications.
10. Specialization. PRQ was built by engineers. GRT has to hire engineers, cryptographers, data scientists, financial analysts, designers, and devrels to help build their product, and that's expensive.

It's over.

>> No.52969505

Nice subtle GRT shill.
Facts are GRT has no hard token cap. Inflation will get out of control.

Grt only sees its current adoption because they literally pay people to use their service. What do you think is going to happen when they are forced to pay and aren’t getting anymore incentives?

Your seeing it already. Nobody is moving to the paid network that’s why they keep pushing it back for over 2 years now.

PRQ will eat there clients for lunch in 2023 and 2024

>> No.52969524

ahh, yes, the special olympics of crypto

>> No.52969585

>Brother buys PRQ at ~$0.20
>I buy GRT at ~$0.20
Guess which one of us made money?

That's right. Neither of us, because we both fell for "$20 is fud!" in both our chosen coins' cases

>> No.52969627

Funny fact. A couple months ago PRQ and GRT were the same price at 10 cents. Look which one is holding up better

>> No.52969863

>"[scam being promoted] is better than [known project]!"
>[scam being promoted] turns out to be a scam

A classic

>> No.52970287

lol quit trying to sell us your PRQ bags

>> No.52970338
File: 198 KB, 807x351, E90E56C2-0734-495C-8B5D-A9EE4EB1D89B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.52970352
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>> No.52970368
File: 87 KB, 815x243, 50D319EE-6616-4614-916E-15246B22A8A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling you ZCL before it dumps to oblivion forever.

Thanks omega!

>> No.52970381
File: 165 KB, 828x338, CD2F0733-CB91-43C9-80ED-0EAA22AEC0A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Sell everything BTC is going sub 2k”

Omega will refute with link posts, dude was telling you to sell qnt late 2019. Bonafide nigger Pajeet.

>> No.52970407

Omega got scared of these caps in his last thread so he ran like the Pajeet he is and started a new thread. Post your shaking brown hand.

>> No.52971005

So how much prq do you hold?

>> No.52971648

This. It's over. How can anyone be bullish on the graph when it is being used by almost every L1, L2, and dapp in the crypto space? This will result in trillions of queries on the mainnet in the near future. This piece of shit is never going to moon.

>> No.52971941

Its even worse. Decentralized protocol like this is easy scalable :/

>> No.52972274

Do you know what every L1 and L2 also uses? Geth. How much does Geth cost? $0. I don't think baggies appreciate how over it is.

High numbers on the scale mean an early death according to doctors. GRT is extremely scalable and will die in 2023. It's over.

>> No.52973825

OmegaFaggot, you stupid fucking RETARDED NIGGER, can you avoid mentioning GRT when you make your stupid ass threads? I don't mind you scamming newfags with PRQ, by all means keep doing the heavy lifting, I just don't want to see your moronic shilling, you're way too good at making retarded claims, to the point that I'm starting to believe you actually believe your own bullshit. Yes I know I could filter you, but then I'd miss out on the threads where GRT holders rightfully call you a RETARDED NIGGER, which is always fun but I really want to just say "it's over" and be done with it instead of being thoroughly amused at your ineptitude.
Can you do that? Pretty please? Reading your stupid shit, while funny, is damaging my brain and I think I'm slowly cringing out of existence.
Now go fuck yourself. Thank you.

>> No.52974213
File: 221 KB, 1079x633, Screenshot_20221222_195925_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I can't believe I sold my grties at $1.80 and some baggie actually bought them. Feels good man

>> No.52974357

Turns out neither need a token nor does the team care about retail at all. I'm sure they'll come visit your tombstone though when you take your -99% bags to the grave