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File: 83 KB, 800x445, gal-guantanamo-mcdonalds-jpg-copy-800x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5295704 No.5295704 [Reply] [Original]

>Sir, unfortunately I cannot accept your purchase of a Happy Meal. The system has flagged your Bitcoin address as having donated to several Nazis and other far right-wing activists.

How do you respond?

>> No.5295725

I own IOTA so I literally cannot be a racist.

>> No.5295727
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>> No.5295756
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>> No.5295772

>Sends to a new address.

>> No.5295775
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, sieg heil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things
>report to manager
>Go to another place to eat, like burger king, or a local restaurant
Then I'll leave with a Nazi salute and a smirk on my face

>> No.5295785

when will we get /ourcoin/

>> No.5295789
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>> No.5295817

Heil Hitler.

The Jews are literally the root of all evil.

>> No.5295859

"I'll be right back :)"

>> No.5295868

"but I support smart refugee cities"

>> No.5295880

whos is this, i gotta rape her :P

>> No.5295917

i generate another address and come again

>> No.5295922
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>> No.5295925

>w w-what do you mean you no longer accept digibytes?

>> No.5295945


>> No.5296082
File: 94 KB, 249x186, 1457649696607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loses $30 in transaction fees
>loses another $30 in fees when purchasing the Happy Meal
>has to wait 8 hours for the transaction to confirm
>meanwhile the store closes
>has to come back the next day to get his fucking Happy Meal

>> No.5296180

>Sir, unfortunately I cannot accept your purchase of a Happy Meal. The system has flagged your Bitcoin address as receiving its funds from an account associated with Nazis and other far right-wing activists.

>> No.5296263

you can solve this by switching currencies real quick

>> No.5296328

Or just use Monero the whole time

>> No.5296340
File: 86 KB, 960x902, 7470921E-E81B-4459-AA0C-6C8B372DFC23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How any rational hulkamaniac would respond.

>> No.5296415
File: 572 KB, 1532x2116, 337E82E7-8012-461A-ABEA-3C0AB49E14EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used Monero

>> No.5296420

wish I knew senpai

>> No.5296455

>Sir unfortunately we cannot accept your purchase of a Happy Meal. The system has flagged your bank account as sending funds to accounts i associated with Nazis and other far right-wing activists.

banks knew everything about you long before google and facebook did

>> No.5296459

>start sending hundreds of thousands of accs 1 satoshi

>> No.5296474

I used XVG, so you can't track me, you cunts.

>> No.5296668

The difference is that every random McDonald's cashier doesn't get to look through your spending history with the current banking system. Your scenario wouldn't happen and you know it.

>after transaction fees you are left with .1% of your starting Bitcoin and it's still trivially traceable with a computer

>> No.5296729

Thanks Ill pay with Monero

>> No.5296800

who cares about a random fucking cashier when the government can just freeze your fucking account if they feel like it and make you completely unable to participate in society?

cashless society will be the death of freedom with the current banking system

fucking retarded fiat cucks

>> No.5296815

Hmm i never thought of it like that. The government can just make a whitelist of approved Bitcoin addresses and forced corporations to oblige. It really is easier to control a public ledger.

>> No.5296850

>clamming to be a nazi
>Sharing a site that hosts the most degenerate shit on the internet.

Sure thing kid

>> No.5296929

That is why we need monero to win. It is literally the only option. The other 'privacy' coins are literally just opt-in.

>> No.5296948

this is why "fungibility" is important for currency.
With low fees, you can tumble your coins and then no one will be any the wiser
but with high fees good luck tumbling lol

>> No.5296980

Verge is opt in privacy that only covers the address and IP of user at best. McDonalds will be operating on the default public blockchain so you'd be fucked without Monero.

>> No.5297014

You have mistaken me for a fiat cuck when I am in fact a Monero cuck. Satoshi's dream of a free and decentralized currency cannot be fully realized with a public ledger like Bitcoin's, where governments can (and already do) trace transactions through the blockchain and enforce restrictions on certain addresses. Today his dream lives on in Monero, and only in Monero.

>> No.5297058

then you are creating fucking strawmans nobody ever argued bitcoin was private its just more private than a fucking bank account thats it

why argue against the most likely and better alternative to the current system just because muh coin is superior

rethoric like this will make uneducated retards think blockchain in general is not private and we might aswell die the fiat death

>> No.5297080

Plus when you pay, the cashier sees your address, checks your BTC balance then comes to your house, kills you and steals your private key :)

>> No.5297110

quoted wrong person

>> No.5297119

True. If Bitcoin is the cashless future, then we are all fucked. There will be no hiding on a public ledger. All addresses will have to be approved for commerce.

What strawman? Bitcoin is flawed if we want a world without government interference.

>> No.5297135

Let me pay with Monero/Dash/Zcash then.

>> No.5297140

Oh ok

>> No.5297150

you realize this is why wallets give you a new address every time you receive new coins, makes it harder to track

problem with BTC is that the more addresses your coins are spread out over, the more inputs you might need to include in a transaction if you want to move all your coins, so your tx will be bigger & more expensive

>> No.5297151


This must be a mistake. Try one of my million other adresses

>> No.5297244

My vision brothers
>BTC grows
>BCH takes over
>things go good
>xrp is added
>a great crypto war ignites along with ww3
>kikes rule the world with Ripple
>BTC core dies
>BTC dies
>all crypto dies
>except Monero which is persecuted
>the only to survive the inevitable collapse of Ripple's dystopic future
>Ark is the last remaining Crypto ushering in a golden age

>> No.5297303

8/10 nice perky tettes

>> No.5297423

Blockchains in general are not private right now, and the problem with that needs to be discussed now before a dystopian surveillance coin like Bitcoin becomes mainstream. Bitcoin is worse than the current system. It is most definitely not "more private than a fucking bank account." The whole point of this thread is that any random person you share your Bitcoin address with can see your financial history, instead of just banks and the government. They can still see your finances, they can still enforce a blacklist of addresses that they want to "freeze".

>> No.5298097

I'm going to elaborate on freezing an address before going to bed.
Suppose the federal government wants to prevent certain addresses from spending Bitcoin, because terrorists exist. (Imagine a suitable doublespeak-y name, like the Money Freedom Act.) Every merchant in the US that earns over $X in Bitcoin revenue, or maybe every Lightning channel operator, must follow certain regulations or men with guns will shut down their business. Namely, they must run additional verification software that scans the blockchain to see if a customer's funds ever originated from one of a list of "bad" addresses, and refuse the sale if so. It's trivially easy to audit a business as the blockchain is public. So a blacklisted person can't actually get any value out of their coins, despite the fact that they can still broadcast a transaction. Even people who don't give a fuck about the feds' "anti-terrorism" program won't accept the coins, as then their own address is tied to the blacklist. Thus Bitcoin has failed in its goal of giving people sole control over their own money.

This isn't a case of "muh coin is superior". Bitcoin's public blockchain is a very serious fundamental flaw that undermines its potential. Monero is the only coin that effectively addresses it. I'm very frustrated that we've come so close, the general public is aware of cryptocurrency, but the coin that's winning will ultimately be controlled nearly as easily as fiat.