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52953971 No.52953971 [Reply] [Original]

Lord have mercy

>> No.52954010

Unfortunately there hasn't been a cure for retardation found yet anon, so I expect it will persist for the time being

>> No.52954019

There has always been a GME general snd there will always be a GME general

>> No.52954035

GME is holding better than 99.9% of your useless cryptos

>> No.52954037

Stocks are better than crypto.

>> No.52954074
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>> No.52954087

the remaining 60% need somewhere to hang out

>> No.52954302

What do they talk about? What they're buying with all the money they made when GME squeezed back in 2021?

>> No.52954758
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The squeeze will squoze my nutz

>> No.52954764
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>> No.52955008

it is sad, but it willbe tragic if anyone still holds a "meme" stock if nothing happens in January.

The only thing I learned from this is with jews you lose.

>> No.52955108

It's amazing that they're still clinging on. Their numbers have definitely fucking dwindled though. Every time they have a bit of a run, more get out while up, every time it's a new low more cut their losses. It's down to genuinely just the mentally disturbed at this point. You used to be able to have a conversation with them, now they just repeat catch phrases they've memorised in response, their unable to actually articulate any real thoughts anymore.

>> No.52955134

Honestly shouldn't be surprising considering boards like /pol/ still have Trump generals or people still talk about dead game franchises or shit like Katawa Shoujo on /vg/

>> No.52955365
File: 232 KB, 750x1334, FF755A5D-065F-4D87-9E65-BCEB44709A5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 7500 shares @ $94 sold 48 hrs later at $294. Thanks Melvin, thanks baggies.

>> No.52955398


2 more weeks

>> No.52955415

/gme/ is a online social experiment to see the decline of a group and the effects it has on their culture

>> No.52955425

>Katawa Shoujo
fuck you faggot, KS and GME are not comparable

>> No.52955540

Are there still AMC apes around? I know even trey trades gave up and meet kevin. They are insane, even attacking meet kevin when he sold.

>> No.52955580

>They are insane, even attacking meet kevin when he sold.
now that's more like it

>> No.52955598
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Good job baggies! I'm sure you'll show those evil hedgies in the next 2 years

>> No.52955681
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>> No.52955760

Shorts gettin real desperate for liquidity, huh

>> No.52955831

You will bump my thread
You will NOT do it for free
you will breach containment to keep my game stocks on everyone's mind
You will jenja

>> No.52955890

do we have any leads on which bobo community is jinxing us with the astroturfed gme thread?

>> No.52956348

>There's still a "there's still a gme general" general
Stop shitting up this board even more

>> No.52956477

It's just bots replying to bots in there, surely??

>> No.52956479

GME will end up the same way XRP did.
It'll never go away.

>> No.52956517

there are still cardano and BAT threads brother

there will forever be desperate bagholders

>> No.52956754

>he had 2 yil
>he's still NGMI

>> No.52956966
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>simple as

>> No.52957064

wait are people even still shorting gme?

>> No.52957115
File: 325 KB, 1918x1060, muhsquoze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should be

>> No.52958179

I think KS is even more mentally ill than GME copers.

What the fuck is wrong with you really? I think you should get shock therapy to restart your damaged brain.

>> No.52958240
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>> No.52958274
File: 71 KB, 400x400, 65E8F11C-9C1E-4B3A-80FF-3EF618EC510F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52958310

it's definitely a psyop at this point if not from the beginning

>> No.52958711

I sold once I finally realized we don’t actually have any proof of Moass theory. It’s all speculative! Not to mention the fundamentals are weak. Makes me wonder why I got into this “play” in the first place. I guess it was FOMO. The other apes gave me hope, but in retrospect there was never anything to be hopeful for. Anyways, I feel better after selling! It’s like a huge weight has been lifted out of my hands. No more doom and gloom, waiting for the sky to fall. Finally I can get on with my life!

>> No.52958722

I sold, I can no longer watch the price fall.

>> No.52958799

>I sold
To free up capital to buy out of the money LEAPs during low implied volatility periods to then sell when it inevitably runs due to the low liquidity and outstanding FTDs on the short positions, right? Smart, very smart. Though if you have enough shares you can make decent money selling covered calls when the IV spikes, too. DFV's probably made a few mil more just selling CCs on his GME shares over the past 1.5+ years.

>> No.52958938

Can we just ban them? Even reddit kicked them out

>> No.52960806

Has been since the squeeze. Wall St wanted it’s money back, they trickier retail into holding their bags and throwing money at them for two years. Squeeze itself was mainly fund v fund too, retail just came along for the ride

>> No.52960812

>DFV's probably made a few mil more just selling CCs
Kek he sold a long time ago. His price target was $4, the double down was just to keep his newly formed fan base from murdering him, no way the guy held after he disappeared

>> No.52961173

it has to be another version of nobody general from /x/
entire general of bots replying to other bots

>> No.52961207

kek baggies