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52953374 No.52953374 [Reply] [Original]

>CSW is not Satoshi
>BSV is Bitcoin

Thank you for your attention.

>> No.52953412
File: 109 KB, 1088x764, bsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52953466

I honestly think that believing CSW is not Satoshi, or at least had a strong hand in developing Bitcoin, is ridiculous. He simply is too qualified, had papers on blockchain tech prior to bitcoin, knows the protocol as well or better than anyone on the planet, is fully qualified to have made it, and is legitimately autistic. I know there's arguments against, but I believe Satoshi was multiple people, and CSW was definitely one of them.

>> No.52953557

Why does BSV and BCH concentrate the highest amount of schizos in all of crypto?

Everything is a conspiracy from "Big Crypto" trying to put them down.

>> No.52953629
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The CSW controversy is actively weaponized by shills as a slide strategy, to divert the attention from the fact that BSV is Bitcoin. Whenever someone points this, shills magically appear circling back to the CSW controversy. Could be Satoshi, or one of them, or not, honestly I don't care and at this point it's irrelevant.

>> No.52953641

QRD on being a gay faggot?

>> No.52953703

He was obviously one of the several. Midwits think it's some kind of gotcha when he can't photographically recall things that other members of the team wrote on Bitcointalk under the Satoshi handle.

>> No.52953955

also checked

>> No.52954075

>He simply is too qualified, had papers on blockchain tech prior to bitcoin
lol no

>> No.52954296

the absolute state of you schizos
the stages of grief playing out with this retarded shit, not even midwit tier, just some dumbass nigger project by canadian prost fucker bored out of his fucking mind
>ok so craig isn't satoshi but he was involved
>ok so craig is just some clown hired by ayre to get negative press, but any press is good press!
>ok so we can't sync from genesis and have to use checkpoints, big deal
>ok so we have to prune half the blocks and do assumeVerify for most of the things we dump into this shitshow, but it's ok, terbyte blocks here we go !!!

the fact that you're using Nikolai screencaps as some last resort attention grab is just fucking sad