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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 647x553, fuckjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52963444 No.52963444 [Reply] [Original]

They're not sending their best, but some, I assume are good people.

>2x above mint price
>only POTUS to ever do anything with NFTs/crypto
>high likelihood of future promotions
>"community" - Trump said in promo video

Explain to me how this fat orange faggot making an NFT is bad for crypto if he actually wins in 24? Why does biz constantly go against it's own best interest?

>> No.52963484 [DELETED] 
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CHECKED and based. there are a couple golf one of ones being sold fairly cheap. grab one and join me on the course

>> No.52963490
File: 170 KB, 650x245, 8E5163C8-973B-40B5-9AFB-3FDEA486EA71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not accurate to say that the "biz" (presumably meaning the business or investment community) is constantly going against its own best interests. Decisions made by individuals and organizations are often based on a variety of factors and considerations, and it's not always possible to predict or control the outcomes of these decisions.

>> No.52963519


>> No.52963520
File: 31 KB, 559x556, 4386734896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked but its a cashgrab polygon scam with no artistic value the watermarks are still on the stock assets its a rush job hack job to fleece idiots just like the trump presidency sorry not sorry

>> No.52963523 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 978x548, 1671547037226642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very bullish for crypto. Crypto will be on the menu this election cycle and politicians will be forced to take a side. You are either with us or against us.

>> No.52963538

Fuck you nig I’m no bot

>> No.52963540

kek is this some 5d chess to try to make the dems take the anti crypto stance as far as they take any other issue? no amount of voter fraud will save them in that case

>> No.52963550
File: 198 KB, 1920x1102, fresh_soy_milk_produce_process_en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are these bots coming from? For what purpose?

>> No.52963581

to muddy the waters of any actual discussion about anything. its ((their)) strategy for taking down 4chan. just making it be a useless place where ever other post is some bot post contributing absolutely nothing but causing you to read it and detract from the thread. every thread.

>> No.52963587
File: 34 KB, 273x273, 1670976232859743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, keeping in mind the Boomer Dems suck off the "youth vote". Most Millennials and Zoomers are pro crypto.

>> No.52963652

>only POTUS to ever do anything with NFTs/crypto
What exactly did he do?
It's the same cash grab every other celebrity or business scams retail with

>> No.52963746

Trump is in his own category because he would actually have the power to influence laws if he wins in 24. So while yes it's just another NFT cashgrab, it's not the same anon. Don't let your dislike/like of someone blind you to reality.

>> No.52963835

Name another pro crypto presidential candidate. I'll wait.

>> No.52963860

sirs buy my bags sirs

>> No.52963924

Maybe you missed what Trump did to H1B.

>> No.52964073

>if he wins in 24
How? He's rapidly lost % of his base since losing the 2020 election. This NFT shit being a more comedic example of losing his base.

Also, maybe check the watermarks next time?

>> No.52964236

The actual quality of the NFTs means nothing. It's the symbolism of promoting crypto to the masses that matters. He's normalizing buying NFTs as collectables, on-ramping boomers that are die-hard Trump fans which will influence them no matter what happens in 24. I don't care about the nitty gritty of the politics until it happens, I'm just pointing out that this is a good thing for crypto in general, and IF he wins then we're going to have the first ever pro-crypto POTUS. I don't care how likely or unlikely the "IF" is because we're not even close to the elections yet. As of now however, Trump is the most likely front runner for the GOP.

>> No.52964365

I do agree it's an example of changing times, changing sentiment towards crypto. This shit wouldn't make any fucking sense in 2016, now it just feels eye-rolling.

>As of now however, Trump is the most likely front runner for the GOP.
I think it's Desantis. Trump has lost too much. Him pivoting to $99 NFT cashgrabs is an unimportant example of this.

>> No.52964492

I'm OK with Trump or kanye but not DeSantis

>> No.52964699

which is ironic because it was trumps normal behavior and tactics that threw kanye into this bullshit racist mode.

>> No.52965246
File: 62 KB, 512x512, pepecoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will it ever increase again sirs
I am not selling until it increases so maybe I'm never selling

>> No.52965699

The question shouldn't be if they will go up in price, it's "how much will they go up in price", because we know Trump is going to talk about it. It was literally the most successful NFT launch in the history of NFTs. Irrespective of anyone's opinion on Trump, we all know his personality and he's not going to avoid talking about this. He made over 4 million in less than 8 hours.

>Starts campaigning
>Throws rallies

"You know I launched an NFT and I was told it was the most successful launch in the history of NFTs, can you believe it?"

"I don't really know that much about crypto but I think I'm starting to like it now, right?"

"I made a lot of money on that, that was good and people are happy with it, it was tremendous"

If you don't think something like that could raise the value of the NFT collection then you must be new here. Love him or hate him he's going to bring boomers over to crypto and boomers never sell.

>> No.52965706

Not really I just think DeSantis is homosexual and I don't vote for guys.

>> No.52965788

Trump is smart making nfts for white middle american working class. They dont buy ape or bear nfts

>> No.52965863

You are braindead and huffing hopium. Yes the pumped. That's over, ATH will not be touched again. Are you new to this? Yes Trump is funny, but he is irrelevant for the success of your bags. Even more so with the absolute macro shitshow rn.

>> No.52965934

Yes there will be micropumps when relevant related news breaks. This will fall another 75% before any of that though.
sorry you overinvested but thanks for being exit liquidity

>> No.52966311
File: 74 KB, 807x989, 1673742161049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what makes you think these laws would be in your favor? Did you forget what space you're in? Think, if some fucking how Trump won in '24 do you really think he could get some magic law passed to make these forgettable fart-in-the-wind NFTs valuable? What kind of laws would that even be? And further why would he do that, he doesn't give a fuck about me or you or any cave goblin dwelling here. Open your eyes dude. It is absolutely a cashgrab.
I've seen some laughably bad "roadmaps" presented by shitcoins but damn at least that's something. Minimal effort sure but I can't even see that here.
Your post is megadeluxe hopium. Accept this is another get-in get-out like all the others and don't be left holding the bag. Done a million times before and there will be millions more.

>> No.52966340
File: 682 KB, 1200x1200, 1670724373442061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The midwitt meme is real. You missed the point on how even a candidate who is pro crypto changes everything.

>> No.52966401

>>only POTUS to ever do anything with NFTs/crypto

Some great presidents have written books, released autobiographies... and Trump does this.

Says a lot about him and his supporters too.

>> No.52966432

>Some great presidents have written books, released autobiographies
trump has written many books newfag

>> No.52966497

>only POTUS to ever do anything with NFTs/crypto
Omg, it's you again... You're confusing "do anything with crypto" with actually benefitting or moving it forward. Sorry, those bags are heavy but you're going to keep holding them for a long time. There's literally no world in which trump nft's start some sort of golden bull run. Maybe if he was the first famous person, but considering everyone and their mother knows about nft's, I'd say this is more of a sign of the end of crypto as way to make great gains.

>> No.52966513
File: 232 KB, 1029x1029, 1668012719447838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name another pro crypto presidential candidate. I'll wait.

>> No.52966514

He hasn't written shit. Those business advice books weren't written by him at all.

>> No.52966525

Lmao you keep thinking he is pro crypto when all he did was use an existing platform to make money. How is this pro crypto? Show me how this changes anything about the crypto space other than it being a former US pres, which isn't as significant as you think.

>> No.52966541

Midwitt. You missed the point. He is the only pro crypto candidate.

>> No.52966551

Ok, explain how shilling something to make money is the same as being "pro crypto"?

>> No.52966660

You can call every detractor itt a midwit if it suits you, seems like it does, but people that seriously voted for Trump because muh wall are likely in the same camp as you, hasn't he already done this to you once? Isn't that enough?

>> No.52966666

Trump is running for president. The left will laugh at his NFT collection, but crypto is still a campaign issue.

>> No.52966686
File: 29 KB, 680x655, 1671543953313412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made money on crypto. So he's anti crypto? Don't worry. You can post back here when crypto comes up as an election issue.


>> No.52966688


>> No.52966692
File: 79 KB, 542x240, Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 19-57-11 trumptweets-546x640.png (PNG Image 546 × 640 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually believe in the words that you're saying or you're just mumbling around?

Trump needed some clean money and he threw this façade because he knew he would also piss off some republicans in the process.

>> No.52966778

Lol yeah I minted some and made 5x.
It was so obvious it would create rabid bagholders from the beginning. This is in the same vain as icp and that retarded dog meme from last year.
Nobody cares about Trump anymore, how delusional are you people. I you can't see this for the generic p&d it is, did you even participate in 2021/2022?? Conditions are worse now for everything

>> No.52967029

You know that it would only take one tweet / "truth", from Trump to pump these another 10-20x right?

>> No.52967465

is he gonna be let back on twitter or what?

>> No.52967487

hes already allowed back, he just doesnt want to use it
maybe thatll change at some point, truth social is retarded

>> No.52967510
File: 104 KB, 1200x805, otherdeed_metaverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52967527

Lmao, if he posts on truth social it will be a nothing burger
Nothing will ever lead to it pumping to ath again
screenshot this

>> No.52967537

Let me guess, the community is planning to put Trump nft's in billboards too lol? Maybe some viral media stunt too? Comment bomb but it's YouTube vids? Anon, how fucking new are you?

>> No.52967636

some people never learn lmao
that it's trump doesn't fucking matter. his brand has depreciated significantly, that's obvious even to non americans

>> No.52967655

he's pointing out to everyone how much of a shitty cash-grab NFTs can be, and for all those people know, is all that NFTs will ever be

>> No.52967710

he made money on his chinese sweatshop MAGA hats, but he claims to be anti-china. is he actually pro-china?

>> No.52967855

trump will be forever entrenched in American lore, he was literally one of the most discussed individuals of the last decade. The idea that he, or his brand, will go away is ridiculous. Literally all of the seething on reddit lets me know these will have long term interest.

>> No.52967871

Holy fucking cope lmao this is hilariously cringe
I swear, you bag holders are one week away from "they have meme potential!"

>> No.52967895

But I made money on it anon. Do you really let your TDS get in the way of making money?

>> No.52967920


5th post already big boy? seethe more, you will never make it

>> No.52967934

>doesn't understand NFTs
It's ok anon.

>> No.52967956

What will the floor be by the 23rd-25th?

>> No.52967963

Why do retards believe everything they hear? That has been deboonked. The hats were made in California with materials from the US.

>> No.52968071

bagholding is a mental illness

>> No.52968107

Will these moon when he gets arrested?

>> No.52968378

Of course some people made money, that happens with every scam.
But it still dropping and will be soon forgotten.

>> No.52968422

Yeah just like the entirety of crypto lol.

>> No.52968430

Bag holding what? I bought a few and sold them the next day for profit. Cope poor person.

>> No.52968598

ignoring a 4.5mil mcap meme project by donald trump, then thinking its dead after the sold-out pump settles the project at 9mil mcap after a week on the market is insane.
some people were never meant to make it

>> No.52968828

I don't think it's crossed their minds how low the MC is relative to how much attention it's getting and will continue to get over time.

>> No.52969065

either 0.01 or 1ETH. No inbetween

>> No.52969232
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1670740321270532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ cant refute this

>> No.52969691
File: 126 KB, 576x768, 1671640942430700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seethe more
>They don't know I'm gonna be rich because of Trump :)

>> No.52969718

Anon, this is the same irrational thinking that made people think every shit going was going to magically make them rich. Chances are very hightm that you did not make good money on these. If you did, you would have gotten in and out early and moved on. The fact you're still shilling leads me to believe your bags are heavy.

>> No.52969732

Hurry up and buy now guys, 2 more weeks and it will EXPLOAD in price!

>> No.52969755
File: 5 KB, 241x209, 1620671367915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i minted two, sold at 0.8 ETH, and bought two again yesterday
remember, its an official donald trump project that hasnt even been up for a week yet