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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52957136 No.52957136 [Reply] [Original]

How in the absolute fuck am I supposed to move out of my parents? I'm 29, have a J.D, 5 internships, 3.5 GPA, speak 3 languages and still not even a motherfucking interview?? My brother own a roofing business and is making bank.. should I just give up and go sweep chimneys for the boomers? I feel like a loser... my crypto portfolio looks abysmal, my stocks look terrible and I can't even score a job that pays more than 20 dollars an hour.

>> No.52957195

Work for your brother or find a temp agency for the field u want to go into. Job market is rough rn

>> No.52957208

You have a law degree?

Why weren't you doing summer placements? Why didn't you get hired there or at the firm you articled at?

>> No.52957214

How did you have 5 internships and no offer? Have you passed the bar?

>> No.52957250

My brother is an asshole..
I got hired, worked for 3 years but wanted to go solo bc I thought I would make more money.. big motherfucking mistake. I was working for a friend of the family but he still owes me 5k and won't pay me so I quit.

>> No.52957270

How'd you do on the LSAT?

>> No.52957308

163 not great not terrible but I only did it once so there's that.

>> No.52957388

Just search for older solo practitioners/small firms in your area and ask if they’re hiring. Finding a lawyer close to retirement who is thinking about their “legacy” be a great opportunity because they might be willing to take you in so the firm they built can live on after they’re gone or for other ego related reasons (wanting to pass on their knowledge to the next generation etc..)

>> No.52957756

just be a neet. worked for me

>> No.52958262

Thx for the tip anon I'll look into this
Wish I could but I'll go crazy sitting on my ass the whole day.

>> No.52959742

>wanted to go solo bc I thought I would make more money.. big motherfucking mistake
you took a risk, it didnt work out, thats life, not a mistake. no man is a failure for stickin his nuts out there. the man who is a failure is the one afraid to bet on himself. circle your wagons and give it another go sometime, all you did was find one way things couldnt work

>> No.52961571

>29 years old
>talking about his GPA
lmao, rofl even.

>> No.52961586

Here's a suggestion, buy a .22 LR pistol.
Configure it so with a contraption it unleashes all the rounds.
Stand infront of it.

>> No.52961707

Yes, become a chimney sweep. It's the only way.

>> No.52961727
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you can always go back to your third world shithole

>> No.52961739

>speak 3 languages
which languages?

>> No.52961755

Just a heads up, don't actually apply through indeed. Go in person or at the very least apply through the company website. Indeed shows you how many people apply via indeed and it's typically like 400+.

Applying in person is how you stand out, and don't show up in your pikachu shirt, wear something nice. Do they not teach zoomers anything useful in college these days?

>> No.52961783
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Also this. Got my current job applying through company website. Applied to hundreds of roles via indeed, barely any resulted in anything beyond phone interview

>> No.52961843

>don't show up in your pikachu shirt
Sorry, I don't want to work for a company that doesn't appreciate true patrician tastes.

>> No.52961855

English. American. And memes.

>> No.52961863

But there are more jobs than applicants and wage price spiral and nobody wants to work and and and-

>> No.52961865

>Wish I could but I'll go crazy sitting on my ass the whole day.
Do you have any interests of your own, or do you just like to work and please others?

>> No.52961880
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>> No.52961883

It's called a white collar recession. It's real and happening. Expect more of this.

>> No.52962061

English, Japanese, and Sugondese

>> No.52962701

Trades are unironically better so long as you can secure a union job otherwise it's pretty tough from what I hear.
Sexy. I run a restaurant so it's going to be nice scooping up NPCs with masters degrees so I can chuck all these retarded zoomers out.
OP you can come work for me if you aren't an ugly brown faggot.