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52949291 No.52949291 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to be as middle class as possible.

>My home is my biggest investment

>> No.52949323
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>investing is only for people who have money

>> No.52949335
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>We found good schools for our kids!

>> No.52949338

>Social Security's full benefit kicks in at 67 but I plan on working until I'm at least 70.

>> No.52949354

Paying off my mortgage is the most productive use of my money.

>> No.52949398

always max out your roth IRA

>> No.52949431

Live, laugh, love

>> No.52949439
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As a middle-class person, owning a home is often seen as a symbol of stability and financial security. Many middle-class individuals view their home as their biggest investment because it is often the most valuable asset they own, and they may also have a mortgage or other debts tied to the property. Owning a home can also provide a sense of pride and accomplishment, as it represents a significant financial and personal commitment. Additionally, the value of a home can appreciate over time, providing potential financial benefits for the owner. However, it's important to remember that owning a home also comes with responsibilities and costs, such as maintaining and improving the property, paying property taxes, and possibly paying for insurance and other expenses.

>> No.52949454
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>The economy is good but I hate Trump's tweets.

>> No.52949457
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>> No.52949459

I make $200k/yr and live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.52949487

>I bought a brand new car through financing

>> No.52949504

>coming to the block party tonight?

>> No.52949553

i abandoned my children to the school system

>> No.52949588

I worked to overtime so we can afford the new TV that the wife wants. Gotta keep the boss happy ha ha ha.

>> No.52949634
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>> No.52949647

I commute an hour each way 5 times a week by myself in an SUV or pickup truck, and bitch about the price of gasoline

>> No.52949668

>white privilege is real

>> No.52949693


I make 70k a year and have a Tesla Model S

>> No.52949700

>Yeah, the wife got me a new grill for Christmas
>Did you see that the Centurions won? I think it's our year this year for sure.
>Man these gas prices/taxes/energy rates are insane, *insert political party or politician here* needs to go already!
>I just got a new car a week ago and she''s already having brake problems, I'm gonna go get it fixed at Greasy Mike's for a thousand dollars
>Hmm babe what should we get for dinner, McDonalds, a frozen pizza, or five-star steak house takeout?
>Did you see the neighbors lawn is half an inch over city ordinance? I think I'm gonna give the city a call.
>Can I get a hot espresso double macchiato lightly roasted with extra whipped cream and only one shot of caramel preferrably on the right side of the coffee? Thanks.
>*unironically going to dog parks*
>*dressing their dogs up for Halloween or Christmas*
>No way it's already 9 PM, I just got home!

>> No.52949726

I fucking love taking off the week between Christmas and New Years and taking the kids to Disneyland! Though it's always crowded for some reason.

>> No.52949771

That’s why the market shit the bed when the Fed talked about raising interest rates .25% in 2018.

>> No.52949804

> What do you plan to do with THAT degree?

> Moving to buy a house instead of vice versa.

>> No.52949817

Hello everyone. I am middle class, so I’d like to shed light on some of the this I say, haha. Sometimes I say, “grass is getting a little long.” Then after I cut it I make the joke of “glad I don’t have to do that again, heh heh.” I also frequently say “Fuck, I hate niggers so much.” Anyway, have a great day you guys! Remember to shut your water off from the inside of your house at the outdoor faucet so your pipes don’t freeze. Godbless!

>> No.52949819

Wrong class

>> No.52949869

Saving all vacation and sick days for late December is like the most middle class shit ever, they really do enjoy those little four day weekends though, it's like a mini slice of paradise for them.

>> No.52949874

<p style="font-size:18px;color:orange;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #666;">Drop shadow 1</p>
<p style="font-size:18px;color:orange;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000;">Drop shadow 2</p>
<p style="font-size:18px;text-shadow:4px 4px 4px #666;">Drop shadow 3</p>
<p style="font-size:18px;color:orange;text-shadow:4px 4px 8px #666;">Drop shadow 4</p>
<p style="font-size:18px;color:#fff;text-shadow:1px 1px 8px #000;">Drop shadow 5</p>

>> No.52949880

i know you.

>> No.52949886

that's racist

>> No.52949895

What class is that then? Just because you don't like those things doesn't make it lower class.

>> No.52949916

One good thing about stacking PMs is that I can convert it to $14k as fast as I can find a jew. But my wife doesn't perceive it to be available to be spent.

>> No.52949924

Seems more nouveau riche or formerly upper middle class retired boomer to me, most middle class people don't have the time or money to do half of that shit.

>> No.52949935

I went to college then got a job I'm maxing out my 401k investing in a broad index, stock options? crypto? that's just gambling.

>> No.52949944

seethe, wagie that has to work through the holidays.
Fuck disneyland, though.

>> No.52949967

The point is they only have a week of vacation time and they use it once a year during a period when the work period is light anyway instead of their employer letting them off.

>> No.52950026
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>be clothed, housed, and fed from moment of birth in a centrally heated, electrified home in a safe neighborhood with clean water and low air pollution
>parents pay and support every thing you ever do
>go to a decent school with well educated teachers and no metal detectors
>parents pay for college
>let you live at home rent free
>you never once have an interaction with a police officer that isn't at some kind of county fair or public event
>work at your father's business
"Why don't minorities just work harder? I just don't get it."

>> No.52950032

>my dinner from doordash is taking forever

>> No.52950076

>My home is my biggest investment
>We found good schools for our kids!
>Live, laugh, love
There is nothing wrong with any of these things you pathetic internet shut in virgins. Cope seeth and mald.

>> No.52950097

>Whaaaa my neighborhood isn't safe
>Whaaaa the police are out to get me

>> No.52950108

>let’s go to BJ’s

>> No.52950144
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>be clothed, fed, and housed on state public assistance paid for by taxpaying white people
>father dips and becomes a drunk/junkie somewhere
>mother sits home all day and gets fat watching Maury and Judge Judy
>all of your niglet friends do nothing but fight, steal, and vandalize
>grow up
>now everyone is shooting each other
>no one wants to live near you

"Why are the police doing this to us??"

>> No.52950177

>I wonder if this escort will let me do coke on her labia

>> No.52950233

ya like two of those apply to the middle class bro. where are the gardens in the OP pic?

>> No.52950237

my cousin said this

>> No.52950476

t. Coping browncel
Work harder faggot

>> No.52950478
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>Welcome to brown line run TWO....TWENTY THREE.
>This is Southport. Doors open on the right at Southport.
>Doors Closing.
>This is Belmont. In the direction of travel, doors open on the LEFT at Belmont.
>Transfer to Red and Purple line trains at Belmont.
>Doors Closing.

>> No.52950559

seethe ranjeet

>> No.52950565
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>is every facet of my life incredibly easy and basically an effortless and inevitable movement from one social status to the next?
>no I am an ubermensch >:^O

>> No.52950728

The car line to drop off the kids at school today was an hour long. What happened to kids taking the bus or walking?

>> No.52950759
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Where else are they going to learn about the holocaust (tm)?

>> No.52950843
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>What happened to kids taking the bus or walking?
We built our suburbs like fucking morons and forced car-dependence on ourselves

>> No.52950854

Ubermensch system by and for ubermensch people

>> No.52950862

You don't realize that middle class begins at a household income over $200K. Everyone below that thinks they're middle class, but they're really just enabled poors.

Middle class means being able to survive for a year without a salary. It's an American having enough to ski the Alps two weeks every year and vacation in Normandy for two weeks in the Summer. It's enough to to afford 2 standard cars like a Toyota Camry and a Subaru Crosstrek (never spend more than a few percent of your income on cars). It means maxing out your 401K and HSA. It means you own your own house and, with all of the above, can still save $3000 a month or more.

t. Middle class @ $350K household income.

>> No.52950920

I think you're just an entitled NEET faggot who is bad at larping. No one who understands money would buy out a home outright when they can make more money financing the property and investing the spare capital they have. This goes for anyone who understands wealth in general.

It's called FINANCE for a reason. You spend other peoples money, not your own if you want to make it in the system of capitalism.

>> No.52950936
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Who comes up with this bull shit?
How the fuck does a household of 5 survive off $67k? I can’t survive off that as one person and I own one fucking pair of shoes

>> No.52950983

>my 401k looks pretty good
>my wife took kids in our second car to the football school
>my wife is taking kids and our second car after divorce

>> No.52951011

You have to remember the cities are dumps. They're literal waste sites of the masses of the poor who live in squalor with 7 room-mates.

>> No.52951020

I trust my bank and my gov

>> No.52951031

That’s me. I have 3 roommates dude. I live in hell

>> No.52951037

You've met my parents and their friends?!

>> No.52951041


>> No.52951079

>money doesn't buy happiness

>> No.52951091

>We'll buy [big ticket item] in March. That's when I get my bonus.
>The plane ticket was free with my points!

>> No.52951093

>you have to be as buck broken "middle class" as the jews in your country alloe you to be:
My greatest investment is my 2003 Toyota

>> No.52951102

>Rips wig off to reveal nappy ass african "hair"

>> No.52951117

I have a BMW lease

>> No.52951130

I buy commuter cars new for full MSRP and then sell them five years later for an 80% loss

>> No.52951149

I buy my clothes from Kohls and The Gap

>> No.52951188


>> No.52951199


>> No.52951206

>What the world needs
>Feeling of emptiness
Idk about that

>> No.52951209

Southport brown line bro. That’s upper middle class

>> No.52951222

I guess upper-middle class, yeah. I live right down the road from here and really want to stay here long term.

>> No.52951223

>money doesn't buy happiness
this is every class, for different reasons tho

>> No.52951242

So much mysogyny

>> No.52951252


>> No.52951257

you're a long way from redditt little mouse

>> No.52951326

No they built it smart
I don't want snot nose brats coming out straight from school playing football in the middle of my road smashing carsand running in front of traffic . Saw it more then once (and on the same day) don't want to see again.

T.civil engineer who makes numnots (whatever they call themselves) seethe

>> No.52951340

It was legally required to avoid proximity to undesirable populations. Imagine letting your kids walk to school unattended in NYC or Chicago, pretty stupid right? It'd be the same if suburbs were "walkable" and any undesirable who couldn't afford a car was able to survive there. As it is even the suburbs are more dangerous thanks to stupid bus lines and section 8. That's where gated communities came from (yes, they're actually a real thing, and yes that is where the rich people all live; average income is well north of 6figs in those communities).

>> No.52951370

>Women have sex with me out of physical attraction towards me
>I don't stutter when talk
>I have bbqs and laugh with the mates
>I get at least some sun every day

>> No.52951377

Gee I wonder why...could it be Christmas?


>> No.52951382

I wonder if we have ever crossed paths

>> No.52951411

Even if those kids has to walk all the way around, it's still only like a quarter mile. Besides that, busses go literally everywhere but parents would rather drive their kids and sit in lime for an hour while complaining about other parents making the same decision and contributing to the line.

>> No.52951413


>> No.52951437

This. These people mocking me for being middle class don't realize how grateful I am to have escaped roomate hell.

>> No.52951446

It absolutely does

>> No.52951461

Reddit is even worse

>> No.52951472

The problem is that the rise of liberalism lead to the rise of pedophilia and other crime

>> No.52951512


>> No.52951523

Lol this year is a perfect example of why people like you aren’t as d as mart as you think you are.
My mom bought house in cash. Thank god she did because it’s gone up around 250% since Jan 2021 (barrier island south Florida) and had that been invested in FB/AMZN etc it would be worth about 60% negative rather than up 250%(we are talking millions)
You are wrong but I know why you think you are right, you are the enabler poor who thinks he’s smart

>> No.52951559

>Ayo why white ppl be tellin us to work n shit. Das raciss!


>> No.52951585

You're retarded and missed my point entirely, real companies close their offices and let their employees have the week off. McWagie Corp forces employees to work or use their vacation days.

>> No.52951603

What. Walking to school is no more dangerous now than any other time. It's just the very rare stories that get sensationalized and make everybody irrationally scared for muh chilluns.

>> No.52951630

How do you starve a nigger? Hide his food stamps under his work boots.

>> No.52951660

this is the story of all upper class people. all success is heritable. there are plenty of whites that got kicked out after high school and remain lower class and repeat the cycle to their kids

>> No.52951664

How do you starve an entitled white faggot? Put a dash of pepper in his food.

>> No.52951714

>I borrowed against my 401k for home improvements.

>> No.52951736

Or just withhold the harvest. They wont get up from their anime jerking session or fake racist history research to wash the cheeto dust off they hands, much less pick up a sickle and do a day of physical labour in they life.

>> No.52951738

Name one invention that came from Africa that had the same affect on the world as say, the aeroplane, or the printing press. I'll be waiting, shitskin.

>> No.52951758

Middle class people are the most moral and naive parts of society. They hold society together while the rest of subhumans are corrupt to the bone.

>> No.52951763

The human race. Endless cultures. Stuff that endures across generations and makes your comfy life possible.
What exactly did YOU invent, whitey?

>> No.52951802


>> No.52951826

Did I hit a nerve Tyrone? Dumbass 80 IQ ape nigger, go feed your illegitimate bastard children.

>> No.52951858

Cope and seethe about your inferior genes and get fried in the sun. The weak (whites) should fear the strong (Africans and indians).

>> No.52951869

>We wuz cultures and shit

The only thing niggers built in africa were mud huts. The only reason all of you aren't *complete* savages is that the white man brought you to the nations they already built and tried (but failed) to civilize you. You niggers are closer to primates than human beings

>> No.52951885

Your people legit eat cakes made of dirt because they're too stupid to produce enough food. You're not superior to anyone nigger. The only reason niggers eat in the west is that the white man feeds them

>> No.52951886

Why are you arguing with a nigger? Have some self respect, man.

>> No.52951893
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>>We found good schools for our kids!

>> No.52951898

He was getting too uppity and he doesn't belong here. Apes belong on favebook and twitter not 4chan

>> No.52951913
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We need to start calling it median class... Referring to people who live paycheck to paycheck and are terminal rentoids.

Picture of renewable clean energy unrelated.

>> No.52951960

>Median class
Sounds about right, since to live the classic middle class lifestyle now, you need to be wealthy.

>> No.52952000

>Referring to people who live paycheck to paycheck and are terminal rentoids.
That's not the middle class though, thats just the poor wageslaving class.

>> No.52952002

I just want a few acres, a small cabin, and lots of books to read.

>> No.52952012
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>> No.52952015

you don't like it though, you always feel like you should be doing something else that would make you feel real emotions (love for something) that makes you feel like something is missing from the puzzle, the emptiness

>> No.52952042

>I beat my wife and kids behind closed doors and have affairs with the temps but I go to church on Sunday and always say hello to the neighbours

>> No.52952055

From what ur describing, idk about U, but ur mum sounds like she missed out on A LOT of money by not mortgaging and getting multiple properties and instead only got 1, but that's understandable because she's old and probably just wants to have a house to live ins and relax. But by saying you should just pay for a house in cash under any circumstance, ur the one that sounds like they think their smart but in fact is pretty mediocre kek.
> t. Retired at 37 with pllllenty of properties under my name that have appreciated immensely over the years.

>> No.52952068
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Silence before we rape you to death pigskin. Know your place.

>> No.52952071

I trade my time for money.

>> No.52952095

Can't wait to collect my pension 45 years from now.

>> No.52952097

i literally took the subway every day to high school in manhattan

>> No.52952181

Am i supposed to be buying to move a house?

>> No.52952211


>60/40 portfolio

>> No.52952256

If you commute daily on the brown line then there's a pretty good chance, yeah.

>> No.52952370

this but vegas

>> No.52952384

t. A poor

>> No.52952437

Based and vice deputy assistant manager pilled

>> No.52952574

>We should open our borders for immigrants. I mean why wouldn't we want to help them?

>> No.52952700

I bought 2 new cars through financing. Worst financial decision of my life and has almost rekt me financially twice now. Thank God those are almost paid off now. But the funny thing is that I had to tap into my home equity to afford my bills for the last year or so and so when my cars are finally paid off I’ll be paying off my home equity debt for the next three years.

>> No.52952814

my white sister loves to fuck her dog.

>> No.52952829
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>one race the human race

>> No.52952852

>Only way to get rich is by working hard

>> No.52952938

I'm more infuriated with the well kept and well dressed white father in the corner than anything else in this image. Shame on him

>> No.52952964

>Society will see me as a good person if I let unhinged pedos near my kids.

>> No.52952976

Middle class has 5 years tops until they're in the streets hungry and homeless. The women will whore themselves out to rich Chads for a few bucks and the men will fight amongst themselves in the street over half a can of expired dog food.

>> No.52953039
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>Having to walk through freezing cold and gales to take your shit covered homeless ridden train to work for one hour both ways
>Taking the same train to get clothing washed and groceries
>People SCREAMING at all times outside and inside
>No privacy
>300 square feet of bona fide COSMOPOLITAN living
>No spare income for life/retirement savings to speak of
>murders outside my apartment every day
>We should ABOLISH suburbs and make everyone live like this!!

>> No.52953042
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>my son better go off to college like we raised him
>we can't afford it, so he'll just have to get a student loan
>he will need a car as well so we should take him to the dealership to buy one, although I don't know if they'll let me cosign since my credit score is only 600
>he needs a credit card too, can't have him getting a secured card so I will cosign on that as well
>I'll call him on the iPhone we're financing and tell him this
>maybe while we're out to the dealership we'll stop to pick up lunch at my favorite cute little artisan deli

>> No.52953054


You aren't wrong. They're practical, grounded, and unassuming. They do their job, raise normal families, and get eternally squeezed by the utter cancer that inhabits the lower and upper parts of society.

>> No.52953094

It'll never be this bad that quickly. In 5 years middle class people will have a lower home ownership rate, won't take any vacations, won't buy boats/campers and will buy shittier quality food. Alcoholism and sports betting addictions will be up thojg.

>> No.52953116
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>i watch tv
>i drink beer x times a week
>i send my children to public school
>my kids went to public universities
>havent taken my family to vacation outside of the US
>i cant afford to eat there
>i live in a mcshitbox in the suburbs
>i drive to work
>i cant afford to shop at whole foods
>my wife is just a 6/10

>> No.52953153

Really? I think 5 years might even be optimistic. Global economy is heading down the toilet fast. By 2030 I think 50% homeless and 75% unemployed would be realistic figures.

>> No.52953185

I collect steelbooks and have a big screen OLED TV to watch sports on

>> No.52953219

Anon that’s easily upper middle class you fucking moron. If you make 350k you’re probably in the top 1% of earners in the country for your age. Have a little humility, although I’m sure you’re just a larping retard.

>> No.52953229

>don't cook or use the library
How common is it for the middle class to eat fast food all the time

>> No.52953242

Not true at all look at upper class areas of Northern Europe with great public transportation like Oslo

>> No.52953244


The middle class are the only people in the country who cook and don't eat fast food all the time

>> No.52953267


>take a look at this utter anomaly that is fast disappearing as they undergo the same demographic bomb that wracked the United States in the 20th century

>> No.52953277

Watching larping retards like you two one up each other is probably the most enjoyable part of biz
>yeah I actually bought an entire town and rent it out also I make 850k a year at my tech job also I perfectly called the 2022 market bottom also I bought Bitcoin in 2015 for $5 also my dad could beat up your dad

>> No.52953306

I’m in Oslo right now anon it’s not really an anomaly. Yeah it’s not 100% white anymore but the public transportation is amazing and undeniably better than at home in the states. It’s more down to their lack of retarded car culture like we have in America than population demographics

>> No.52953363


>retarded car culture

You live in a fucking museum, anon. We live in the world's foremost mega economy. That includes the most sophisticated network of roads on the entire planet and the much more time efficient car/truck-based mode of travel.

Trains are cute but they're also a thing of the 1800s. Your internet works like a road system with networks and packets, not like a train system with one massive clunky load that only goes to X and Y location and you have to wait for it.

>> No.52953458

>t. Car-less cuck

>> No.52953719

Lol ur definitely not from the city

>> No.52953733

Save your breath nigger. Peanut butter was invented by a black man.

>> No.52953858

Stupid nigger

>> No.52953896

Liberals destroyed every chance of that when Covid hit

>> No.52953943


>> No.52954044

>I'm going to call people with opinions on childbearing that I disagree with virgins
Lol ok.
Dont know what this means but I'm guessing you are the shut in who spends too much time here

>> No.52954081

100% this unfortunately

>> No.52954124

>to live the classic middle class lifestyle now, you need to be wealthy
pretty much this

>> No.52954125

A mortgage still nets you gains on property appreciation. Even more so since a mortgage is essentially leverage. It's very apparent when people who have never owned property talk about the finances of property ownership.

>> No.52954314

You guys know there's a middle ground here - right

It's nice to have a car and nice to have access to transit, you can have it both ways if you live in the right area. I live 5 mins from a train station and still drive when I have to

>> No.52954659

Kek stay poor. It's sad to see poors unable to comprehend that there actually are rich ppl around them

>> No.52954709
File: 29 KB, 729x421, fwegfwrgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cold weather comin in. Be sure to winterize, ya'll
>has anyone else not heard from the warranty guy lately?
>so I'm thinkin, am I gonna need to fire this contractor or what?
>can I come check your sprinkler settings?
>how often are you guys watering?
>the finishing, particularly on bathroom counters and the crown molding are atrocious
>if they are in fact building condos in the neighborhood, I sure as hell will be leaving
>yeah the lawn guys haven't been doing a good job
>yeah I don't use an escrow account, lost opportunity cost ya know?
>you get the recall notice?

I can keep going

>> No.52954783

>the garbage man’s life is so fulfilling
Anon I have a career to recommend you

>> No.52954854

>Didja catch the latest Ramsey episode?
>I’m in the market for a new mower
>Decided to go with the propane over the charcoal

>> No.52954995

>you going gas or one of those electric ones? I can appreciate how the electric ones fold up easy with no spills and no maintenance. Can't go wrong with gas though. As long they're pumpin oil outta the ground it'll work for me. That reminds me of this thing that happened at work today. You see this lady Sherane, she was supposed to help us true up the budget numbers before the end of the year, but I guess we didn't know she was taking the rest of the year off until like yesterday so I had to do it. Like I don't know that much about the above-ground part of oil budgeting. Let me rewind, when doing the budget for this kind of thing, there's two main phases, above ground- actually there's three phases. There'saboveground,belowground,andsortofthisinbetween.AndthepartIworkinisthebelowgroundpart.Andletmetellyouit'sjusttotallydifferentworlds.likeit'swildreally.Iusedtoworkinmeasurementanddiagnosticsbeforetheymovedmeovertofinance.JustlesstimeattherigsyouknowwhatImean?AnywaysIonlyknowenoughtobedangerouswiththeabovethegroundstuffandSheranedidn'texactlyleaveuswithalotof...

>> No.52955000


this reads like a 13 year old larping as an old man.

>That's where gated communities came from (yes, they're actually a real thing, and yes that is where the rich people all live

nigga are you serious? gated communities are a revelation to you? 'that's where all rich people live?' you can't be serious. you're likely a teenager who lives in nowhereville suburb outside of some random city and thinks 'rich people' go to whole foods as a defining part of their personality. you're a fuckin suburban normie

>> No.52955023
File: 290 KB, 860x972, 24-242134_fit-pepe-meme-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine letting your kids walk to school unattended in NYC or Chicago
I grew up walking to school in Chicago (yes, in the city) and my kids probably will too - and they live in a MUCH better area than I did

>> No.52955073

>thing that can carry hundreds of people at a time directly to a destination, collisions almost impossible because it only goes in a straight line: inferior
>thing that can carry at most 7 people, has to make repeated turns across traffic and undergo speed changes to reduce noise, pollution and risk of collision: superior
C'mon, in all metrics except freedom and comfort trains are clearly superior. Cars should always be an option but trains should be emphasised for most journeys.

>> No.52955096


here's my 10 secs based off this guy

>i'm so glad i live in america. we really are #1. god bless the troops
>\i love driving 20 minutes to kroger, then another 30 minutes to my haircut appointment at super cuts, and then 25 to pick up my dog treats at pet smart. with traffic, it only takes a few hours of my time to get around, and i can eat while i'm in the car since it's just 10 minutes to stop by chik-fil-a on the way home
>gas prices are literally my #1 voting issue
>i don't want any kind of public transportation bringing POOR PEOPLE into my communities. stop raising my taxes to transport immigrants from my Home Depot to the other side of town
>i need to drive my kids to their after school activities, and there's too much traffic on the roads!
>the internet is like a series of roads

>> No.52955105

>dumb parents have dumb children
Ϟ(๑ ○ ๑)

>> No.52955119
File: 71 KB, 640x575, 2356342637635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this guy

>> No.52955122

>we acknowledge life is shitty by taking vacations!

>> No.52955130

Lmao based blanon

>> No.52955135

>none of these things are true and im a sad lonely person with no real friends

>> No.52955149

>its always crowded for some reason

its definitely not because im a robot slaves that does the same thing as all the other robot slaves during holiday seasons.

no that cant be it

>> No.52955198

>>general motors is THE MOST IMPORTANT american company in 2022
>we need to build tolls on the highways to ensure the roads are properly maintained
>this house is a good value because it's right next to a highway
>i hear that exit just got a chipotle and starbucks, i think the value there will rise up pretty fast. we should drive over sometime
>we shouldn't fund that greenway project for the county, we don't need bikers in our community
>we need to remove those sidewalks for runners because people should be driving anyways and we can fit an extra car lane
>did you hear they're putting a tree in the club house this year? we should drive the family over, it's only about 10 mins away at the front of the neighborhood
>we can drive around and look at the christmas lights people put up
>my wife spends a lot of time at the gym with our black personal trainer, but the gym is 45 mins away and there's a lot of traffic after work when she goes

>> No.52955199

being beholden to a wife is the most middle class NPC thing you can do

>> No.52955221

>That’s what you get for letting a “Sherane” handle your budget am I right? Haha let’s keep that one between you and me. So anyway about that mower, it’s like my old man used to say if it’s a Deere you got nothin’ to fear. I’ll probably head down to Walmart and pick one up this weekend but I also got my eye on one up on eBay. Heck’ve a deal but I just don’t know if I can pull the trigger without seeing it with my own two eyes first.

>> No.52955280

>wife knows about PMs

anon, I..

>> No.52955434

>we can drive around and look at the christmas lights people put up
This one drives me nuts.

>> No.52955439

>Kiyosaki told me that buying a home is a bad investment!

>> No.52955456

greetings fellow nip.

>> No.52955490

Why does /biz/ dislike cars?

>> No.52955621

>You have 10 seconds to be as middle class as possible.

>> No.52955689

That's literally me.

>> No.52955692

We are having a dinner celebration at...

Olive Garden
Red Lobster
Outback Steakhouse
Claim Jumper
Marie Calenders

(any of the above choices)

>> No.52955810

/n/iggers love to frequent this board for some reason

>> No.52955948
File: 1 KB, 125x41, 1671067031945105s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you said that in person I would prolapse your pink asshole. Wouldn't be the first time I've pushed a snow nigger's shit in. You fags larp about buck breaking. I choke out white boys and nut down their assholes. We are not the same.

>> No.52955979
File: 125 KB, 1080x1117, 418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope Im in America. north side of chicago checking in

>> No.52957262

That is a faggot

>> No.52957289

Ew that’s pretty GAY nigger. Christ does for your sins. Believe in him and become not gay and ask for wisdom so your frontal lobe may grow and your skin become lighter. In Jesus name, amen.

>> No.52957672

You buy because you want to live somewhere instead of moving somewhere so you can buy a house. See the difference? Having money get in the way of your desires is the opposite of upper class.

>> No.52957755

I think its a good life lesson for everyone. Buy a car and regret it for 3 years. At least it isn't a house and you regret it for 20.

A cheap lesson, comparatively.

>> No.52957808

generally a bad investment and the new models aren't cool anymore after like 5 years. BMWs are utter shit and most finance guys tend to gravitate to them. Cost of ownership is pretty bad and they are designed to start falling apart after 5 years.

That said, if you must go german go with MB. If you must go japanese go with Toyota. If you must go luxury go lexus. If you must go american go Ford.

>> No.52957888
File: 1 KB, 125x94, 1670724374003254s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing gay. Just some good old fashioned buck breaking. I think it's that old planation master coming out in me. Or in this case in you. I can tell you're a bitch from this side of the screen. I'd break you pretty quick. You wouldn't be the first. I give you 15 minutes top. You white boys always think you're high and mighty until my dicks in your ass.

>> No.52957925

This is way too specific KEK

>> No.52958139

>Time in the markets beats timing the market

>> No.52958264

It's really nice though

>> No.52958297

It's upper middle class/almost upper class. Actual middle class people shop at Costco, not the farmer's market.

>> No.52958357

>he thinks every POC is from the ghetto

>he thinks there are no white poorfags

>he thinks there is no path forward for people who were born poor

You realize most rich American Jews are descendants of Eastern European chicken farmers?

>> No.52958380

Sorry an adult touched you when you were little. It probably wasn’t your dad, cause.. well… you know how nigger males are. Up and leaving and whatnot. Anyway may you find Christ so Satan doesn’t buttfuck your soul.

>> No.52958417

I said median, not middle.

>> No.52958468

I have a designer toaster, it's big

>> No.52958489

>coping hands typed this post
I wasn't wrong I see. Just have sex already. Its natural. Everybody does it. Everybody except malding incels of course.

>> No.52959128

This is precisely the kind of life that I promised myself I wouldn't live 10 years ago when I was in college and I kept that promise to myself. How fucking miserable holy shit.

>> No.52959154

Most suburbs aren’t densely populated enough to design public transportation for. I grew up in a relatively large suburb and they actually got rid of some of their busses because they were paying money on diesel and maintenance on giant school busses that would take literally 1 student from his obscure corner of town to and from school. This is why public transport doesn’t exist in the suburbs. There is really nothing retarded about it. It makes complete logistical sense for most suburbs not to have public transportation.

>> No.52959155


>> No.52959345

Try top 4% income, you clueless retard. The real income classification distribution is something like 0.5% wealthy, 11.5 % middle class, and 88% poors.

>> No.52959369


>> No.52959384

>1 year of market gains lost due to a black swan event(stimulus injection) means that the company is going to be down forever.

There's no use in arguing with high time preference under aged anons like (You). Daily reminder that niggers like you cannot think decades ahead like smart money.

>> No.52959412

I earn more than 20k roubles per month. (330$)

>> No.52959474

You're rich, retard. Middle class people don't go to the Alps or Normandy, they go to poor shitholes like Thailand and Mexico because money goes further there.

>> No.52959574

France is cheap. It's cheaper to fly to the Alps to ski than Colorado. A beach house in Granville costs $2000 for two weeks. You have no clue.

>> No.52959579 [DELETED] 


>> No.52959596

my favorite The Atlantic columnists are Conor Friedersdorf and Jerusalem Demsas

>> No.52959602

This, really truly
I can do a two-week vacay in France for about $1500 per person, including airfare

>> No.52959656

This is a lie. It’s 1500 for a ticket from burgerland to France in the off season

>> No.52959750
File: 53 KB, 980x731, chicago to paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago-to-Paris is as low as $240 a ticket if you go before summer, putting a round trip under $500

>> No.52959828
File: 56 KB, 959x727, ny to paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prices are similar from New York

>> No.52959888
File: 510 KB, 1024x797, 1583454461228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is Howard
>The line ends at Howard
>Please exit the train
>*BEEEEP* *crackle* yo all y'all niggaz get ya ass off da train dis is Howard train closin'
off da train at Howard
>niggers in camo clothes
>they call it "da Jungle"
>an African American on the platform yells down to his colleague on the street
>"put some bread out for the birds"
>"the birds gotta eat"

>> No.52960078

Now route a trip to the Congo

>> No.52960081


>> No.52960112

Kek I only waged for 6 years but I do remember specifically not taking the days between Christmas and New Years so I can sleep in the office instead, and then take everything until Jan 20 off when normies are already back.
Like how tf does nobody else think of that is beyond me.
I understand 40year olds for whom tihs is the only time to see family that lives far away but we're talking about 20 somethings here.

>> No.52960147

my wife is my best friend.

>> No.52960227


>> No.52960239



is that a hhahhHHAHHA

is that a MOAT around the school you got there?


>> No.52960368

> I have big screen 4k TV to watch 520p low-bitrate coomflix, cant anyway tell difference between 4k and 1080p even
> Pay spotify subscription listen to top10 on airpods

I would kill these people seriously

>> No.52961678
File: 234 KB, 498x401, pepe music.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

audible kek you just made my day

It is fun when I used to take the red line from edgewater the guy conducting the train would always give us a little good morning message

If it's a white conductor it would sound like
>Gooood morning Chicago - welcome to Redline run 336 - it's a balmy 31 degrees this march morning, make sure you bundle up on your way to work and get a nice warm coffee
if it's a black one
>Welcome to red line run 336 errbody - it's cold as shit yall best be dressin warm today
Comfy times

>> No.52961699
File: 261 KB, 850x542, arlington heights il satellite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most suburbs
Most post-1950 suburbs. Older suburbs, think
>boston area
>philly mainline
>chicago north shore/bnsf racetrack
>long island/fairfield county for new york
A lot of those older suburbs are dense in their core and have nice downtowns oriented around commuter rail - personally, I feel this is THE most efficient setup for a suburb.

That way - redundant, repetitive trips (re: commuters going to a city center) can easily take a train in each morning and free up valuable rush hour highway space. Best of both worlds for drivers and transit riders. Pic rel

>> No.52962563
File: 6 KB, 225x225, Pic402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you change tires on your own, AND keep them in YOUR garage?
>wtf man, I pay money to have them on a "tire hotel" instead

>> No.52962621

My mom goes to the movie theater to buy the popcorn. Just comes in and buys a 10 dollar bucket of popcorn and leaves. I can’t take it

>> No.52962671
File: 25 KB, 837x645, 20F5C513-2E60-466C-8287-4C4F2F015586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that asians made it from the bottom and you excluded us from being a minority cuz we successful n shieet

>> No.52962753

That’s some goy!

>> No.52962765
File: 380 KB, 1200x1739, 01C39313-87BD-47F4-ADFB-39E219ACB866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state & lake
>doors closing
>ding dong, ding dong
>gets off train
>see a nigger jump through the ticket gate
>some white guy playing guitar in the corner asking for money

>> No.52962775

Top tier middle class posting

>> No.52962780


Reminder that we let you into our baby shit tutorial mode country and you'd be mucking about in a Guangzhou slum otherwise

>> No.52962804
File: 23 KB, 406x444, 238523075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im going to spend my tax return on it

>> No.52962861
File: 274 KB, 1600x965, ballardian nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ballardian nightmare

>> No.52963501

>send snap
THE fuck you doing?

>> No.52963554


i like to check my pension fund every year and look forward to retirement

>> No.52963585
File: 51 KB, 465x512, 1642775909181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this is actually a low class trash thing. There's a whole culture around it if my facebook is any indication

>dreaming about when that return finna hit next year

no joke

>> No.52963643
File: 72 KB, 512x503, 8E22634A-3E48-4C22-B1D6-B05BFC3E6A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52963683


>> No.52964062

>still has the plastic on it

>> No.52964480

>baby shit tutorial mode country
What a fucking history revisionist. Its a baby shit tutorial mode country for whites in 1800s and browns today.

>> No.52964709

$90k year and not even close to affording a middle class life.

>> No.52965396

This is also my easily 1% net worth dad

I was with you till you said 4 weeks expensive vacation every year.
I'll give you 1 2 weeker that's nice, and a 1 week, then some long weekends,.
Unless you have no kids, which if you're making 350k and don't have kids you're a genetic retard

>> No.52965720

>studen debt is good debt

>> No.52966264

These whiteys arguing here are probably self-hating hapas with a filipina mother

>> No.52966601

that is not the father, that's just a pedo enjoying the sights

>> No.52966654
File: 5 KB, 454x520, 1234566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52966677

explain the deano meme to us burgers I need to identify an american equivalent

>> No.52966702

Just stick with a good company and pay into your 401k so you have a retirement.

>> No.52966720

i one day aspire to be comfortably lower middle class. it's a big dream, probably won't happen. but aim for the moon

>> No.52966728
File: 101 KB, 400x400, bears pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like townhouses

>> No.52966871
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>> No.52967073
File: 315 KB, 611x561, 1642829789716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's basically Britain's fake plastic "young entrepreneur" "grind" population that's all visuals and no substance.

Also another variation of "British people look funny/ugly" meme

>> No.52967428

>Imagine letting your kids walk to school unattended in NYC or Chicago, pretty stupid right?

>Hey Tyrese let's rob that 9 year old and take his, uhh, healthy lunch and mathbook
Car crashes kill children far more often than Tyrese.

>> No.52967480

Deano is based and his American counterpart is named Brad (not quite Chad).

>> No.52967568

we built them perfectly for their actual intended purpose:
making it as difficult as legally possible for niggers to enter and then exit after they're done doing crime
the entire history of housing in america post 1945 has revolved around this and this alone

>> No.52967610



yeah right you whiner

>> No.52967648

it's true. it's why there's no sense of community. every house is just an island in a sea of cars. the most time anyone spends in their neighborhood is however long it takes to walk from the house to the car.

>> No.52967695

105K in Canada.....Barely middle class

>> No.52967918

people from working class backgrounds who have moved up the economic ladder but still have very low brow tastes

>> No.52967932


Lol no it doesn’t you fucking retard, hope this is bait. Otherwise you have autism

>> No.52967933
File: 97 KB, 640x360, doomer-wojak-3633687723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> My parents are divorced

>> No.52968871

Lol brown

>> No.52969842

You know that used to be the normal case for everyone until something happened a few decades ago.

>> No.52969890

There are twice as many whites below the poverty line than blacks, and there are more hispanics below the poverty line than blacks too.

>> No.52969998

I unironically heard that a month ago from a friend 10 years older than me. the pure dread I felt from that sentence was something

>> No.52970076

401k can be good if the company match is insane.

>> No.52970213


I work as a general contractor doing small revisions and remodels in people's houses.

You would not believe how many married men flat out tell me their wife is the boss and all decisions go through her.

How do these guys live with themselves?

>> No.52970224

An open relationship? Are you sure, honey?

...I mean, yeah. Right. If I left my Pornhub open and you saw, I guess there's no denying it, huh? So, this is kinda messed up but I DO love imagining you with big dicked Black men.

Oh. OH, Jesus. You said you already have a bull in mind from a fetish site? I mean, yeah, an OnlyFans could be a badass way to pick up some side income if we're really going to do this.

*Muttering to self. Wiping swear off brow.*

Holy shit. We're gonna do this.

>> No.52970341

The thing is, if you take off when everyone else if off, nothing is happening so it's extra comfy to be off.

>> No.52970603

I was housed and fed as a child, that's bare minimum parenting. School was ranked very low as it was rural and the teachers were low IQ.

I left at 18, and my parents haven't paid for a single thing since I turned 16 and got a job.

I've had guns pulled on me by the police before, but instead of doing nig shit I just put my hands up and slowly explained what I was doing.

My dads an alcoholic who lives in my grandparent's basement.

Fuck these entitled minorities dude, I worked my fucking ass off for the past decade just to hear this fag shit. Get your shit together man

>> No.52970628

Upper middle

>> No.52970766

>>My home is my biggest investment
My only source of gains

>> No.52970864

>It's not like they're hurting anyone! I say it's none of my business, live and let live. America baby!

>> No.52970989
File: 215 KB, 652x896, 1671580601934539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small business is middle class?

>> No.52971402

Most 20 year olds spend Christmas with their family

>> No.52972687

Can’t wait for these Black Friday sales
I can finally buy the top range Garmin smartwatch on sale.

>> No.52972760

Huh? Vice versa??
Please explain the concept of ‘buying to move a house’

>> No.52972797

I have to work tomorrow

>> No.52972870

Lol anywhere outside of Toronto and changcouver you could live like a king with that money. They literally pay you to live up north.

>> No.52972883

It's a combination of people already having time off for holidays (like if Christmas is in the middle of the week, it's only 3 days to have a full week off) and general businesses being kind of locked up while people are away. January is frequently the time where businesses start new initiatives, update teams, etc. If you're not there, you get kind of left behind or miss essential shit to starting new things.

>> No.52972944

poor detected

>> No.52972962

You find somewhere you want to live and then you pay the money for a house there.

Vs. you find the house that's big that you can afford, then you move to it, even if it's a terrible location.

>> No.52973072
File: 310 KB, 1280x720, B_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please keep your personal belongings with you at all times. If you see unattended baggage, do not touch it, but notify staff immediately. Thank you.
>bing. bong.
>Next stop... Central
>bing. bong.
>This train will stop at... Central. Change at Central for T1 North Shore, T8 Airport, Intercity, Regional New South Wales, and light rail services.
>whirrrrr-beeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeep
>Doors closing, please stand clear

To be honest it's definitely more of a working class feel.

>> No.52973526
File: 393 KB, 1350x2048, 1653338681844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52973867

buy a new grand caravan

>> No.52974128

I shop at costco

>> No.52974439

Let me tell you about two little words you need to get through your head....

>> No.52975159

Non-burger here. Genuinely enjoying the thread but there are things I don't get, is using lots of cringey idioms a typically suburban/middle class thing in the US?

>> No.52976065

By definition thats kinda what the middle, or average, does so ya u rite
lol he's gay you can tell by his face + smile and to a lesser extent the fact he is sitting criss cross apple sauce

>> No.52976080

The filipinas love white dick, it's got to be the highest number of non whites attracted to whites and it's not just the ones on the island its like permanently in their DNA.

>> No.52978030

>Turn 50
>Buy a V6 Camaro

>> No.52978561

>A variable interest rate sounds terrific

>> No.52978879

Middle class with 1.5M household income here. What is with the poors in this thread thinking they’re middle class?

>> No.52979669

>Who's been dipping into my Oxycontin? Five are missing.

>> No.52979723

My race is being genocided

>> No.52979746 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 688x360, psalms-90-17-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52979783


>> No.52979941

middle class Chad vs multi millionaire Incel.

>> No.52980178

Chad transgender vs Incel straight male

>> No.52980277

working hard will pay off in the end and eventually some day i wont be in bill hell. someday. i just need to work harder.

>> No.52980466

what about people like me that only make 90k but are extremely good with money and could go a few years without working(with a family) because they DONT do all that shit you wrote about

>> No.52980978

>not spending 1 month every year in France

>> No.52981061

because most normal people want to be off when everyone else is. people take off to hang with friends and family, and most people are off, whether voluntarily or not, the week during christmas.

>> No.52981396

>I’ll tell ya what Paco… it’s Pablo? Whatever sorry. Point is, here in America we have a certain way of doing things. Now you can either get with the program or you can git out. Comprende?

>> No.52982132

Ultimately it's very regional. $350k is probably only middle class in San Francisco, LA or New York. But in Cleveland or Pittsburgh, or probably even Houston or Tampa it is a very comfortable upper middle class lifestyle.