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File: 265 KB, 1320x622, TIMESAND___4ZxS6dYJU6efvd5uwryunwjvvkkfU9eeg5vg6d7Wjffl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52960312 No.52960312 [Reply] [Original]

I posted this correlated data set a few months ago with the suggestion to short the March oil contract at the current price. It was $77 when I noticed it and I pointed it out at $80. Since the current price is the same, I think these options are still a good investment opportunity. My hypothesis is that this black swan in the 30 USA mortgage rate is going to lead to a crash in the price of oil.

>> No.52960341
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I think I reported the correlation between the these two data sets exactly at this local minimum (green arrow). It insta-bounced (to spite me) but now it is starting to dip into the profitability zone. If you buy options, I would consider the historical correlation between the price of the WTI contract and the 30yr USA mortgage rate. I think the sharpness of the increase in the rate will emphasize rather than disrupt the historical correlation.

>> No.52960356
File: 1.33 MB, 1884x2164, TIMESAND___Golf+Rumors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, one might doubt the correlation to the non-correlation around 2014. The trend or correlation was disrupted due to what is now called "golf rumors." Rumors (true ones) that free energy had been discovered made the rounds at the country clubs before the full violence of the USA squashed such talk but the rumors nuked the price of oil. Therefore, please also consider that there is a good reason for the broken pattern around 2014.

>> No.52960374
File: 1.46 MB, 1168x4968, TIMESAND___1ipIZXLkKuR2efr1tece23j7gldYMqxFF7279h0Vzw8prbyus2mYSplm9tP6H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golf rumors
Section 20 here:

>> No.52960384
File: 10 KB, 340x117, TIMESAND___SHIB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then if you make money on my suggestion, please consider buying SHIB.

>> No.52960470
File: 273 KB, 1335x727, TIMESAND___4ZxS6dYJU6fryudddd9eeg5vg6d7Wjffl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is this the correlation with the 2014 golf rumors black swan cropped. It is very strongly correlated.

>> No.52960564

Man, I don't understand any of this, to be honest. Sounds very interesting though and I'm trying my best to understand

>> No.52960629

so you are suggesting oil is going down even further

>> No.52961318

Yes. I predict that the gap will close when the inverse WTI oil catches up to the 30yr USA mortgage data. Since this is inverse oil, catching "up" means the price will go down.

>> No.52961319
File: 304 KB, 1660x727, TIMESAND___4Zxr3yu6pfg646dYJU5dddf6d9YJUd70Wjfxd2fl5a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52961326

this is going to be make on the EV fag seethe

>> No.52961337

cool banana, i mean this is going to make all the EVfags seethe

>> No.52961353
File: 32 KB, 147x407, TIMESAND___4Zxr3yu5dddf6d9YJU6pfd0rd70Wjfxg646dYJUua3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an example where oil lagged rates by about 9 months. Presently, however, it looks like oil has already started moving to close the gap in the resolution of the monthly chart and we can say that the present lag will not be nine months. Therefore, I think March is a good contract to speculate on because it doesn't allow too much time for OPEC+ (or whomever) to intervene with extraordinary market manipulations. I think it optimizes the oil catchdown price against the timeframe for something weird to happen.

>> No.52961402
File: 325 KB, 1080x1440, 926604_v9_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown pajeet retard shitcoin shill op discovered hiking interest rates raises the mortgage rate and slows down the economy, lowering the demand and the price of oil

>> No.52961445
File: 25 KB, 281x325, TIMESAND___CC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They call me White Man Actual on the military radio.

>> No.52962469
File: 63 KB, 385x803, TIMESAND___4Zxr3yu6pfg5ddJUd7df60d9Y2fl5a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there was a higher resolution chart of the Mortgage data, I might even attempt to show that Crab B tracks Crab A with a couple of months lag, and that we should expect the downside breakout in oil any day now.

>> No.52962511
File: 433 KB, 1280x754, TIMESAND___4Zxr3yu6p7dfg5ddJUdfg5ddJUd5a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For instance, there's not one million, but three million jobs priced into oil that are about to get annulled. The fake one million jobs was only from the Q2 reporting.

>> No.52962628

Holy shit Tooker please tell me this isn't you

>> No.52962673

Holy shit it is you!! Don't get me wrong I think the correlation you found is pretty legit. But the shit about the """golf rumors""" is typical of your psychotic ramblings

>> No.52962750

>to short the March oil contract at the current price.
Complete moron and newfaggot to investment here. Can anyone explain what this means and maybe a step or two in how it would work in practice?

>> No.52962758
File: 9 KB, 191x263, TIMESAND___1ipIZefr1tece23YqxFF72j7gvdw8pryus2mYplm9t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's me. Do you think there's a gigantic conspiracy on the internet that might not be about me?

>> No.52962782

Would shorting United States oil fund work

>> No.52962842
File: 2.77 MB, 385x316, TIMESAND___5759NCaminoEsplendoraTucson00AZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the shit about the """golf rumors""" is typical of your psychotic ramblings
No, that is incorrect. You can see the oil crash in tandem with Lockheed's fusion reporting and if you search for the contemporaneous market news, ZeroHedge for instance, everyone will say, "We have no idea why oil suddenly started crashing."

Along those lines, my 2013 solution to classical electrogravity is the reason why everyone started hearing about "hypersonic missiles" around 2015. Pic shows one of the USAF's *many* failed hypersonic missile tests. That's a real UFO with a fake laser shopped onto it. The primitive vehicle belongs to the USAF who called me "schizo" and mocked my work because they could not understand it. Rather than devoting time to study my work in the logos corner of rhetoric, they spent their efforts in pathos and ethos trying get everyone to hate and mock me (with great success, btw, as you will know if you recognize me on here.) The advanced vehicle belongs to those who did not betray their ancestors and closely studied the word of the Lord which I published on viXra. Now the technology of Team Righteosuness is far ahead and Team Call-Tooker-A-Schizo can never catch up due to pic reasons.

>> No.52962876

You might even consider shorting UCO. I recommended commodity contract futures because people who can buy those have margin accounts that can easily spin a sure thing into a windfall victory. I myself am not into that I do not even know how one would go about buy a contract, shorting one, or shorting an ETF linked to the contract. Mainly I like charts and making posts. Buy SHIB though.

>> No.52962916

>You might even consider shorting UCO.
I think SCO already does this for you, actually. I'd stay away from the ETF's because there's always a chance that some black swan rebalancing gimmick will rob you of your profits. If you can't buy on COMEX (or whatever), it is probably a decent alternative but your potential gains will be much lower. Therefore, I recommend buying options to sell March WTI oil at the current price.

>> No.52962947
File: 2.17 MB, 2128x2720, TIMESAND___GC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my 2013 solution to classical electrogravity

>> No.52962956

What in tarnations does a 30 year mortgage have to do with the price of oil?

>> No.52963054

Tarnation price you, comrade!

>> No.52963638

Thanks for the DD, I'm buying USO calls now